25 Days of Gays: Be Happy! (2019)

Be Happy! is a musical drama from Spain. It centers on an eclectic group of people, whose lives connect through song, as they deal with various tribulations in their lives. The primary story involved David (played by Billy Cullum), a young British man having a relationship crisis with his partner Daniel (played by Toni Vallès). While David tries his best to reach a state of happiness in his relationship, Daniel is engaging in an affair with another man (played by David Bocian). As the various characters are drawn closer together in one location, their dramas reach their climax. Billy & Toni both appeared shirtless during the film. David got a rear nude scene, as his unnamed character spent time in the bedroom with Daniel. Writer/director Ventura Pons previously directed and co-wrote Food of Love, which was previously featured on 25 Days of Gays.

David Bocian (left) & Toni Vallès (right)

Toni Vallès & Billy Cullum


1 comment:

  1. In The Show Man with a Plan The Episode Battle of the Sexiest Features Two Characters Don and Lowell Fully Shirtless in a Office Scene There Played by Kevin Nealon and Matt Cook


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