25 Days of Gays: Jump, Darling (2020)
The Canadian film Jump, Darling tells the story of Russell (played by Thomas Duplessie) a young drag queen who finds his comfortable relationship crumbling, causing him to flee to the country where he finds his grandmother Margaret in declining health, rebelling against his mother's efforts to move her into a nursing home. Through re-establishing his familial bond with her, Russell comes to a greater understanding of the world around him. He also explores the local drag scene, leading him to meet bar employee Zachary (played by Kwaku Adu-Poku). As he throws himself into his drag, and attempts to take care of his grandmother, he manages to juggle a potential new romance as well. Thomas & Kwaku both appeared shirtless in the film. Thomas also showed his butt for an embarrassment nude scene where Zachary pulls down Thomas' underwear when the two hit the water for an impromptu frolic on the beach.
Thomas Duplessie
Thomas Duplessie & Kwaku Adu-Poku
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