25 Days of Gays: Femme (2023)
The UK thriller Femme follows Jules (played by Nathan Stewart-Jarrett), a drag queen who is the victim of a homophobic assault after a confrontation leaves young Preston (played by George MacKay) offended, causing him to lash out in front of his friends. Months later, Jules' life remains in shambles when he crosses paths with Preston at a gay sauna. After discovering that Preston is closeted and doesn't recognize him, Jules sets out to get his revenge. But as the two grow closer, they both find themselves moving further away from the person they once were. Nathan & George got several shirtless scenes, with George also showing rear nudity while Nathan showed partial nudity. John McCrea was shirtless in his supporting role as Jules' friend and ex-boyfriend Toby. Joel Elferink was shirtless playing another man that flirts with Jules at the sauna. Adult film stars Austin Sugar, Leander, Gabriel Cross, Scott Wild, Michael Afemake & Danny Flash all showed various amounts of skin in clips and videos that Jules watches throughout the film, as he concocts a plan for revenge porn to get back at Preston.
Nathan Stewart-Jarrett
George MacKay
George MacKay & Nathan Stewart-Jarrett
John McCrea
Austin Sugar & Leander
Michael Afemake & Danny Flash
Joel Elferink
Gabriel Cross & Scott Wild
Sauna Extras
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