Ryan Kelley in Teen Wolf: The Movie (2023)
The Paramount+ release Teen Wolf: The Movie revisited the world of Beacon Hills, taking place 15 years after the events of the Teen Wolf series finale, as a terrifying evil from the past re-emerges causing Scott (played by Tyler Posey) to reunite his trusted friends and gain some new allies to fight for the safety of the world. The film reveals that Deputy Parrish (played by Ryan Kelley) is still at work in Beacon Hills and also in a relationship with Scott's ex, Malia. He is stripped out of his police uniform by her so that they can get steamy. Ryan showed some brief rear nudity for the scene. While the film also features Teen Wolf alums Tyler Hoechlin, Dylan Sprayberry, Colton Haynes & Khylin Rhambo, like Posey, they all remain fully clothed for the film.
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