Armani Jackson & Tyler Lawrence Gray on Wolf Pack (2023)

Based on a novel, the new teen genre series Wolf Pack follows teenagers Everett (played by Armani Jackson) & Blake, when their school bus gets trapped by a major wildfire causing a traffic catastrophe that leaves several dead and both teens bitten by a mysterious creature. They later find their injuries quickly healed and their bodies enhanced as they wonder what's happening to them. Armani appeared shirtless, surprised to see his own abs. The episode also introduced werewolf siblings Luna & Harlan (played by Tyler Lawrence Gray), who go on the search for their now-missing werewolf father, leading them to Everett & Blake instead. Harlan spent several scenes inside a dance club, where he got cozy with the DJ, Asher (played by Jake Mateo). They made out until being interrupted by Luna. There was also a brief glimpse of Tyler's torso during the makeout scene. The series was created by Teen Wolf creator Jeff Davis for Paramount+ and also stars genre icon Sarah Michelle Gellar.

Armani Jackson

Tyler Lawrence Gray with Jake Mateo



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