Brian Jordan Alvarez on English Teacher (2024)

The new FX Network comedy English Teacher centers on Evan (played by Brian Jordan Alvarez), the titular educator who finds himself balancing the demands of his colleagues, students, and their parents as a small town gay teacher. Episode 1 began with Brian shirtless as Evan's morning routine was chronicled before he rushed off to work. The episode also featured a few gay kisses between Evan and his ex-boyfriend Malcolm (played by Jordan Firstman) when Evan met with Malcolm to discuss an investigation targeting Evan for kissing him in front of students, which caused a complaint from a parent who believes seeing the kiss turned her son gay. The meeting between the two led to a hookup kiss. Later, Evan thought back to the kiss they shared at the school. While Evan manages to escape the investigation, he is left with an ultimatum from the school board, not to date any other teachers in the school or be fired. Of course, the episode ends with him meeting new substitute teacher Harry (played by Langston Kerman), who appears to show a personal interest in him.

Brian Jordan Alvarez

Jordan Firstman & Brian Jordan Alvarez 


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