Dec 15, 2019

GayTV Recap: General Hospital (Episodes 14466-14476)

It hasn't been a great holiday season for General Hospital's gays, Brad & Lucas. The husbands began Episode 14466 with a major rift between them. Despite cutting ties with his father Julian again due to his blackmail of Brad, Lucas (played by Ryan Carnes) remained suspicious that Brad (played by Parry Shen) was still hiding a major secret from him. Brad came looking for Lucas at the hospital after clocking out, hoping that Lucas might be able to leave early with him. Lucas promptly refused, telling him that he was still busy with work. Brad brought up how little time they've spent together as a family with their son Wiley lately, but Lucas brought up Brad's secrets, making it clear that he was no longer onboard with ignoring Brad's secrecy.

Brad hoped that Lucas wasn't going to punish their son, especially with Thanksgiving coming tomorrow. Lucas told Brad that he was going to spend time with Wiley on his own, away from Brad and that he had already taken a shift at the hospital for Thanksgiving. This left Brad feeling upset and disappointed. Lucas told him that he could fix everything if he would just come clean and tell him what it is he's hiding. Brad brought up Dr. Obrecht and his regrets for helping her cover-up medical tests, but Lucas refused to believe that was what he was hiding. He said that until Brad told him the truth, he wasn't interested in putting on a happy face as a family.

After Brad's departure from the hospital, Lucas shared a pleasant reunion with an old friend when Brook Lynn arrived, revealing her return to Port Charles. Lucas' childhood pal looked to catch-up with him and she told him all about what she had been up to and the reason behind her surprise return to town. She couldn't help but notice, however, that Lucas was being bothered by something and she encouraged him to open up. Meanwhile, Brad headed towards the Floating Rib bar, only for Obrecht to emerge, bringing his annoyance to a peak.

Brad blamed Obrecht for putting the idea in Lucas' head that he was hiding a bigger secret. Obrecht told him that she did not appreciate his husband blaming her for their problems. Brad congratulated her for setting into motion the destruction of his life, causing his emotions to rise, taking the unfeeling Obrecht by surprise as Brad began to break down because of the situation he was stuck in.

Back at the hospital, Lucas confided in Brook Lynn about his marriage problems. He told her that he loves Brad but he can't understand why he's so determined to keep Lucas in the dark about something. He revealed that it's tearing them apart. Brook Lynn brought up the holidays being a good time to reconnect with family, but Lucas told her that he planned to work on Thanksgiving. This left Brook Lynn worried that he was choosing to give-up and ignore his problems, instead of choosing to face them and fight for his family.

Obrecht urged Brad to control his emotions, as she was ill-equipped to comfort him. She told him that they both have to be strong to get through this. She said that Brad made his bed and now he has to lie in it and continue to lie and lie because it's the only way to keep his family together. Brad was left wondering how much more he could do to hold himself together.

Lucas appeared to be swayed, as Brook Lynn urged him not to put his work before his family and to confront his issues because it's the only way he can make things better. He can't avoid the problem. Lucas appreciated her advice and having her back in his life. Meanwhile, Brad made a phone call to Obrecht's daughter, his best friend Britt. Brad only got her voicemail and he left a message, sadly wishing her a happy Thanksgiving as he, unlike Lucas, had been unable to find a supportive outlet to vent about his problems.

The next day's episode, #14467, found various residents celebrating Thanksgiving. At the hospital, Elizabeth found Lucas making phone calls, trying to find someone to take his shift at the hospital so that he could go home. He filled Elizabeth in on his mistake in taking the extra shift so that he could avoid his issues with Brad and she sympathized. At home, Brad was hanging out with Wiley when he heard a knock at the door. Expecting Lucas' mom Bobbie to take Wiley to Thanksgiving with Lucas' family, Brad was surprised to find Lucas' nephew Michael (played by Chad Duell) on his doorstep. He revealed that Bobbie sent him for Wiley. Brad continued to feel slightly uncomfortable with Michael being around Wiley given that Brad knows Wiley is Michael's birth son. Meanwhile, Lucas' estranged father Julian (played by William deVry) sat in his car outside, revealing sinister intentions for Brad.

Lucas told Elizabeth about Brook Lynn's return to Port Charles, which didn't make Elizabeth very enthusiastic, given her history with the woman. Lucas told her about the advice she gave him to stop avoiding Brad and fight for his family. Elizabeth reluctantly agreed with that advice. Meanwhile, Brad was faced with questions from Michael about his supposed illness, keeping him from joining the family for Thanksgiving. Michael figured he knew why Brad was avoiding them. He brought up knowing about Brad going to his ex Nelle's parole hearing before Brad told his mother Carly. This left Brad feeling even more uncomfortable, as he figured Michael was there to lay into him. Michael said that wasn't true. He was hurt by Brad speaking up on Nelle's behalf but it didn't mean he felt Brad should be ostracized on Thanksgiving.

Brad thanked Michael for his understanding and assured him that he was not upset that Nelle's parole request was declined. He got Wiley ready to go and Michael encouraged him to come be with the family, but Brad claimed that he was actually not feeling very well. Plus with Lucas busy working, he didn't really feel up to it. Michael departed with Wiley, which was spied by Julian outside. Julian was glad to see Wiley gone, given his plans to tamper with Brad's car in order to rid Lucas & Wiley of Brad and the possibility that Lucas could ever learn that Wiley was the birth son of Michael and Nelle.

Later, Elizabeth caught up with Lucas at the hospital, revealing to him that she got someone to cover his shift at the hospital, by pulling a few strings, which included her working a little later. Lucas was grateful for the favor, but sad to hear that Elizabeth was actually working the full evening too. She told him about her kids being with their grandmother and their tough year with her husband Franco's memory loss causing their family to break apart, unaware that Franco was listening from the stairs. She told Lucas to go be with his family and wished him luck with working things out.

Julian returned to his car after using pliers to cut a cord from Brad's car, damaging his brakes. Julian vowed that his son would soon be rid of Brad and that he had left him no choice. Julian departed. Later, Brad was watching television when Lucas arrived home, surprising him. Lucas told him that he was wrong to avoid things at home with Brad. He said that he wanted to make things right. He was convinced they could handle anything, but the only way they could was if Brad told him what this big secret was that he was hiding. Lucas needed him to tell him the truth, right now. This left Brad on the spot and off-guard as the episode ended.

The next episode, #14468, picked up right where things left off, as Lucas demanded the truth from Brad. When he brought up Obrecht's schemes again, Lucas flew off the handle, angry because he knew that wasn't what Brad was really hiding. They've been over that already. Lucas knows there's something else. He told Brad to tell him the truth, because if he didn't they weren't going to have anything left to fight for. They might as well be over.

Brad remained tight-lipped, unable to bring himself to tell Lucas what he was hiding. This caused Lucas to turn to leave, but Brad stopped him, swearing to him that he would never do anything to hurt Lucas or Wiley and that they were at the forefront of his mind for every decision he makes. He also swore to Lucas that he wasn't cheating on him after Julian's fabricated affair. Lucas said that it was very obvious that Brad was still hiding something. Lucas told him that he needed to know what that was, if Brad truly cared about their family.

Lucas said that Brad had to be brave enough to tell him the truth. He said if they don't have communication, they have nothing. They would just need to move on. This isn't just about them anymore. They have Wiley now and they made a commitment when they adopted him, believing they would be together forever. Brad said that's all he wants. Lucas brought up his own broken home after his adoption and how he never wanted that for Wiley. When Lucas' diabetic monitor went off, Brad tried to give him his pill, but Lucas refused to take it, getting his own. Lucas said it would have been better never adopting if they were just going to destroy their marriage and hurt Wiley. Brad disputed that. Lucas then told him to tell the truth then, for Wiley's sake.

Lucas' phone rang and Brad urged him not to answer, but Lucas saw it was his sister Carly and picked up. She told Lucas about her husband Sonny's father Mike having a major Alzheimer's episode and not knowing who Sonny was, which left things very tense at the house. She was hoping he could come over to help raise spirits. Lucas glanced at Brad and then told Carly they would be there. Brad was caught off-guard. Lucas said their family needed them and they were going over to Carly's, leaving Brad uncomfortable again. He didn't think that was a good idea, but Lucas said he was going to be there for family, because that's the right thing to do. Besides, Wiley was there and this might be his last Thanksgiving with his parents together. An upset Brad begged him not to say that. Lucas grabbed Brad's keys, wondering who was going to drive.

Lucas was behind the wheel as the two headed to Carly & Sonny's house. Lucas continued to speculate on what Brad was hiding. He wondered if it had something to do with Wiley. He realized that was when Brad started acting so paranoid. Lucas wondered if maybe Brad never wanted to adopt a child with him. Brad said that wasn't true. He loves Wiley. Lucas wondered if that was the case. He wondered if maybe he had put too much pressure on Brad to have a child. Brad told him that he wanted Wiley, probably too much. That statement left Lucas confused as to what Brad meant.

While driving, Lucas continued to pressure Brad to tell him the truth. Brad grew more unsettled and Lucas yelled at him to tell him what he was hiding. Brad then blurted out that Wiley wasn't the baby they adopted. Lucas was stunned when Brad then revealed the truth that Wiley was really Michael & Nelle's baby, leaving Lucas horrified by the truth that he was raising his nephew's child that his family believed was dead.

Unbeknownst to the couple, Julian & Neil had been searching for Neil's girlfriend Alexis (Julian's ex and Lucas & Brad's lawyer) who had discharged herself from the hospital, leaving them worried for her safety as they put together the pieces of her mystery illness and the plot against her by personal trainer Kendra. What they didn't know was that Kendra had placed Alexis on the road and planned to run her over. Meanwhile, Lucas attempted to stop Brad's car, only to discover the brakes were not working. They couldn't slow down as the car sped towards Kendra's car, leading to a major accident that inadvertently saved Alexis' life but left the occupants of both cars in serious trouble.

Episode 14469 picked up things from there, with both cars seriously damaged. Julian & Neil arrived to find Alexis. They discovered Kendra dead in her car. Julian questioned Alexis, wondering what happened. She explained Kendra's plot to kill her, as Neil confirmed Kendra's death. He rejoined Alexis to make sure she was okay after calling for help. Julian then went to check on the other car, only to realize that it was Brad's car.

Julian made his way to the vehicle, feeling satisfied that his efforts to get rid of Brad worked. He was then shocked to see Brad in the passenger seat and Lucas behind the wheel. Julian panicked as he realized that his son might be seriously hurt or worse. He yelled for Lucas while trying to break the window to get to him. The police arrived, including police commissioner Jordan and detective Chase (played by Josh Swickard). They were busy processing the scene with Alexis and the other car. Julian rushed over to them, alerting them to Lucas being hurt in the other car. The couple was rushed to the hospital. Julian made his way there, finding Chase in the emergency room. He wondered what Lucas' condition was, not caring about Brad. Chase told him that Lucas was in surgery and suffered the worse injury to his head while Brad would be okay despite minor injuries. This left Julian very upset.

Episode 14470 began with Brad unconscious in a room at General Hospital. Julian walked into the room, seeing him. The angry Julian told the unconscious Brad that this wasn't supposed to happen. It was supposed to be Brad driving his car, not Lucas. He left upset at his actions hurting his son. Left alone, an unconscious Brad experienced nightmares as he relived the moment he told Lucas the truth about Wiley's parentage, haunting him.

Elsewhere, Julian found Bobbie & Carly with Chase and his girlfriend Willow as the doctor who handled Lucas' surgery came out to update them. He revealed that Lucas suffered a severe head injury in the crash that led to swelling of his brain. He revealed that Lucas was in a medically-induced coma and they needed the swelling to go down before they could know the extent of the damage to his brain, leaving Julian more upset. Chase & Willow went to check on Brad. He woke up, realizing where he was. Willow tried to calm him but he demanded to know what happened to Lucas. Willow went to find his doctor, as Chase hoped Brad might be able to explain what happened.

Julian listened as Carly & Bobbie tried to find some faith and hope that Lucas would pull through. They were informed that he could only have two visitors at a time. Bobbie went right in. Despite her hatred for Julian, Carly allowed Julian to go in as well while she waited in the hall. Julian couldn't bring himself to go any further than the door, as he saw Lucas hooked up to a ventilator fighting for his life because of Julian's actions intended for Brad.

Back in Brad's room, Chase asked him questions about what happened before the accident. Brad told him that he was upset and that's why Lucas decided to drive. He told Chase about the brakes not working and Lucas losing control when they hit the other car. Chase wondered if Brad had been having any car trouble and he told him that he hadn't. This left Chase with more questions and curiosity about what could have happened to Brad's car.

Hearing Bobbie trying to comfort the comatose Lucas as he remained on life support began to get the best of Julian and he couldn't stay in the room any longer. He told Carly she could go in and be with her mother. Carly joined Bobbie and they talked to Lucas about Wiley and how he was okay and looking forward to having his fathers back. Carly urged Lucas to fight to come back to his family because they needed him. Bobbie said that Lucas had never disappointed the Spencer family before and he couldn't start now. He had to get better.

Later, Julian returned and continued to stand in the doorway to Lucas' room as Bobbie held his hand. She then asked Julian to come in and sit with Lucas while she went to check on Brad. Julian agreed. She told him that she knew it hurt to see Lucas like this but it would do them both good for Julian to just sit and talk to him. Left alone with his son, Julian told Lucas that this was all wrong. He wasn't supposed to get hurt. Julian told him how sorry he was for what had happened. He begged Lucas for forgiveness, as Bobbie returned with Brad, who wondered what Julian wanted forgiveness for, catching him by surprise.

Julian snapped at Brad, telling him that he wanted forgiveness for all the time he missed with Lucas, and all of the reasons he gave him to keep his distance. He told Brad that he regrets all of it. Julian went back out into the hallway, as Brad told Lucas how much he loved him and that he would not leave his side until Lucas got better. Bobbie told Lucas that his family was waiting for him and Wiley needed him. Brad chimed in, saying they both need him, as an emotional Julian stood outside hearing everything they said.

Episode 14471 began with Brad still at Lucas' side, keeping his promise not to leave him until he woke up. Bobbie and Julian stood in the hallway outside the room, until Bobbie was pulled away by Carly and her husband Sonny because of an update on the crash from Chase. Julian lurked nearby, listening intently as Chase explained that the damage to Brad's car was too extensive to help them figure out if Brad's brakes had been purposely tampered with. Realizing he might get away with his crime, Julian returned to the window outside Lucas' room, watching Brad inside.

Brad grew upset when Nurse Epiphany wheeled him out of Lucas' room, telling him that Lucas was being examined and Brad needed to get back to his room and rest. Brad refused to leave his husband, despite his bruised ribs and concussion. They stopped with Carly & Sonny who both tried to calm Brad down. They reminded him that he needed to take care of himself, if he wanted to be there for Lucas. Carly promised him that she would let him know if anything changed. Brad blamed himself for what happened to Lucas and Sonny wondered why. Brad told them that it was his car. He should have been driving, not Lucas. Carly demanded that he not torture himself. Realizing they were both at the hospital, Brad wondered where Wiley was. They assured him that he was fine with Michael. This left Brad uneasy.

Later, Epiphany found Brad back in Lucas' room. She told him he was supposed to be resting. He told her that he did rest and he demanded that she leave him alone so he could be with his husband. He took a power nap. She said he needed more than ten minutes and Lucas would be very upset with both of them if he didn't let her take care of him. Brad snapped at her, telling Epiphany that he didn't care if Lucas was upset or wanted to scream at him, because it would mean that he was okay. He said that he could yell at him all he wanted when he woke up.

Bobbie & Carly found Brad outside of Lucas' room. He told them that he wasn't sure he could do this. He told them that Lucas was the strong one. They refused to let him give up. Bobbie told him about the miracles she's seen in her years working at the hospital and how they have outnumbered the tragedies. She told him that he had to lean-in to the hope that Lucas was going to fight to pull through. Brad went back into the room and again professed his love for Lucas. He begged Lucas to remember that.

Episode 14476 found Brad sitting in the waiting area as Willow arrived, looking to check on him. She wondered how Lucas was doing and how Brad was holding up. She told him that she was there for him and for Wiley, whatever they needed. She stayed as Lucas' family and friends gathered for an update from Chief of Staff and family friend, Monica, who told them that they were going to start the process of getting Lucas off of the ventilator to see if he could breathe on his own. She told them that they were also going to taper off his medication to see how he responds. Brad & Carly listened intently, as Julian remained upset over the situation.

After Monica decreed that Lucas would be under close observation for the next few hours, the group dispersed. Willow saw Brad remained and sat down next to him, wondering if he was okay. Brad said that sounded like good news and Willow agreed it was promising. Brad said he just wished he could go back and change things to make better decisions. Willow urged him not to keep punishing himself. She reminded him that what happened to Lucas was an accident and it wasn't his fault, as Julian was revealed to be eavesdropping on them.

Later, Willow brought Brad something to eat, reminding him that he needs to keep his strength up, but he refused to eat. She said that Lucas would want him to take care of himself. Brad said she didn't know what Lucas wanted. Willow wondered if Brad was blaming himself because he and Lucas had been fighting before the accident. Brad told her that was none of her business. She told him that was true, but she wouldn't have entrusted them with her baby if she didn't think they couldn't work through some rough patches. Julian walked over  hearing Brad snap at her, demanding she stop being so nice to him because she didn't know the truth. Then, Chase arrived, surprising Willow. He revealed that he was there to take a statement from Michael's ex, Nelle, who had been admitted to the hospital. That news took Brad & Julian by surprise.

The group gathered again for an update from Monica. She shared the good news that Lucas was off life support and breathing on his own. That led to relief from them. She did tell them that he wasn't responding to any physical stimuli yet, but the next 24 hours would be critical. Julian wondered why. Bobbie explained to him that the longer Lucas remained in the coma the less of a possibility there would be of him waking up. Brad wasn't happy to hear that.

Brad went to talk to Chase, as his mind veered back to Nelle. He wondered what happened to her and Chase told him that Nelle had been stabbed in prison. Brad wondered if it was bad, but Chase said, unfortunately, it was only a minor wound. Brad asked him if it wouldn't be better for her to be recovering behind bars. Chase agreed and assured him that as soon as she was patched up, she would be headed back. Brad was glad to hear that, but also still nervous. This didn't go unnoticed by Lucas' pal Brook Lynn. Unfortunately for them all, Nelle had her own plans which didn't involve her returning to prison. Given that she is secretly Wiley's birth mother, that means more drama ahead for Brad and his family.


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Walker ( 2 ) Andrew Walko ( 1 ) Andros Perugorría ( 1 ) Andrzej Chyra ( 1 ) Andy Bean ( 9 ) Andy Bowles ( 1 ) Andy Brady ( 1 ) Andy Copeland ( 1 ) Andy Favreau ( 4 ) Andy Kelso ( 1 ) Andy Samberg ( 1 ) Andy Sandoval ( 1 ) Angel Bismark Curiel ( 6 ) Angel Garet ( 2 ) Angelo Mutti Spinetta ( 1 ) Angus Cloud ( 2 ) Angus McLaren ( 1 ) Angus Sutherland ( 1 ) Angus Wright ( 1 ) Anhad Singh ( 1 ) Anirudh Pisharody ( 1 ) Anong Houngheuangsy ( 1 ) Ansel Elgort ( 12 ) Ansel Pierce ( 1 ) Anson Mount ( 3 ) Anthony Belsile ( 1 ) Anthony Bless ( 1 ) Anthony Bryant ( 1 ) Anthony Burrell ( 1 ) Anthony Chatmon II ( 1 ) Anthony Cruz ( 1 ) Anthony Dalton II ( 6 ) Anthony De La Torre ( 1 ) Anthony Gaudette ( 2 ) Anthony Hill ( 7 ) Anthony Ilott ( 1 ) Anthony Ippolito ( 1 ) Anthony J.Caruso ( 1 ) Anthony Johnston ( 1 ) Anthony K. 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Solano ( 1 ) Anthony Turpel ( 1 ) Antoine Baillet-Devallez ( 1 ) Antoine Herbez ( 1 ) Antoine Lahaie ( 1 ) Antoine Matanovic ( 1 ) Antoine Olivier Pilon ( 1 ) Antoine Reinartz ( 1 ) Antoine Simoni ( 1 ) Anton Narinskiy ( 4 ) Anton Noori ( 1 ) Anton Selyaninov ( 1 ) Anton Vincent Malco ( 1 ) Anton von Lucke ( 1 ) Anton Weil ( 1 ) Anton Yelchin ( 1 ) Antoni Porowski ( 2 ) Antonin Stahly ( 1 ) Antonio Altamirano ( 1 ) Antonio Banderas ( 1 ) Antonio Biaggi ( 1 ) Antonio Cipriano ( 2 ) Antonio Madison ( 1 ) Antonio Martinez ( 1 ) Antonio Marziale ( 1 ) Antonio Ortiz ( 1 ) Antonio Saboia ( 1 ) Antonio Velázquez ( 1 ) Antony Starr ( 5 ) Antwon Tanner ( 1 ) Anty de la Vega ( 1 ) Anuchit Sapanpong ( 1 ) Aoi Takeya ( 1 ) Aquiles Poblete ( 1 ) Ar Tem ( 1 ) Aramis Knight ( 5 ) Archie Madekwe ( 2 ) Archie Renaux ( 2 ) Aren Buchholz ( 1 ) Arhley Brazoban ( 1 ) Ari Boyland ( 1 ) Ari Cohen ( 1 ) Ari Millen ( 3 ) Aria Shahghasemi ( 1 ) Ariclenes Barroso ( 1 ) Ariel Levy ( 2 ) Ariel Wolf ( 1 ) Arinzé Kene ( 1 ) Arjun Gupta ( 1 ) Arjun Mathur ( 1 ) Arlen Escarpeta ( 1 ) Armani Jackson ( 6 ) Armie Hammer ( 4 ) Armin Karima ( 2 ) Arnaud Bronsart ( 1 ) Arnaud Valois ( 2 ) Arno Greeff ( 3 ) Arón Piper ( 5 ) Arron Blake ( 1 ) Artem Mishin ( 1 ) Arthur Allen ( 1 ) Arthur Falko ( 1 ) Arthur Igual ( 1 ) Arthur Napiontek ( 1 ) Arthur Navarat ( 1 ) Arturo Castro ( 1 ) Arturo Frutos ( 1 ) Arvin Kananian ( 1 ) Asa Butterfield ( 4 ) Asaf Goren ( 1 ) Asaf Jonas ( 1 ) Ash Hunter ( 3 ) Ashlee Brian ( 1 ) Ashley Day ( 2 ) Ashley Springer ( 1 ) Ashley Walters ( 1 ) Ashley Zukerman ( 5 ) Ashmal Ali ( 2 ) Ashraf Barhom ( 1 ) Ashton Burch ( 1 ) Ashton Kutcher ( 3 ) Ashwin Gore ( 1 ) Asjah Ferguson ( 1 ) Assad Zaman ( 1 ) Atomu Mizuishi ( 1 ) Atsumi Kanno ( 1 ) Atthaphan Poonsawas ( 2 ) Atticus Mitchell ( 1 ) Aubrey Joseph ( 1 ) Aubrey Marquez ( 1 ) August Blanco Rosenstein ( 1 ) August Browning ( 1 ) August Medina ( 1 ) August Wittgenstein ( 3 ) Augusto Aguilera ( 1 ) Augusto Trainotti ( 1 ) Augustus Prew ( 3 ) Austin Aaron ( 1 ) Austin Abrams ( 3 ) Austin Amelio ( 1 ) Austin Butler ( 8 ) Austin Chunn ( 1 ) Austin Crute ( 1 ) Austin Falk ( 2 ) Austin Fryberger ( 1 ) Austin Hébert ( 1 ) Austin James ( 1 ) Austin Lyon ( 1 ) Austin Moori ( 1 ) Austin Nichols ( 5 ) Austin North ( 2 ) Austin Parker ( 1 ) Austin Peck ( 1 ) Austin Scott ( 1 ) Austin Seifert ( 1 ) Austin Stowell ( 6 ) Austin Sugar ( 1 ) Austin Swift ( 1 ) Austin Woods ( 1 ) Avan Jogia ( 12 ) Avery Pfeiffer ( 1 ) Avi Nash ( 1 ) Avi Rothman ( 1 ) Axel Arenas ( 1 ) Axel Auriant ( 1 ) Ayuhsmann Khurrana ( 1 ) Ayumi Tanida ( 7 ) B.J. Britt ( 5 ) Babs Olusanmokun ( 1 ) Bachi Valishvili ( 1 ) Bank Chuang ( 1 ) Bardo Böhlefeld ( 1 ) Barna Moricz ( 1 ) Barney Glover ( 1 ) Barret Lewis ( 1 ) Barrett Carnahan ( 3 ) Barrett Young ( 5 ) Barry Keoghan ( 3 ) Barry O'Connor ( 1 ) Barry Plath ( 2 ) Barry Wyatt ( 1 ) Bart Edwards ( 5 ) Bart Fletcher ( 1 ) Barton Cowperthwaite ( 1 ) Bartosz Gelner ( 2 ) Bashir Salahuddin ( 1 ) Basit Eniafe ( 2 ) Bastian Scheibe ( 1 ) Bastien Delamare ( 1 ) Bastien Gabriel ( 1 ) Bastien Waultier ( 1 ) Bayardo De Murguia ( 3 ) Bear Grylls ( 4 ) Beau Minniear ( 2 ) Beau Mirchoff ( 23 ) Beboy Nanthakorn Sringenthap ( 4 ) Beck Bennett ( 2 ) Bejean Banner ( 1 ) Belmont Cameli ( 2 ) Beltran Horisberger ( 1 ) Ben Ahlers ( 1 ) Ben Aldridge ( 1 ) Ben Barnes ( 5 ) Ben Barrington ( 1 ) Ben Bass ( 1 ) Ben Baur ( 2 ) Ben Bonenfant ( 1 ) Ben Chaplin ( 1 ) Ben Chisholm ( 1 ) Ben Cook ( 4 ) Ben Cura ( 1 ) Ben Dextraze ( 1 ) Ben Feldman ( 1 ) Ben Gigli ( 1 ) Ben Goldsmith ( 1 ) Ben Hardy ( 2 ) Ben J. Pierce ( 3 ) Ben Jackson Walker ( 1 ) Ben Jasper ( 1 ) Ben Koldyke ( 1 ) Ben Lambert ( 1 ) Ben Lawson ( 1 ) Ben Levin ( 10 ) Ben Mendelsohn ( 3 ) Ben Milliken ( 1 ) Ben Münchow ( 1 ) Ben Peel ( 1 ) Ben Platt ( 5 ) Ben Rappaport ( 2 ) Ben Robson ( 20 ) Ben Rovner ( 1 ) Ben Ryan ( 1 ) Ben Savage ( 1 ) Ben Silverstone ( 1 ) Ben Sinclair ( 8 ) Ben Sullivan ( 1 ) Ben Taylor ( 1 ) Ben Turland ( 1 ) Ben VanderMey ( 1 ) Ben Whishaw ( 6 ) Benadas Arkauskas ( 1 ) Benedict Cumberbatch ( 1 ) Benjamin Barrett ( 2 ) Benjamín Bou ( 1 ) Benjamin Douglas Rivera ( 1 ) Benjamin Farmer ( 2 ) Benjamin Franczuszki ( 1 ) Benjamin Hollingsworth ( 1 ) Benjamin Huber ( 1 ) Benjamin Izaak ( 1 ) Benjamin James Storey ( 1 ) Benjamin Levy Aguilar ( 4 ) Benjamin Lutz ( 2 ) Benjamin Norris ( 2 ) Benjamin Papac ( 1 ) Benjamín Prati ( 1 ) Benjamin Radjaipour ( 1 ) Benjamin Samaddar ( 1 ) Benjamin Stone ( 1 ) Benjamin Thys ( 1 ) Benjamin Voisin ( 1 ) Benjamin Wadsworth ( 6 ) Benjamin Walker ( 2 ) Benjamin Weaver ( 1 ) Benji Aflalo ( 5 ) Benji Crisnis ( 1 ) Benn Northover ( 1 ) Bennie Felix ( 1 ) Benny Blanco ( 2 ) Benoît Maréchal ( 2 ) Bernardo Saracino ( 5 ) Bernhard Bozian ( 1 ) Bernhard Bulling ( 1 ) Berto Colon ( 2 ) Beto Pineda ( 1 ) Beto Sargentelli ( 1 ) Bilal El Atreby ( 1 ) Bilal Hasna ( 1 ) Bill Barrett ( 1 ) Bill Heck ( 3 ) Bill Kottkamp ( 1 ) Bill Milner ( 1 ) Bill Posley ( 1 ) Bill Skarsgård ( 12 ) Billey Demirtas ( 1 ) Billy Armstrong ( 1 ) Billy Ashworth ( 1 ) Billy Brown ( 12 ) Billy Cullum ( 1 ) Billy Eichner ( 2 ) Billy Flynn ( 30 ) Billy Howle ( 6 ) Billy Lush ( 1 ) Billy Magnussen ( 14 ) Billy Miller ( 12 ) Billy Porter ( 2 ) Billy Reilich ( 6 ) Billy Sadoo ( 1 ) Billy Unger ( 2 ) Bjørn Alexander ( 1 ) Björn Elgerd ( 1 ) Björn Gustafsson ( 1 ) Björn Stefánsson ( 1 ) Blaine Kern III ( 2 ) Blaine Maye ( 1 ) Blaine Pennington ( 1 ) Blair Cowen ( 1 ) Blair Dickens ( 1 ) Blair Jackson ( 1 ) Blair Penner ( 1 ) Blair Redford ( 2 ) Blair Strang ( 1 ) Blair Underwood ( 2 ) Blaise Embry ( 1 ) Blaise Reyes ( 1 ) Blake Anderson ( 6 ) Blake Berris ( 2 ) Blake Cooper Griffin ( 2 ) Blake Davis ( 1 ) Blake French ( 2 ) Blake Harrison ( 1 ) Blake Jenner ( 5 ) Blake Peyrot ( 2 ) Blake Richardson ( 1 ) Blake Ritson ( 2 ) Blake Stadnik ( 1 ) Blake Waldron ( 1 ) Blake Young-Fountain ( 1 ) Blew Velvet ( 1 ) Blue Kimble ( 2 ) Bo Burnham ( 1 ) Bob Turton ( 1 ) Bobby Campo ( 4 ) Bobby Cannavale ( 4 ) Bobby Crowder ( 3 ) Bobby Hogan ( 1 ) Bobby Lockwood ( 1 ) Bobby Moreno ( 1 ) Bobby Morley ( 2 ) Bobby Soto ( 1 ) Boden Pothorin ( 1 ) Booboo Stewart ( 4 ) Boodi Kabbani ( 1 ) Boone Platt ( 1 ) Boris Kodjoe ( 21 ) Boyd Holbrook ( 1 ) Bozidar Kocevski ( 1 ) Brad Benedict ( 10 ) Brad Bukauskas ( 1 ) Brad French ( 1 ) Brad Gorton ( 1 ) Brad Hallowell ( 1 ) Brad Harder ( 1 ) Brad Hawkins ( 1 ) Brad Kalilimoku ( 2 ) Brad Newman ( 1 ) Brad Pitt ( 2 ) Brad Rowe ( 1 ) Brad William Henke ( 1 ) Bradley Cooper ( 2 ) Bradley Cross ( 1 ) Bradley Gibson ( 7 ) Bradley Hamilton ( 1 ) Bradley James ( 1 ) Bradley Riches ( 1 ) Bradley Whitford ( 1 ) Brady Hender ( 1 ) Brady Hepner ( 1 ) Braeden Buys ( 1 ) Braeden Clarke ( 1 ) Braeden De La Garza ( 2 ) Bram Hoover ( 1 ) Branden Cook ( 7 ) Brando Eaton ( 4 ) Brandon Barash ( 30 ) Brandon Beemer ( 10 ) Brandon Brown ( 1 ) Brandon Butler ( 1 ) Brandon Daley ( 1 ) Brandon Dixon ( 1 ) Brandon Flynn ( 6 ) Brandon Grimes ( 1 ) Brandon Jay McLaren ( 1 ) Brandon Johns ( 1 ) Brandon Jones ( 1 ) Brandon Larracuente ( 2 ) Brandon Licea ( 1 ) Brandon Lim ( 1 ) Brandon Morales ( 1 ) Brandon Mychal Smith ( 1 ) Brandon P. Bell ( 1 ) Brandon Perea ( 1 ) Brandon Quinn ( 1 ) Brandon Rollo ( 1 ) Brandon Routh ( 4 ) Brandon Sacks ( 1 ) Brandon Scott Jones ( 3 ) Brandon Shaffer ( 1 ) Brandon Sklenar ( 1 ) Brandon Soo Hoo ( 2 ) Brandon Stacy ( 1 ) Brandon Thane Wilson ( 1 ) Brandon Tyler Moore ( 1 ) Brandon Victor Dixon ( 3 ) Brandon White ( 1 ) Brandon Winn ( 2 ) Brandon Yutterman ( 1 ) Brant Daugherty ( 2 ) Brashaad Mayweather ( 1 ) Breckin Meyer ( 2 ) Bren Foster ( 1 ) Brendan Bradley ( 1 ) Brendan Coughlin ( 1 ) Brendan Fehr ( 2 ) Brendan Fletcher ( 2 ) Brendan Fraser ( 1 ) Brendan Hines ( 1 ) Brendan Lamb ( 1 ) Brendan Scannell ( 2 ) Brenden Wedner ( 1 ) Brendon Vanstone ( 1 ) Brennan Clost ( 1 ) Brennan Mejia ( 1 ) Brent Antonello ( 18 ) Brent Bailey ( 1 ) Brent Collins ( 1 ) Brent Gorski ( 1 ) Brent Jennings ( 1 ) Brent Morin ( 1 ) Brent Wise ( 1 ) Brenton Duplessie ( 1 ) Brenton Thwaites ( 7 ) Brett Azar ( 2 ) Brett Beckham ( 1 ) Brett Chukerman ( 2 ) Brett Dalton ( 2 ) Brett Davis ( 1 ) Brett Dier ( 2 ) Brett Geddes ( 2 ) Brett Holland ( 1 ) Brett Justin Koppel ( 1 ) Brett Temple ( 1 ) Brett Tucker ( 15 ) Brett Wyman ( 1 ) Brian Altemus ( 4 ) Brian Austin Green ( 3 ) Brian Bufriend ( 1 ) Brian Combs ( 1 ) Brian Dewar McNamara ( 1 ) Brian Dietzen ( 1 ) Brian Earp ( 1 ) Brian Geraghty ( 1 ) Brian Gross ( 1 ) Brian Grossman ( 1 ) Brian J. Alford ( 1 ) Brian J. Smith ( 9 ) Brian Jordan Alvarez ( 4 ) Brian Jordan Jr. ( 2 ) Brian Keane ( 3 ) Brian Lucas ( 1 ) Brian Maierhofer ( 2 ) Brian McArdle ( 1 ) Brian Muller ( 1 ) Brian Patrick Wade ( 1 ) Brian Sheppard ( 1 ) Brian Sutherland ( 1 ) Brian Tee ( 1 ) Brian Ventimiglia ( 1 ) Brian Vernel ( 1 ) Brian White ( 1 ) Brix Carpio ( 1 ) Brock Ciarlelli ( 2 ) Brock Cuchna ( 1 ) Brock Davis ( 2 ) Brock Harris ( 1 ) Brock Kelly ( 2 ) Brock O'Hurn ( 3 ) Brock Yurich ( 9 ) Brody Jenner ( 1 ) Bronson Pinchot ( 1 ) Brontez Purnell ( 1 ) Brooker Muir ( 2 ) Brooks Darnell ( 4 ) Brooks Ryan ( 1 ) Bruce Campbell ( 1 ) Bruce Greenwood ( 1 ) Bruce Hung ( 1 ) Bruce L. Hart ( 1 ) Bruno Fernandes ( 2 ) Bruno Germano ( 1 ) Bryan Bachman ( 2 ) Bryan Craig ( 16 ) Bryan Dattilo ( 2 ) Bryan Greenberg ( 2 ) Bryan Kirkwood ( 1 ) Bryan Lillis ( 2 ) Bryan Safi ( 1 ) Bryan Terrell Clark ( 1 ) Bryant Chang ( 1 ) Bryce Blais ( 1 ) Bryce Draper ( 1 ) Bryce Hirschberg ( 4 ) Bryce Johnson ( 4 ) Bryce McKinney ( 1 ) Bryce Sage ( 1 ) Bryshere Y. Gray ( 3 ) Bryson Powers ( 1 ) Bryton James ( 24 ) Buck Braithwaite ( 1 ) Bug Hall ( 2 ) Burak Ates ( 1 ) Burgess Jenkins ( 2 ) Burkely Duffield ( 6 ) Burl Moseley ( 1 ) Burn Gorman ( 1 ) Burton Binder ( 1 ) Byron Langley ( 1 ) Byron Mann ( 1 ) Byron Pang ( 1 ) Byung-hun Lee ( 1 ) C. Thomas Howell ( 2 ) Caio Horowicz ( 1 ) Calahan Skogman ( 1 ) Caleb Alexander Smith ( 2 ) Caleb Foote ( 3 ) Caleb Hoffman ( 1 ) Caleb J. Spivak ( 2 ) Caleb Krassner ( 1 ) Calem MacDonald ( 3 ) Callum Blue ( 2 ) Callum Dunphy ( 1 ) Callum Kerr ( 3 ) Callum Needham ( 1 ) Callum Turner ( 4 ) Callum Woodhouse ( 1 ) Calum Worthy ( 2 ) Calvin Leon Smith ( 1 ) Calvin Seabrooks ( 2 ) Cam Gigandet ( 12 ) Camaron Engels ( 1 ) Cameron Bancroft ( 1 ) Cameron Bass-Jackson ( 1 ) Cameron Boyce ( 1 ) Cameron Cowperthwaite ( 3 ) Cameron Cuffe ( 3 ) Cameron Deane Stewart ( 1 ) Cameron Fuller ( 1 ) Cameron Geller ( 1 ) Cameron Gharaee ( 1 ) Cameron Johnson ( 1 ) Cameron Mathison ( 3 ) Cameron Monaghan ( 25 ) Cameron Moulène ( 2 ) Cameron Palatas ( 1 ) Cameron Scoggins ( 1 ) Cameron Scott ( 1 ) Cameron Stout ( 1 ) Canto Zhou ( 1 ) Cardi Wong ( 1 ) Cardryell Truss ( 1 ) Carel Nel ( 1 ) Carl Herzog ( 1 ) Carl Loughlin ( 1 ) Carlin James ( 1 ) Carlito Olivero ( 5 ) Carlo Calderone ( 1 ) Carlos Cuevas ( 2 ) Carlos da Silva ( 1 ) Carlos E. Gonzalez ( 1 ) Carlos Echevarría ( 3 ) Carlos Gonzalez-Vio ( 1 ) Carlos Hendrick Huber ( 2 ) Carlos Luque ( 1 ) Carlos Mestanza ( 1 ) Carlos Miranda ( 12 ) Carlos Noriega ( 1 ) Carlos Plaza ( 1 ) Carlos Ponce ( 2 ) Carlos Salas ( 1 ) Carlos Soroa ( 4 ) Carlos Torres ( 3 ) Carloto Cotta ( 2 ) Carsen Warner ( 1 ) Carson Boatman ( 10 ) Carson MacCormac ( 1 ) Carson Rowland ( 2 ) Carter Hudson ( 7 ) Carter Jenkins ( 8 ) Case Walker ( 2 ) Casey Cott ( 25 ) Casey Deidrick ( 6 ) Casey Moss ( 22 ) Casey Sullivan ( 1 ) Casey Thomas Brown ( 2 ) Casey W. Johnson ( 1 ) Cashel Barnett ( 2 ) Caspar Phillipson ( 1 ) Casper Andreas ( 4 ) Casper Ostman ( 1 ) Casper Van Dien ( 1 ) Catero Alain Colbert ( 1 ) Cayden Boyd ( 1 ) Ceallach Spellman ( 7 ) Cedric Leiba Jr. ( 1 ) Cedrick Mughisha ( 1 ) Célien Pinon ( 1 ) Cem Akkanat ( 1 ) Cem Alkan ( 1 ) Cesar Campos ( 1 ) Cesar Cipriano ( 2 ) Cesar DeFuentes ( 1 ) César Mateo ( 1 ) César Pereira ( 1 ) Cesar Ramos ( 1 ) César Vicente ( 1 ) Cesare Serra ( 1 ) CFNM ( 462 ) Chace Crawford ( 9 ) Chad Allen ( 4 ) Chad Bartley ( 1 ) Chad Bowman ( 1 ) Chad Connell ( 1 ) Chad Duell ( 32 ) Chad Faust ( 1 ) Chad Ford ( 1 ) Chad James Buchanan ( 1 ) Chad Michael Collins ( 2 ) Chad Michael Murray ( 10 ) Chad Savage ( 1 ) Chad Strawn ( 1 ) Chad Willett ( 2 ) Chai Hansen ( 2 ) Chaloemdet Thammawut ( 1 ) Chance Hurstfield ( 5 ) Chance Perdomo ( 3 ) Chandler Massey ( 50 ) Chaneil Kular ( 2 ) Channing Tatum ( 2 ) Chanon Santinatornkul ( 1 ) Charles Aitken ( 1 ) Charles Bartley ( 1 ) Charles Berling ( 1 ) Charles Chudabala ( 1 ) Charles Chun ( 1 ) Charles Esten ( 1 ) Charles Gould ( 1 ) Charles Grounds ( 1 ) Charles Melton ( 24 ) Charles Mesure ( 1 ) Charles Michael Davis ( 4 ) Charles Parnell ( 1 ) Charles Russell ( 1 ) Charley Palmer Rothwell ( 1 ) Charlie Barnett ( 5 ) Charlie Carver ( 4 ) Charlie David ( 5 ) Charlie Day ( 2 ) Charlie DePew ( 3 ) Charlie Ferguson ( 1 ) Charlie Gillespie ( 4 ) Charlie Hall ( 2 ) Charlie Heaton ( 5 ) Charlie Himmelstein ( 1 ) Charlie Hunnam ( 7 ) Charlie Keegan ( 1 ) Charlie Maher ( 1 ) Charlie McDermott ( 1 ) Charlie McElveen ( 1 ) Charlie Reid ( 1 ) Charlie Weber ( 19 ) Charlie Westerberg ( 1 ) Charly Hübner ( 1 ) Chase Anondson ( 1 ) Chase Coleman ( 2 ) Chase Leifeld ( 5 ) Chase Stokes ( 2 ) Chase Williamson ( 1 ) Che Watson ( 1 ) Chen Tang ( 2 ) Chester Lockhart ( 1 ) Chester Rushing ( 1 ) Cheyenne Jackson ( 10 ) Cheyne Hannegan ( 1 ) Cheyne Magnusson ( 1 ) Chibuikem Uche ( 3 ) Chico García ( 1 ) Chidiegwu Chidi ( 1 ) Chido Nwokocha ( 10 ) Chino Darín ( 1 ) Chisco Amado ( 1 ) Chitom Eze ( 1 ) Chiwetel Ejiofor ( 1 ) Chopper Bernet ( 1 ) Chord Overstreet ( 7 ) Chris Aldrich ( 10 ) Chris Baker ( 1 ) Chris Bauer ( 4 ) Chris Bethards ( 1 ) Chris Born ( 1 ) Chris Boudreaux ( 1 ) Chris Bresky ( 1 ) Chris Brochu ( 1 ) Chris Carlisle ( 2 ) Chris Carmack ( 14 ) Chris Carson ( 2 ) Chris Chih-Cheng Lee ( 1 ) Chris Colfer ( 2 ) Chris Colon ( 1 ) Chris Connell ( 2 ) Chris Conrad ( 1 ) Chris Conroy ( 2 ) Chris Coy ( 10 ) Chris D'Elia ( 3 ) Chris Diamantopoulos ( 1 ) Chris Ellis-Stanton ( 1 ) Chris Evans ( 11 ) Chris Fenlon ( 1 ) Chris Finch ( 1 ) Chris Fisher ( 1 ) Chris Gartin ( 1 ) Chris Geere ( 9 ) Chris Graham ( 1 ) Chris Grezo ( 1 ) Chris Hemsworth ( 15 ) Chris Jehnert ( 1 ) Chris Jenks ( 1 ) Chris Kozlowski ( 1 ) Chris Lazzaro ( 1 ) Chris Lowell ( 10 ) Chris Lung ( 1 ) Chris Mark ( 1 ) Chris Markle ( 1 ) Chris Mason ( 7 ) Chris McNally ( 2 ) Chris Messina ( 8 ) Chris Meyer ( 1 ) Chris New ( 1 ) Chris Nolan ( 1 ) Chris O'Dowd ( 2 ) Chris O'Shea ( 4 ) Chris Olsen ( 1 ) Chris Osborn ( 1 ) Chris Patrickson ( 1 ) Chris Pelletier ( 1 ) Chris Pereira ( 1 ) Chris Perfetti ( 1 ) Chris Petrovski ( 1 ) Chris Pine ( 10 ) Chris Pratt ( 4 ) Chris Puckett ( 2 ) Chris Reid ( 1 ) Chris Renfro ( 5 ) Chris Riggi ( 2 ) Chris Riley ( 1 ) Chris Salvatore ( 5 ) Chris Sheffield ( 3 ) Chris Smith ( 1 ) Chris Stafford ( 1 ) Chris Sullivan ( 2 ) Chris Titone ( 2 ) Chris Van Etten ( 1 ) Chris Walley ( 3 ) Chris Warren ( 2 ) Chris Whitley ( 1 ) Chris Witsake ( 1 ) Chris Wood ( 4 ) Chris Zylka ( 9 ) Christian Antidormi ( 4 ) Christian Arnold ( 1 ) Christian Bables ( 1 ) Christian Berishaj ( 1 ) Christian Blanch ( 1 ) Christian Cooke ( 7 ) Christian Coulson ( 1 ) Christian Ferrer ( 2 ) Christian Gabriel ( 1 ) Christian Gade Bjerrum ( 1 ) Christian Galvis ( 1 ) Christian Gehring ( 4 ) Christian Howard ( 1 ) Christian James ( 1 ) Christian Keyes ( 3 ) Christian LeBlanc ( 1 ) Christian Madsen ( 1 ) Christian Navarro ( 4 ) Christian Nicholes ( 1 ) Christian Ochoa ( 2 ) Christian Reyes Løvdal ( 1 ) Christian Slate ( 1 ) Christian Slater ( 2 ) Christian Valderrama ( 2 ) Christian Willis ( 1 ) Christin Byrdsong ( 1 ) Christoffer Nordenrot ( 1 ) Christoph Pehofer ( 1 ) Christoph Schechinger ( 1 ) Christophe Chemin ( 1 ) Christophe de Coster ( 1 ) Christophe Paou ( 1 ) Christopher Abbott ( 5 ) Christopher Aguilasocho ( 1 ) Christopher Backus ( 1 ) Christopher Briney ( 1 ) Christopher Chan ( 1 ) Christopher Cutillo ( 1 ) Christopher Diprete ( 1 ) Christopher Eccleston ( 2 ) Christopher Egan ( 6 ) Christopher Fitzgerald ( 1 ) Christopher Foley ( 1 ) Christopher Fung ( 1 ) Christopher Gorham ( 3 ) Christopher Grant Pearson ( 1 ) Christopher Gray ( 1 ) Christopher Hayes ( 1 ) Christopher Higgins ( 1 ) Christopher J. Hanke ( 1 ) Christopher Jacot ( 1 ) Christopher Jones ( 1 ) Christopher McDaniel ( 1 ) Christopher Meloni ( 8 ) Christopher Michaels ( 1 ) Christopher Mintz-Plasse ( 3 ) Christopher Reid ( 1 ) Christopher Rosamond ( 1 ) Christopher Russell ( 1 ) Christopher Sean ( 36 ) Christopher Sherwood ( 1 ) Christopher Tramantana ( 1 ) Christopher Tsang ( 1 ) Christopher Villiers ( 1 ) Christopher Wyllie ( 1 ) Christos Klapsis ( 1 ) Chuck Handy ( 1 ) Ciarán Griffiths ( 1 ) Cillian Murphy ( 6 ) CJ Beckford ( 3 ) Clark Duke ( 2 ) Clark Moore ( 1 ) Clay Hollander ( 1 ) Claybourne Elder ( 2 ) Clayne Crawford ( 1 ) Clayton Bailey ( 1 ) Clayton Nemrow ( 1 ) Clemens Schick ( 1 ) Clément Geerts ( 1 ) Clément Naline ( 1 ) Clément Sibony ( 1 ) Cleo Anthony ( 1 ) Cliff 'Method Man' Smith ( 4 ) Clive Standen ( 2 ) Coby Ryan McLaughlin ( 10 ) Cody Bagshaw ( 1 ) Cody Callahan ( 1 ) Cody Christian ( 15 ) Cody Easterbrook ( 1 ) Cody Fern ( 7 ) Cody Kearsley ( 8 ) Cody Ko ( 1 ) Cody Linley ( 1 ) Cody Longo ( 1 ) Cody Matthew Blymire ( 1 ) Cody McMains ( 1 ) Cody Ray Thompson ( 2 ) Cody Runnels ( 1 ) Cody Shook ( 1 ) Cody Sloan ( 1 ) Colby Keller ( 1 ) Colby Strong ( 2 ) Cole Doman ( 4 ) Cole Reinhardt ( 1 ) Cole Sprouse ( 17 ) Colin Bates ( 2 ) Colin Donnell ( 2 ) Colin Egglesfield ( 1 ) Colin Farrell ( 3 ) Colin Ferguson ( 3 ) Colin Firth ( 1 ) Colin Ford ( 1 ) Colin McCalla ( 2 ) Colin Morgan ( 2 ) Colin O'Donoghue ( 4 ) Colin Woodell ( 6 ) Collin Baja ( 1 ) Colman Domingo ( 1 ) Colson Baker ( 2 ) Colt Prattes ( 7 ) Colton Haynes ( 5 ) Colton Little ( 2 ) Colton Mackie ( 1 ) Colton Ryan ( 2 ) Colton Tapp ( 1 ) Colton Tran ( 3 ) Colton Wheeler ( 1 ) Conan Hayes ( 1 ) Conan O'Brien ( 1 ) Conlan Kisilewicz ( 1 ) Conner Floyd ( 3 ) Connor Chavez ( 2 ) Connor Field ( 1 ) Connor Hines ( 1 ) Connor Howe ( 1 ) Connor Hughes ( 3 ) Connor Jessup ( 4 ) Connor Johnston ( 1 ) Connor Kennedy ( 1 ) Connor McMahon ( 1 ) Connor Paolo ( 1 ) Connor Scott Frank ( 1 ) Connor Swindells ( 4 ) Connor Weil ( 1 ) Connor Wong ( 1 ) Conor Clarke-McGrath ( 2 ) Conor Donnally ( 1 ) Conor Husting ( 1 ) Conor Leach ( 1 ) Conor McCarron ( 1 ) Conor McGregor ( 1 ) Conor Stinson O'Gorman ( 1 ) Conor Sweeney ( 2 ) Conrad Knowles ( 1 ) Conrad Mericoffer ( 1 ) Conrad Ricamora ( 20 ) Constantin von Jascheroff ( 1 ) Constantine Rousouli ( 3 ) Cooper Devaney ( 1 ) Cooper Koch ( 2 ) Cooper Raiff ( 1 ) Cooper van Grootel ( 4 ) Corbin Bleu ( 4 ) Corentin Fila ( 1 ) Corey Burton ( 1 ) Corey Fogelmanis ( 1 ) Corey Hawkins ( 1 ) Corey Knight ( 3 ) Corey Lay ( 1 ) Corey Rieger ( 1 ) Corey Saucier ( 1 ) Corey Sevier ( 4 ) Corey Stoll ( 3 ) Corin Nemec ( 1 ) Corin Silva ( 1 ) Cormac Murphy ( 1 ) Cornelius Macarthy ( 1 ) Cort King ( 7 ) Cortland Cline ( 1 ) Cory Grant ( 1 ) Cory Hardrict ( 1 ) Cory Jeacoma ( 2 ) Cory Myles ( 1 ) Cory Scott Allen ( 1 ) Cory Zwierzynski ( 5 ) Cosmo Jarvis ( 1 ) Costa Ronin ( 1 ) Courtney B. Vance ( 2 ) Craig Bierko ( 1 ) Craig Geoghan ( 1 ) Craig Hall ( 3 ) Craig Henderson ( 1 ) Craig Horner ( 5 ) Craig Jordan ( 1 ) Craig Ng ( 1 ) Craig Parker ( 1 ) Craig Robert Young ( 1 ) Craig Roberts ( 2 ) Craig Storrod ( 1 ) Craig Stott ( 1 ) Cranston Johnson ( 1 ) Crazy Ninja ( 1 ) Cristhain Rodríguez ( 1 ) Cristián de la Fuente ( 2 ) Cristian Mercado ( 1 ) Cristiano Caccamo ( 1 ) Cristo Cansio ( 1 ) Cristóbal Rodríguez-Costabal ( 1 ) Cristóbal Venegas ( 1 ) Cuba Gooding Jr. ( 2 ) Cullen Moss ( 1 ) Curran Walters ( 2 ) Curt Hansen ( 1 ) Curtis Edward Jackson ( 2 ) Curtis Hamilton ( 1 ) Curtis Lum ( 2 ) Cyril Nri ( 2 ) Cyrus Hobbi ( 1 ) D.B. Woodside ( 1 ) D.J. Cotrona ( 7 ) Dacre Montgomery ( 4 ) Dakota Taylor ( 1 ) Dale Dymkoski ( 2 ) Dallas Roberts ( 3 ) Dalton Edward Phillips ( 1 ) Damián Borda ( 1 ) Damian de Montemas ( 1 ) Damian Lewis ( 1 ) Damian Romeo ( 1 ) Damiano Gavino ( 1 ) Damien Killeen ( 1 ) Damon Dayoub ( 3 ) Damon Gameau ( 1 ) Damon J. Gillespie ( 1 ) Damon Runyan ( 1 ) Damon Williams ( 4 ) Damson Idris ( 8 ) Dan Beirne ( 2 ) Dan Briggs ( 2 ) Dan Darin-Zanco ( 1 ) Dan Elward ( 2 ) Dan Elwood ( 1 ) Dan Ewing ( 1 ) Dan Huang ( 1 ) Dan J. Johnson ( 1 ) Dan Mauro ( 1 ) Dan Nye ( 1 ) Dan Payne ( 1 ) Dan Puck ( 2 ) Dan Stevens ( 4 ) Dana Torrey ( 1 ) Dane Cook ( 2 ) Dane DeHaan ( 2 ) Daniel Andersson ( 1 ) Daniel Augustin ( 2 ) Daniel Bellomy ( 7 ) Daniel Benjamin ( 1 ) Daniel Berilla ( 1 ) Daniel Bernhardt ( 1 ) Daniel Black ( 1 ) Daniel Bonjour ( 3 ) Daniel Boyd ( 1 ) Daniel Brocklebank ( 1 ) Daniel Brühl ( 2 ) Daniel Cahill ( 1 ) Daniel Croix Henderson ( 6 ) Daniel Cudmore ( 1 ) Daniel Dae Kim ( 2 ) Daniel Danca ( 1 ) Daniel DiTomasso ( 13 ) Daniel Doheny ( 1 ) Daniel Dugan ( 1 ) Daniel Eide ( 4 ) Daniel Eric Gold ( 2 ) Daniel Estehghari ( 1 ) Daniel Ezra ( 34 ) Daniel Fanego ( 1 ) Daniel Feuerriegel ( 4 ) Daniel Flaherty ( 1 ) Daniel Franzese ( 1 ) Daniel Gabriel ( 1 ) Daniel Garcia Carrillo ( 1 ) Daniel Gillies ( 1 ) Daniel Goddard ( 9 ) Daniel Goodfellow ( 1 ) Daniel Hall ( 8 ) Daniel Henney ( 2 ) Daniel Ibáñez ( 1 ) Daniel Ings ( 2 ) Daniel Ivan Ossa ( 1 ) Daniel Kaluuya ( 1 ) Daniel Krejcík ( 1 ) Daniel Krmpotic ( 1 ) Daniel Kyri ( 5 ) Daniel Lapaine ( 1 ) Daniel Levy ( 3 ) Daniel Lipshutz ( 1 ) Daniel MacPherson ( 1 ) Daniel Manche ( 1 ) Daniel Martens ( 1 ) Daniel O'Leary ( 1 ) Daniel Paulin ( 1 ) Daniel Quiroga ( 1 ) Daniel Radcliffe ( 4 ) Daniel Rhyder ( 1 ) Daniel Robinson ( 1 ) Daniel Rocha ( 1 ) Daniel Saenz Perez ( 1 ) Daniel Sinasohn ( 1 ) Daniel Skelton ( 3 ) Daniel Stanbra ( 1 ) Daniel Sunjata ( 1 ) Daniel Thomas May ( 1 ) Daniel Webber ( 4 ) Daniel Wilcox ( 1 ) Daniel Wu ( 10 ) Daniel Zovatto ( 13 ) Daniil Vorobyov ( 1 ) Danilo Milenković ( 1 ) Danilo Patzdorf ( 1 ) Daniyar ( 1 ) Danny Aksenov ( 1 ) Danny Binstock ( 1 ) Danny Flash ( 1 ) Danny Griffin ( 1 ) Danny Jacobs ( 1 ) Danny Padilla ( 1 ) Danny Pino ( 1 ) Danny Ramirez ( 3 ) Danny Strong ( 1 ) Danny Vasquez ( 1 ) Danny Walters ( 1 ) Dante Starshine Filipini ( 1 ) Dany Papineau ( 1 ) Darcy Hinds ( 2 ) Daren Kagasoff ( 3 ) Darien Martin ( 2 ) Darin Brooks ( 34 ) Darin Olien ( 6 ) Darío Miño ( 1 ) Darius Savon ( 1 ) Darnell Kirkwood ( 5 ) Darrell Thorne ( 1 ) Darren Barnet ( 8 ) Darren Criss ( 12 ) Darren Lawrence ( 1 ) Darren Mann ( 10 ) Darren McMullen ( 1 ) Darren Munn ( 1 ) Darren Robertson ( 1 ) Darryl Stephens ( 4 ) Darwin del Fabro ( 1 ) Daryl Dorge ( 1 ) Daryl Habraken ( 1 ) Daryl McCormack ( 2 ) Daryl Sabara ( 1 ) Dashaun Wesley ( 1 ) Datura Kilos ( 1 ) Dave Annable ( 2 ) Dave Burd ( 15 ) Dave Franco ( 6 ) Dave Kumar ( 1 ) Dave Register ( 1 ) Dave Sheridan ( 1 ) Dave Snyder ( 1 ) Daveed Diggs ( 5 ) Davi Santos ( 7 ) David A. Gregory ( 4 ) David Ajala ( 5 ) David Alanson ( 3 ) David Alvarez ( 2 ) David Anders ( 2 ) David Andrews ( 1 ) David Aron Damane ( 1 ) David Arquette ( 1 ) David Baïot ( 2 ) David Beckham ( 1 ) David Berry ( 3 ) David Birtwistle ( 7 ) David Blanco ( 1 ) David Bocian ( 1 ) David Brackett ( 1 ) David Broughton-Davies ( 1 ) David Cameron ( 1 ) David Castañeda ( 2 ) David Castro ( 2 ) David Chokachi ( 2 ) David Collins ( 1 ) David Corenswet ( 6 ) David Correos ( 1 ) David Cromer ( 1 ) David Crowley ( 1 ) David Dawson ( 1 ) David de Lautour ( 1 ) David Dees ( 12 ) David Del Rio ( 1 ) David Dencik ( 3 ) David Ebert ( 1 ) David Garber ( 1 ) David Garelik ( 1 ) David Girton ( 1 ) David Giuntoli ( 7 ) David Gridley ( 1 ) David Gyasi ( 1 ) David H. Holmes ( 1 ) David Halina ( 1 ) David Harbour ( 4 ) David Hewlett ( 1 ) David Hull ( 6 ) David Iacono ( 1 ) David Ivanov ( 1 ) David J. Bonner ( 1 ) David J. Cork ( 4 ) David James ( 1 ) David Jonsson ( 4 ) David Joseph Craig ( 1 ) David Kammenos ( 2 ) David Keeley ( 1 ) David Kross ( 2 ) David Labrava ( 1 ) David Lambert ( 2 ) David Lennon ( 1 ) David Leon ( 1 ) David Lim ( 5 ) David Lipper ( 1 ) David Loren ( 1 ) David Maris ( 1 ) David Marlowe ( 1 ) David Marshall Grant ( 1 ) David Matherly ( 1 ) David Melissaratos ( 1 ) David Meza ( 1 ) David Nathie Barnes ( 1 ) David Nellist ( 1 ) David Norona ( 1 ) David Novas ( 1 ) David Page ( 1 ) David Paryla ( 1 ) David Pasquesi ( 2 ) David Patrick Fleming ( 1 ) David Paul ( 1 ) David Pevsner ( 2 ) David Reale ( 1 ) David Ross ( 1 ) David Rott ( 1 ) David Rysdahl ( 1 ) David Scott Keller ( 1 ) David Sillars ( 1 ) David Spade ( 2 ) David St. Pierre ( 1 ) David Sutcliffe ( 1 ) David Terry ( 1 ) David Thompson ( 1 ) David Tomlinson ( 1 ) David Vaughn ( 1 ) David W. Ross ( 1 ) David Wachs ( 1 ) David Walsh ( 1 ) David Walton ( 6 ) David Z. Miller ( 1 ) Davide Calgaro ( 1 ) Davon Williams ( 1 ) Dawid Ogrodnik ( 1 ) Dax Shepard ( 2 ) De'Variyay Harris ( 1 ) Deaken Bluman ( 2 ) Dean Geyer ( 6 ) Dean Jagger ( 3 ) Dean McDermott ( 1 ) Dean Norris ( 2 ) Dean Tang ( 1 ) Declan Michael Laird ( 1 ) Dege Kelly ( 1 ) Deivi Duarte ( 1 ) Del Neto ( 1 ) Delon de Metz ( 4 ) Demetrius Bridges ( 1 ) Demetrius Sager ( 1 ) Demián Bichir ( 1 ) Demore Barnes ( 1 ) Denim Richards ( 5 ) Denis Alevi ( 1 ) Denis Camargo ( 1 ) Denis Leary ( 2 ) Denis Ménochet ( 1 ) Denisas Kolomyckis ( 1 ) Deniz Akdeniz ( 6 ) Dennis Budesheim ( 1 ) Dennis Flanagan ( 1 ) Dennis Renard ( 1 ) Dennis Staroselsky ( 1 ) Dennis Stowe ( 1 ) Dennis Torres ( 2 ) Dennis W. Rittenhouse Jr. ( 1 ) Denton Blane Everett ( 1 ) Denton Kukahiko ( 2 ) Denton Lethe ( 1 ) Denver Milord ( 1 ) Deon Lotz ( 1 ) Derek A. Dixon ( 2 ) Derek Babb ( 1 ) Derek Baynham ( 1 ) Derek Cecil ( 1 ) Derek Chadwick ( 1 ) Derek Fallon ( 1 ) Derek Hough ( 3 ) Derek Laurendeau ( 1 ) Derek Long ( 2 ) Derek Luke ( 1 ) Derek Magyar ( 2 ) Derek Meeker ( 1 ) Derek Nelson ( 1 ) Derek North ( 1 ) Derek Ocampo ( 1 ) Derek Phillips ( 1 ) Derek Poole ( 1 ) Derek Richardson ( 1 ) Derek Smith ( 1 ) Derek Sturgeon ( 1 ) Derek Theler ( 20 ) Derek Villanueva ( 1 ) Derek Wallis ( 1 ) Derek Wilson ( 3 ) Derek Yates ( 2 ) Deric Augustine ( 2 ) Dermot Mulroney ( 2 ) DeRon Horton ( 3 ) Derrick Clowes ( 1 ) Derrick Downey ( 1 ) Desmin Borges ( 3 ) Desmond Chiam ( 10 ) Desmond Eastwood ( 1 ) DeStorm Power ( 1 ) Devale Ellis ( 13 ) Devan Chandler Long ( 5 ) Deven Stillar ( 1 ) DeVille Vannik ( 1 ) Devin Druid ( 3 ) Devin Harjes ( 1 ) Devin Kawaoka ( 2 ) Devin Way ( 3 ) Devon Bostick ( 1 ) Devon Graye ( 3 ) Devon Michael Jones ( 1 ) Devon Sawa ( 2 ) Dewayne Perkins ( 1 ) Dexter Darden ( 1 ) Dexter Fowler ( 1 ) Dhruv Uday Singh ( 4 ) Dico Oliveira ( 1 ) Diego Andres ( 1 ) Diego Avelino ( 1 ) Diego Boneta ( 8 ) Diego Calva Hernández ( 1 ) Diego Escobar ( 1 ) Diego Fox ( 1 ) Diego Garisa ( 2 ) Diego Guevara ( 2 ) Diego Josef ( 1 ) Diego Loyzaga ( 1 ) Diego Luna ( 1 ) Diego Martinez-Tau ( 1 ) Diego Nawrath ( 1 ) Diggy Simmons ( 4 ) Dijon Talton ( 2 ) Dimitri Durdaine ( 1 ) Dimitri Leonidas ( 1 ) Dimitri Stapfer ( 1 ) Dino Fetscher ( 3 ) Dino Petrera ( 2 ) Diogo Almeida ( 1 ) Diogo Hausen ( 1 ) Diogo Morgado ( 1 ) DJ Brotherson ( 1 ) Djordje Mišina ( 1 ) Djordje Živadinović Grgur ( 1 ) Dogac Yildiz ( 1 ) Dogartzi Magunagoicoechea ( 1 ) Domenico Del Giacco ( 1 ) Domhnall Gleeson ( 4 ) Dominic Adams ( 1 ) Dominic Cooper ( 4 ) Dominic DeVore ( 4 ) Dominic Holmes ( 1 ) Dominic Leeder ( 1 ) Dominic MacHale ( 1 ) Dominic Palfrey ( 3 ) Dominic Sessa ( 1 ) Dominic Sherwood ( 17 ) Dominic West ( 7 ) Dominic Zamprogna ( 6 ) Dominick Whelton ( 1 ) Dominik Čičak ( 1 ) Dominik Vodopivec ( 1 ) Dominique Allen Lawson ( 1 ) Don Benjamin ( 1 ) Don Diamont ( 12 ) Don Mousseau ( 1 ) Don Shala ( 1 ) Donald Braho ( 1 ) Donald Faison ( 1 ) Donald MacLean Jr. ( 1 ) Donnell Turner ( 20 ) Donny Boaz ( 11 ) Donovan Christie Jr. ( 2 ) Donovan McGrath ( 1 ) Dontez James ( 2 ) Donzell Lewis ( 1 ) Dorian Giordano ( 1 ) Dorival Mota ( 1 ) Doug Locke ( 1 ) Doug Rogers ( 1 ) Douggie McMeekin ( 1 ) Dougie Poynter ( 1 ) Douglas Booth ( 4 ) Douglas Everett Davis ( 1 ) Douglas Myers ( 1 ) Douglas Reese ( 1 ) Douglas Smith ( 3 ) Dougray Scott ( 1 ) Drake Malone ( 1 ) Drake Milligan ( 2 ) Drake Rodger ( 2 ) Drew Cheetwood ( 3 ) Drew Grey ( 1 ) Drew Harwood ( 1 ) Drew Lipson ( 2 ) Drew Rausch ( 1 ) Drew Ray Tanner ( 16 ) Drew Reade ( 1 ) Drew Starkey ( 4 ) Drew Tarver ( 15 ) Drew Van Acker ( 5 ) Dritan Biba ( 1 ) Dru Lockwood ( 1 ) Duane Williams ( 2 ) Duncan Lacroix ( 1 ) Dusan Dukic ( 1 ) Dushan Milojevic ( 1 ) Dustin Demri-Burns ( 1 ) Dustin Ingram ( 2 ) Dustin Jose ( 1 ) Dustin Milligan ( 7 ) Dustin Nguyen ( 1 ) Dustin Rhodes ( 1 ) Dustin Ross ( 1 ) Dwayne Johnson ( 3 ) Dylan Bair ( 2 ) Dylan Brady ( 1 ) Dylan Bruce ( 12 ) Dylan Bruno ( 1 ) Dylan Curry ( 1 ) Dylan Edrington ( 1 ) Dylan Efron ( 3 ) Dylan Everett ( 1 ) Dylan Fergus ( 1 ) Dylan McDermott ( 2 ) Dylan McTee ( 2 ) Dylan Minnette ( 5 ) Dylan O'Brien ( 7 ) Dylan Playfair ( 1 ) Dylan Sloane ( 1 ) Dylan Sprayberry ( 3 ) Dylan Sprouse ( 4 ) Dylan Thuraisingham ( 5 ) Dylan Vox ( 3 ) Dyllón Burnside ( 3 ) Ean Castellanos ( 1 ) Earl Cave ( 1 ) Eben Figueiredo ( 1 ) Ebon Moss-Bachrach ( 1 ) Ed Helms ( 1 ) Ed Quinn ( 10 ) Ed Sanderson ( 1 ) Ed Skrein ( 1 ) Ed Westwick ( 2 ) Ed Wightman ( 1 ) Eddie Cahill ( 3 ) Eddie Cibrian ( 4 ) Eddie Liu ( 1 ) Eddie Ramos ( 1 ) Eddie Szabo ( 1 ) Eden Classens ( 1 ) Edgar Ramírez ( 2 ) Edmund Donovan ( 6 ) Edouard Lamoitier ( 1 ) Eduardo Arrazola ( 2 ) Eduardo Eliseo Martinez ( 1 ) Eduardo Franco ( 1 ) Eduardo Mantero ( 1 ) Eduardo Ramos ( 1 ) Eduardo Rioseco ( 1 ) Eduardo Rosa ( 1 ) Eduardo Valdarnini ( 1 ) Edvin Ortega ( 1 ) Edvin Ryding ( 2 ) Edward Bennett ( 1 ) Edward Chen ( 1 ) Edward Cruz ( 1 ) Edward Dalmas ( 1 ) Edward Fasulo ( 1 ) Edward Finlay ( 1 ) Edward Hayter ( 1 ) Edward Holcroft ( 4 ) Edward MacLiam ( 1 ) Edward Morgan ( 1 ) Edward Norton ( 1 ) Edward Ruttle ( 1 ) Edward Speleers ( 2 ) Edward Stuart ( 1 ) Edwin Hodge ( 2 ) Edy Escamilla ( 1 ) Effy Oropeza ( 1 ) Eidin Jalali ( 1 ) Eimutis Kvosciauskas ( 1 ) Eion Bailey ( 1 ) EJ Joseph ( 1 ) Eka Darville ( 2 ) Eli Brown ( 17 ) Eli Goree ( 8 ) Eli Kranski ( 1 ) Eli Roth ( 1 ) Elias Anton ( 1 ) Elias Kacavas ( 6 ) Elias Munk ( 1 ) Elias Toufexis ( 1 ) Eliecer Ramírez ( 1 ) Elijah Guo ( 1 ) Elijah Nelson ( 2 ) Elijah Olachea ( 1 ) Elijah Roberts ( 1 ) Elijah Wood ( 1 ) Elliot Fletcher ( 3 ) Elliot Knight ( 2 ) Elliott Gilchrist ( 1 ) Elmer Bäck ( 1 ) Eltony Williams ( 2 ) Eman Esfandi ( 1 ) Emerson Collins ( 1 ) Emerson Niemchick ( 1 ) Emil Algpeus ( 1 ) Emil Almén ( 1 ) Emil Beer ( 1 ) Emile Hirsch ( 1 ) Emiliano Dionisi ( 1 ) Emiliano Zurita ( 1 ) Emilio Calalillo ( 1 ) Emilio Edwards ( 1 ) Emilio Garcia-Sanchez ( 1 ) Emilio von Sternerfels ( 1 ) Emmanualle Sale Taylor ( 1 ) Emmanuel Daumas ( 1 ) Emmanuel Imani ( 2 ) Emmett Friel ( 1 ) Emmett J. Scanlan ( 1 ) Emory Cohen ( 1 ) Emory Duncan ( 1 ) Emrhys Cooper ( 1 ) Emrik Lopez ( 4 ) Eneko Sagardoy ( 1 ) Engin Sert ( 1 ) Enrique Arrizon ( 1 ) Enrique Murciano ( 2 ) Enrique Salanic ( 1 ) Enzo Casanova ( 1 ) Eoin Macken ( 3 ) Erek Lin ( 1 ) Eric Allan Kramer ( 1 ) Eric Aragon ( 1 ) Eric Bana ( 1 ) Éric Bernard ( 1 ) Eric Brenner ( 1 ) Eric Brody ( 1 ) Eric Bruskotter ( 1 ) Eric Cervini ( 1 ) Eric Cheng ( 1 ) Eric Christian Olsen ( 4 ) Eric D. Hill ( 1 ) Eric D'Agostino ( 1 ) Eric Dane ( 4 ) Eric Dean ( 1 ) Eric Debets ( 1 ) Eric Deniverville ( 1 ) Eric East ( 1 ) Eric Freeman ( 4 ) Eric Garcia ( 1 ) Eric Golub ( 1 ) Eric Gorlow ( 1 ) Eric Jeong ( 1 ) Eric Kankaala ( 1 ) Eric Klotzsch ( 1 ) Eric Kofi-Abrefa ( 2 ) Eric Lively ( 1 ) Eric Lutz ( 1 ) Eric Martsolf ( 25 ) Eric McCormack ( 1 ) Eric Mitro ( 1 ) Eric Osborne ( 1 ) Eric Presnall ( 1 ) Eric Stonestreet ( 1 ) Eric T. Miller ( 1 ) Eric Tiede ( 1 ) Eric Todd ( 1 ) Eric Winter ( 5 ) Erick Lopez ( 3 ) Erik Altemus ( 2 ) Erik Hernandez ( 4 ) Erik Mortagne ( 1 ) Erik Orijako ( 1 ) Erik Smith ( 1 ) Erik Stocklin ( 1 ) Erik Thomson ( 1 ) Erik Valdez ( 3 ) Ernest Pierce ( 1 ) Ernesto Alterio ( 1 ) Ernesto Reyes ( 1 ) Eros Vlahos ( 1 ) Eruera Mahara ( 1 ) Erwan Kepoa Falé ( 2 ) Esai Morales ( 1 ) Esteban Benito ( 1 ) Esteban Masturini ( 1 ) Esteban Recagno ( 1 ) Ethan Cutkosky ( 6 ) Ethan Dawes ( 1 ) Ethan Erickson ( 1 ) Ethan Hernandez ( 1 ) Ethan Peck ( 4 ) Ethan Plath ( 6 ) Ethan Rains ( 1 ) Eugene Kim ( 1 ) Eugene Simon ( 1 ) Euriamis Losada ( 1 ) Evan Arnold ( 1 ) Evan Bittencourt ( 5 ) Evan Camacho ( 1 ) Evan Crooks ( 2 ) Evan Daigle ( 6 ) Evan Dumouchel ( 1 ) Evan Hart ( 1 ) Evan Hengst ( 3 ) Evan Hofer ( 3 ) Evan Hoyt Thompson ( 2 ) Evan Jonigkeit ( 3 ) Evan Judson ( 1 ) Evan Marsh ( 2 ) Evan Michael Lee ( 1 ) Evan Mock ( 14 ) Evan Peters ( 15 ) Evan Roderick ( 3 ) Evan Ross ( 1 ) Evan Tauber ( 2 ) Evan Todd ( 1 ) Evan Watkins ( 1 ) Evan Williams ( 2 ) Evgeni Dokoukine ( 1 ) Ewan McGregor ( 1 ) Ewan Mitchell ( 1 ) Ewen Leslie ( 2 ) Eyal Kentov ( 1 ) Eyal Meyer ( 1 ) Eythor Gudjonsson ( 1 ) Ezra Buzzington ( 1 ) Ezra Bynum ( 1 ) Ezra Miller ( 2 ) Fabián Castro ( 1 ) Fabian Unger ( 1 ) Fabio Audi ( 1 ) Fabio Costaprado ( 1 ) Fabio Falco ( 1 ) Fábio Lucindo ( 1 ) Fabrizio Biggio ( 1 ) Fabrizio Borsani ( 1 ) Fabrizio Bucci ( 1 ) Fady Elsayed ( 3 ) Falcon Van Der Baek ( 1 ) Falk Hentschel ( 2 ) Farid Yazdani ( 5 ) Fede Rey ( 1 ) Federico Fontán ( 1 ) Federico Impellizzeri ( 1 ) Fehinti Balogun ( 1 ) Felipe Abib ( 1 ) Félix Beaupérin ( 1 ) Félix Lefebvre ( 1 ) Felix Mallard ( 3 ) Felix Maria Berger ( 1 ) Félix Maritaud ( 3 ) Félix Martinez ( 2 ) Felix Mayr ( 1 ) Félix-Antoine Duval ( 1 ) Fernando Guillén Cuervo ( 1 ) Fernando Hart ( 1 ) Fernando Ramallo ( 1 ) Fernando Rivera ( 2 ) Fernando Tielve ( 1 ) Ferrin Solano ( 1 ) Filip Roséen ( 1 ) Filippo Sandon ( 1 ) Filippo Timi ( 1 ) Fin Argus ( 6 ) Finn Cole ( 17 ) Finn Wittrock ( 11 ) Finnegan Oldfield ( 3 ) Fionn Whitehead ( 1 ) Fisayo Akinade ( 2 ) Florian Geyder ( 1 ) Flula Borg ( 1 ) Flynn Palmer ( 2 ) Forrest Goodluck ( 1 ) Forrest Hoffman ( 1 ) Forth Richards ( 1 ) Fran Kranz ( 1 ) Francesco Di Napoli ( 1 ) Francesco Gheghi ( 2 ) Francesco Pellegrino ( 1 ) Francesco Scianna ( 1 ) Francesco Zecca ( 1 ) Francis Chapman ( 1 ) Francis Xavier McCarthy ( 1 ) Francisco Bertín ( 1 ) Francisco Celhay ( 1 ) Francisco Cruzans ( 1 ) Francisco Dañobeitía ( 1 ) Francisco San Martin ( 1 ) Franck Assi ( 1 ) Franco Denis Nasario ( 1 ) Franco Lo Presti ( 2 ) Franco Marani ( 1 ) Franco Ruiz ( 1 ) François Arnaud ( 11 ) François Nambot ( 1 ) François Sagat ( 1 ) Frank Christian Marx ( 1 ) Frank De Julio ( 4 ) Frank Dillane ( 1 ) Frank Grillo ( 16 ) Frank Hakaj ( 1 ) Frankie Huang ( 1 ) Frankie J. Alvarez ( 2 ) Frankie Rodriguez ( 3 ) Frankie Valenti ( 1 ) Franklin Pena ( 1 ) Frantz Latten ( 1 ) Franz Rogowski ( 2 ) Fraser McLoughlin ( 1 ) Fred Hechinger ( 7 ) Fred Hotier ( 1 ) Freddie Fox ( 9 ) Freddie Prinze Jr. ( 1 ) Freddie Smith ( 39 ) Freddie Stroma ( 10 ) Freddie Thorp ( 2 ) Freddie Wintrip ( 1 ) Freddy Miyares ( 4 ) Frederick Schmidt ( 1 ) Frederico Vasques ( 1 ) Fredrik Quinones ( 1 ) Friedrich Mücke ( 1 ) Fritzy Klevans-Destine ( 2 ) Frode Gjerløw ( 1 ) Froy Gutierrez ( 1 ) Gabino Rodríguez ( 1 ) Gabriel Basso ( 1 ) Gabriel Cross ( 1 ) Gabriel Da Costa ( 1 ) Gabriel Darku ( 1 ) Gabriel Epstein ( 1 ) Gabriel Luna ( 5 ) Gabriel Omri Loukas ( 1 ) Gabriel S. Davis ( 1 ) Gabriel Tigerman ( 1 ) Gabriele Pizzurro ( 1 ) Gabz del Rosario ( 1 ) Gaël Maleux ( 1 ) Gaetano Jones ( 2 ) Gage Banister ( 1 ) Gage Munroe ( 1 ) Gal Ben Amra ( 1 ) Gal Toren ( 2 ) Gale Harold ( 1 ) Galen Drever ( 1 ) Galen Gering ( 2 ) Garcia ( 1 ) Gareth Ernst ( 1 ) Gareth Koorzen ( 1 ) Garikayi Mutambirwa ( 1 ) Garret Dillahunt ( 2 ) Garrett Baer ( 1 ) Garrett Christian ( 1 ) Garrett Clayton ( 3 ) Garrett Hedlund ( 2 ) Garrett Marcantel ( 3 ) Garrett McKechnie ( 1 ) Garrett Richmond ( 1 ) Garry Summers ( 2 ) Gary Beadle ( 1 ) Gary Carr ( 3 ) Gary Cole ( 1 ) Gary Owen ( 1 ) Gary Weeks ( 2 ) Gaspard Ulliel ( 1 ) Gasper Markun ( 1 ) Gastón Pauls ( 1 ) Gaston Re ( 2 ) Gastón Salgado ( 1 ) GaTa ( 3 ) Gattlin Griffith ( 1 ) Gavin Adams ( 1 ) Gavin Casalegno ( 1 ) Gavin Creel ( 1 ) Gavin Houston ( 11 ) Gavin Langelo ( 1 ) Gavin Leatherwood ( 8 ) Gavin Lewis ( 1 ) Gavin MacIntosh ( 1 ) Gavin Philip Che ( 2 ) Gay Themed ( 1788 ) GayTV Recap ( 106 ) Gbenga Akinnagbe ( 3 ) Gem Deger ( 1 ) Gene Farber ( 1 ) Gentry White ( 3 ) Geoff Ingram ( 1 ) Geoffrey Couët ( 3 ) Georg Friedrich ( 1 ) George Basil ( 2 ) George Blagden ( 1 ) George Ferrier ( 2 ) George Hellriegel ( 2 ) George MacKay ( 4 ) George Mason ( 1 ) George Parker ( 1 ) George Rexstrew ( 1 ) George Sear ( 3 ) George Sepa ( 1 ) George Stults ( 1 ) George Taylor ( 1 ) George Webster ( 1 ) Georgie Farmer ( 1 ) Geovanni Gopradi ( 2 ) Gerald McCullouch ( 3 ) Geralt Jimenez ( 1 ) Gerard Butler ( 1 ) Gerard Monaco ( 1 ) Gerardo Del Razo ( 3 ) Gerardo Rodríguez ( 1 ) Gerhard Liebmann ( 1 ) Germán Bracco ( 1 ) Germán Jaramillo ( 1 ) Germán Legarreta ( 1 ) Geronimo Son ( 1 ) Gerran Howell ( 1 ) Getmore Sithole ( 1 ) Ghilherme Lobo ( 1 ) Giacomo Gianniotti ( 8 ) Giacomo Stallone ( 1 ) Gian Franco Rodriguez ( 1 ) Gian Keys ( 1 ) Giancarlo Commare ( 2 ) Giancarlo Sabogal ( 1 ) Gianmarco Saurino ( 2 ) Gianni Paolo ( 10 ) Gideon Emery ( 1 ) Gideon Glick ( 2 ) Gig Morton ( 1 ) Gijs Blom ( 1 ) Gil Bar-Sela ( 1 ) Gil Bellows ( 3 ) Gil Desiano ( 1 ) Gil McKinney ( 1 ) Gilberto Ortiz ( 1 ) Gilles Marini ( 10 ) Gilmar Araujo ( 1 ) Gino Anania ( 1 ) Gino Wilson ( 1 ) Giovanni Ribisi ( 1 ) Giovanni Roselli ( 1 ) Giulio Berruti ( 2 ) Giulio Corso ( 2 ) Giuseppe Spata ( 1 ) Gjermund Gjesme ( 1 ) Glen Berry ( 1 ) Glen Powell ( 7 ) Glenn Fleary ( 1 ) Glenn Howerton ( 6 ) Glenn McCuen ( 1 ) Glenn Richards ( 4 ) Glenn Stott ( 1 ) Gonzague Van Bervesselès ( 1 ) Goran Visnjic ( 1 ) Gordon Alexander ( 1 ) Goya Robles ( 1 ) Graeme Squires ( 1 ) Graeme Thomas King ( 2 ) Graham Hunt ( 1 ) Graham Jenkins ( 1 ) Graham Norton ( 1 ) Graham Parkhurst ( 1 ) Graham Patrick Martin ( 3 ) Graham Phillips ( 1 ) Graham Rogers ( 18 ) Graham Sibley ( 1 ) Graham Stokes ( 3 ) Grant Anstine ( 1 ) Grant Barker ( 1 ) Grant Davis ( 1 ) Grant Gustin ( 6 ) Grant Harvey ( 3 ) Grant Landry ( 1 ) Grant Merritt ( 1 ) Grant Rosenmayer ( 1 ) Grant Show ( 12 ) Grayson McCouch ( 1 ) Grayson Squire ( 1 ) Greg Audino ( 3 ) Greg Austin ( 3 ) Greg Berney ( 1 ) Greg Bryk ( 1 ) Greg Cipes ( 1 ) Greg Finley ( 4 ) Greg Han Hsu ( 1 ) Greg Hovanessian ( 1 ) Greg Kinnear ( 1 ) Greg McKeon ( 4 ) Greg Rikaart ( 25 ) Greg Sestero ( 1 ) Greg Tarzan Davis ( 1 ) Greg Vaughan ( 18 ) Gregg Lowe ( 2 ) Gregg Sulkin ( 14 ) Grégoire Leprince-Ringuet ( 1 ) Gregor Cosgrove ( 1 ) Grégory Cartelier ( 1 ) Gregory Piccirilli ( 1 ) Gregory Smith ( 1 ) Gregory Waits ( 1 ) Grey Damon ( 7 ) Greyston Holt ( 12 ) Griffin Dunne ( 1 ) Griffin Gluck ( 5 ) Griffin Marc ( 1 ) Griffin Matthews ( 3 ) Guifeng Wang ( 1 ) Guillaume Bouchède ( 1 ) Guillaume Gouix ( 1 ) Guillermo Campra ( 1 ) Guillermo Pfening ( 2 ) Gunnar Hojem ( 1 ) Guo Li ( 1 ) Gurjeet Singh ( 3 ) Gus Kamp ( 1 ) Gus Kenworthy ( 3 ) Gustavo Egelhaaf ( 1 ) Gustavo Vinagre ( 1 ) Guy Burnet ( 4 ) Guy Pigden ( 1 ) Guy Tang ( 1 ) Guy Wilson ( 5 ) Guy Zoaretz ( 1 ) Gwilym Lee ( 2 ) Haaz Sleiman ( 3 ) Hale Appleman ( 6 ) Halit Özgür Sari ( 1 ) Hamlet Talje Willoughby ( 1 ) Han Lee ( 1 ) Hank Azaria ( 1 ) Hank Brock ( 1 ) Hank Harris ( 1 ) Hannes Lindenblatt ( 1 ) Hanno Koffler ( 1 ) Harley Swedler ( 1 ) Harold Perrineau ( 5 ) Harris Allan ( 1 ) Harris Dickinson ( 10 ) Harrison Cerami ( 1 ) Harrison Gilbertson ( 1 ) Harrison Grant ( 1 ) Harrison Osterfield ( 1 ) Harry Belcher ( 1 ) Harry Cook ( 1 ) Harry Hains ( 3 ) Harry Jowsey ( 7 ) Harry Lawtey ( 7 ) Harry Lister Smith ( 1 ) Harry Lloyd ( 1 ) Harry McNaughton ( 1 ) Harry Richardson ( 4 ) Harry Shum Jr. ( 25 ) Harry Styles ( 1 ) Harry Treadaway ( 2 ) Harsha First ( 1 ) Hart Denton ( 3 ) Hasi Nabawi ( 1 ) Hayden Byerly ( 3 ) Hayden Christensen ( 2 ) Hayden Fuller ( 1 ) Hayden J. Weal ( 1 ) Hayden Szeto ( 2 ) Hayden Vaughn ( 1 ) Hayward Leach ( 3 ) Heath Ledger ( 1 ) Hector David Jr. ( 1 ) Héctor Escudero ( 1 ) Héctor Trejo ( 1 ) Heiner Bomhard ( 1 ) Henderson Wade ( 1 ) Hendrik Heutmann ( 1 ) Henri Esteve ( 2 ) Henry Ashton ( 1 ) Henry Ayres-Brown ( 1 ) Henry C. King ( 1 ) Henry Cavill ( 3 ) Henry Eikenberry ( 3 ) Henry Felix ( 1 ) Henry Golding ( 2 ) Henry Ian Cusick ( 1 ) Henry Morales ( 2 ) Henry Trueheart ( 1 ) Henry Zaga ( 6 ) Hermes Pittakos ( 1 ) Hero Fiennes Tiffin ( 4 ) Hervé Lassïnce ( 1 ) Heynce Saraf ( 1 ) Hill Harper ( 1 ) Hio Miyazawa ( 1 ) Hisham Morscher ( 1 ) Holden Drew Morse ( 1 ) Hollis W. Chambers ( 2 ) Hoon Lee ( 1 ) Horatio Sanz ( 1 ) Houston Bernard ( 1 ) Houston Rhines ( 1 ) Houston Stevenson ( 1 ) Howard Holcomb ( 1 ) Hsiao-chuan Chang ( 1 ) Huai-Yun Zhan ( 1 ) Hubert Miłkowski ( 2 ) Hugh Jackman ( 2 ) Hugh Sheridan ( 1 ) Hugh Skinner ( 4 ) Hugo Ateo ( 1 ) Hugo Barbosa ( 1 ) Hugo Catalán ( 5 ) Humberto Busto ( 1 ) Hunter Burke ( 4 ) Hunter Clowdus ( 21 ) Hunter Cope ( 1 ) Hunter Dillon ( 1 ) Hunter Doohan ( 3 ) Hunter Emery ( 1 ) Hunter Hoffman ( 1 ) Hunter Knoche ( 1 ) Hunter Parrish ( 6 ) Hutch Dano ( 1 ) Huu Tai ( 1 ) Huw Parmenter ( 1 ) Hyeong-gook Im ( 1 ) Hyun-Joon Yeom ( 1 ) Hyung Hoon Won ( 1 ) Iain Belcher ( 1 ) Iain De Caestecker ( 4 ) Ian Bratschie ( 1 ) Ian C.R. Martin ( 1 ) Ian Chang ( 1 ) Ian Dick ( 1 ) Ian Gregg ( 1 ) Ian Nelson ( 3 ) Ian Patrick Anderson ( 1 ) Ian Rayer-Smith ( 1 ) Ian Roberts ( 1 ) Ian Sharp ( 1 ) Ian Somerhalder ( 4 ) Ian Verdun ( 1 ) Ian Ziering ( 2 ) Ícaro Silva ( 1 ) Iddo Goldberg ( 2 ) Igal Reznik ( 1 ) Igby Rigney ( 2 ) Iggy Malmborg ( 1 ) Ignacio Carrascal ( 1 ) Ignacio Rogers ( 1 ) Ignacio Serricchio ( 2 ) Igor Dewe ( 1 ) Igor Santos ( 1 ) Ike Barinholtz ( 2 ) Iker Amaya ( 1 ) Imani McNorton ( 2 ) In-sung Jo ( 1 ) Ingo Rademacher ( 9 ) Ingvar Sigurdsson ( 1 ) Inigo Pascual ( 1 ) Internet Video ( 5 ) Irandhir Santos ( 1 ) Irvin Morlag ( 1 ) Isaac Cole Powell ( 5 ) Isaac de los Reyes ( 1 ) Isaac Hernández ( 1 ) Isaac Keys ( 3 ) Isaac Ssebandeke ( 1 ) Isaac Webster ( 1 ) Isaach De Bankolé ( 1 ) Isai Torres ( 1 ) Isaiah Jon ( 1 ) Isaiah Lehtinen ( 1 ) Isaiah Lucas ( 1 ) Isaiah Mustafa ( 4 ) Isaiah Stratton ( 1 ) Isaias Santamaria ( 1 ) Isak Barrow ( 1 ) Isha Blaaker ( 1 ) Isidore Bethel ( 1 ) Itzan Escamilla ( 7 ) Iván Álvarez ( 1 ) Ivan Comisso ( 1 ) Iván González ( 1 ) Ivan Hernandez ( 1 ) Ivan Kiev ( 1 ) Ivan Lapadula ( 1 ) Ivan Massagué ( 1 ) Ivan Retamal Fernández ( 1 ) Ivan Rueda ( 1 ) Iván Sánchez ( 1 ) Ivan Trojan ( 1 ) Ivica Kovacevic ( 1 ) Izzy Palazzini ( 1 ) J. Adam Brown ( 1 ) J. Alex Brinson ( 1 ) J. Alphonse Nicholson ( 10 ) J. August Richards ( 4 ) J. Matthew Miller ( 1 ) J. Stephen Bradley ( 1 ) J. Walter Holland ( 1 ) J.C. Lin ( 2 ) J.D. Martin ( 5 ) J.R. Ramirez ( 2 ) J.R. Rolley ( 1 ) J'royce Jata ( 1 ) Jace Pickard ( 1 ) Jack Ball ( 2 ) Jack Bandeira ( 2 ) Jack Bannon ( 6 ) Jack Barton ( 1 ) Jack Baxter ( 1 ) Jack Bennett ( 1 ) Jack Black ( 1 ) Jack Brockett ( 1 ) Jack DePew ( 3 ) Jack Donnelly ( 2 ) Jack Douglas ( 1 ) Jack Falahee ( 22 ) Jack Farthing ( 3 ) Jack Ferver ( 1 ) Jack Fox ( 2 ) Jack Gillett ( 2 ) Jack Greenlees ( 1 ) Jack Hale ( 1 ) Jack Huston ( 1 ) Jack Kesy ( 16 ) Jack Kilmer ( 1 ) Jack Knight ( 1 ) Jack Kross ( 1 ) Jack Lowden ( 1 ) Jack Matthews ( 1 ) Jack McMullen ( 3 ) Jack Mulhern ( 1 ) Jack O'Connell ( 3 ) Jack Quaid ( 10 ) Jack Reynor ( 3 ) Jack Rowan ( 5 ) Jack Royds ( 5 ) Jack Schumacher ( 1 ) Jack Shalloo ( 1 ) Jack Turner ( 2 ) Jackie Chan ( 1 ) Jackie Chow ( 3 ) Jackson Davis ( 3 ) Jackson Gallagher ( 1 ) Jackson White ( 17 ) Jacky Ido ( 1 ) Jacob Anderson ( 6 ) Jacob Artist ( 8 ) Jacob Blair ( 1 ) Jacob Buckenmyer ( 1 ) Jacob Collins-Levy ( 1 ) Jacob DeMonte-Finn ( 1 ) Jacob Elordi ( 19 ) Jacob Houston ( 1 ) Jacob Ifan ( 2 ) Jacob Kyle Young ( 1 ) Jacob Latimore ( 2 ) Jacob Masters ( 2 ) Jacob Newton ( 1 ) Jacob Ritts ( 1 ) Jacob Schatz ( 1 ) Jacob Scipio ( 1 ) Jacob Taylor ( 3 ) Jacob Young ( 6 ) Jade Hassouné ( 1 ) Jaden Goetz ( 1 ) Jadon Cal ( 1 ) Jadon Mukambila ( 1 ) Jah'Meek Williams ( 1 ) Jai Courtney ( 4 ) Jai Rajani ( 1 ) Jaime Camil ( 2 ) Jaime Leiva ( 1 ) Jaime Lorente ( 2 ) Jaime Seal ( 1 ) Jaimie Fauth ( 1 ) Jair Lopez ( 1 ) Jake Austin Walker ( 1 ) Jake Borelli ( 29 ) Jake Busey ( 1 ) Jake Choi ( 3 ) Jake Dashnaw ( 1 ) Jake Delaney ( 1 ) Jake Devlin ( 1 ) Jake Ferree ( 1 ) Jake Garvey ( 1 ) Jake Gyllenhaal ( 2 ) Jake Hoffman ( 1 ) Jake Horowitz ( 1 ) Jake Hunter ( 1 ) Jake Jensen ( 1 ) Jake Johnson ( 3 ) Jake Kelley ( 1 ) Jake Kidwell ( 1 ) Jake Lacy ( 12 ) Jake Lockett ( 5 ) Jake Madden ( 1 ) Jake Manabat ( 1 ) Jake Manley ( 7 ) Jake Maskall ( 3 ) Jake Mateo ( 1 ) Jake McDorman ( 6 ) Jake McLaughlin ( 14 ) Jake Mosser ( 1 ) Jake Olson ( 1 ) Jake Picking ( 3 ) Jake Short ( 4 ) Jake Siegel ( 1 ) Jake Sim ( 1 ) Jake Steel ( 1 ) Jake Stormoen ( 1 ) Jake Street ( 1 ) Jake Weary ( 24 ) Jakub Gierszal ( 1 ) Jakub Krejca ( 1 ) Jakub Sierenberg ( 1 ) Jalaal Hartley ( 1 ) Jamal Andréas ( 1 ) James Badge Dale ( 12 ) James Bagley ( 1 ) James Bloor ( 2 ) James Brown III ( 1 ) James C. Bristow ( 1 ) James Cerne ( 1 ) James Chen ( 2 ) James Copestake ( 1 ) James Deen ( 1 ) James Dolby ( 1 ) James Fanizza ( 1 ) James Fleet ( 1 ) James Franco ( 11 ) James Frecheville ( 1 ) James Gaenzle ( 1 ) James Gaisford ( 1 ) James Gallanders ( 1 ) James Getzlaff ( 1 ) James Gilbert ( 2 ) James Harrison ( 5 ) James Jagger ( 1 ) James Kelly ( 1 ) James Kennedy ( 3 ) James Kleinmann ( 1 ) James Kyson ( 1 ) James Lafferty ( 5 ) James Lance ( 1 ) James Landry Hébert ( 1 ) James Lastovic ( 6 ) James MacCorkindale ( 1 ) James Mackay ( 7 ) James Marchant ( 1 ) James Marsden ( 11 ) James Marsters ( 1 ) James Martinez ( 3 ) James Maslow ( 4 ) James McArdle ( 2 ) James McAvoy ( 2 ) James Michael Bobby ( 1 ) James Michael Cowan ( 1 ) James Morosini ( 3 ) James Murray ( 6 ) James Nitti ( 1 ) James Norton ( 3 ) James O'Halloran ( 3 ) James O'Shea ( 1 ) James Patrick Stuart ( 2 ) James Paxton ( 6 ) James Phoon ( 1 ) James Preston ( 1 ) James Purefoy ( 2 ) James R. Doherty ( 1 ) James Rawlings ( 1 ) James Rittinger ( 1 ) James Roday Rodriguez ( 5 ) James Scott ( 1 ) James Scully ( 5 ) James Sofranko ( 1 ) James Sweeny ( 3 ) James Tindale ( 1 ) James Tolins ( 1 ) James Tratas ( 1 ) James Van Der Beek ( 1 ) James Wiles ( 1 ) James Williams ( 1 ) James Wolk ( 5 ) James Yaegashi ( 1 ) Jamie Bell ( 2 ) Jamie Blackley ( 1 ) Jamie Campbell Bower ( 5 ) Jamie Carter ( 1 ) Jamie Dornan ( 9 ) Jamie Foxx ( 1 ) Jamie Harris ( 1 ) Jamie Hatchett ( 1 ) Jamie Knox ( 1 ) Jamie Martin Mann ( 1 ) Jamie Muscato ( 1 ) Jamie Roy ( 1 ) Jamyl Dobson ( 1 ) Jan Cięciara ( 1 ) Jan Combrink ( 1 ) Jan Hrynkiewicz ( 1 ) Jan Luis Castellanos ( 8 ) Jan Oliver Lucks ( 1 ) Jan Uddin ( 2 ) Janne Puustinen ( 1 ) Jannik Schümann ( 3 ) Jannis Niewöhner ( 2 ) Japhet Balaban ( 1 ) Jared Abrahamson ( 1 ) Jared Adlam ( 1 ) Jared Jordan ( 1 ) Jared Leto ( 1 ) Jared North ( 2 ) Jared Padalecki ( 10 ) Jared Reinfeldt ( 3 ) Jared Rowney ( 1 ) Jared Sandler ( 1 ) Jared Scott ( 1 ) Jared Ward ( 3 ) Jaren Lewison ( 5 ) Jarkko Niemi ( 1 ) Jarod Joseph ( 2 ) Jarod Rawiri ( 1 ) Jaron Melanson ( 1 ) Jarred Blakiston ( 1 ) Jarret Kerr ( 1 ) Jarrett Siddall ( 2 ) Jarrod Pistilli ( 1 ) Jarvis Tomdio ( 1 ) Jason Antoon ( 1 ) Jason Bateman ( 1 ) Jason Beaubian ( 1 ) Jason Behr ( 1 ) Jason Biggs ( 2 ) Jason Bryden ( 1 ) Jason Canela ( 8 ) Jason Cermak ( 2 ) Jason Clarke ( 1 ) Jason Crowe ( 2 ) Jason Diaz ( 1 ) Jason Dohring ( 2 ) Jason Dolley ( 1 ) Jason Faunt ( 2 ) Jason Fernandes ( 1 ) Jason Fernandez ( 1 ) Jason George ( 6 ) Jason Gotay ( 5 ) Jason Henne ( 1 ) Jason Isaacs ( 1 ) Jason Lee ( 1 ) Jason Lewis ( 11 ) Jason Lockhart ( 1 ) Jason London ( 1 ) Jason Mantzoukas ( 1 ) Jason Maza ( 1 ) Jason Medina ( 1 ) Jason Michael Snow ( 2 ) Jason Priestley ( 2 ) Jason Quinn ( 1 ) Jason R. Moore ( 1 ) Jason Ralph ( 4 ) Jason Ramsay ( 1 ) Jason Ritter ( 7 ) Jason Rodriguez ( 2 ) Jason Sarcinelli ( 1 ) Jason Schmidt ( 1 ) Jason Scott Lee ( 3 ) Jason Segel ( 3 ) Jason Susag ( 1 ) Jason T. Gaffney ( 3 ) Jason Thompson ( 39 ) Jason Tobias ( 1 ) Jason Tobin ( 5 ) Jason Veasey ( 1 ) Jason-Shane Scott ( 4 ) Javier Cámara ( 2 ) Javier De la Vega ( 1 ) Javier De Pietro ( 1 ) Javier Muñoz ( 1 ) Javier Reyes-Sanchez ( 1 ) Javon Johnson ( 1 ) Jax Taylor ( 4 ) Jay Ali ( 2 ) Jay Armstrong Johnson ( 4 ) Jay Baruchel ( 1 ) Jay Brannan ( 1 ) Jay Brown ( 1 ) Jay Ellis ( 14 ) Jay Gillespie ( 1 ) Jay Hayden ( 29 ) Jay Hernandez ( 11 ) Jay Hunter ( 5 ) Jay Jay Warren ( 2 ) Jay Jurden ( 1 ) Jay Lycurgo ( 2 ) Jay Romero ( 1 ) Jay Runciman ( 1 ) Jay Ryan ( 4 ) Jay Towns ( 1 ) Jay Walker ( 3 ) Jay Wilkison ( 1 ) Jaybird Walker ( 1 ) Jayden Daniels ( 8 ) Jayden Marcos ( 1 ) Jaylan Evans ( 1 ) Jaymes Vaughn ( 1 ) Jayson Blair ( 1 ) Jazz Vilá ( 1 ) JB Tadena ( 4 ) JC Alcantara ( 1 ) JD Pardo ( 2 ) Jean Louis Francois Percello ( 1 ) Jean Paul Acocella ( 1 ) Jean Pedro ( 1 ) Jean-Luc Bilodeau ( 4 ) Jean-Michel Le Gal ( 1 ) Jean-Philippe Gemin ( 1 ) Jed Ryan ( 1 ) Jedidiah Goodacre ( 5 ) Jeff Castle ( 1 ) Jeff Decker ( 1 ) Jeff Goldblum ( 1 ) Jeff Griggs ( 1 ) Jeff Hephner ( 1 ) Jeff Meacham ( 1 ) Jeff Pearson ( 1 ) Jeff Pierre ( 8 ) Jeff Pope ( 1 ) Jeff Probst ( 1 ) Jeff Sublett ( 1 ) Jeff Wahlberg ( 1 ) Jeff Wilbusch ( 1 ) Jefferson Brown ( 1 ) Jeffery Self ( 1 ) Jeffrey A. Johns ( 2 ) Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman ( 3 ) Jeffrey Christopher Todd ( 1 ) Jeffrey Gender ( 1 ) Jeffrey Radford ( 1 ) Jeffrey Vincent Parise ( 2 ) Jelani Alladin ( 7 ) Jemaine Clement ( 2 ) Jen-Shuo Cheng ( 1 ) Jencarlos Canela ( 5 ) Jensen Ackles ( 4 ) Jensen Atwood ( 1 ) Jensen LeFlore ( 1 ) Jeppe Fogsgaard ( 1 ) Jérémie Elkaïm ( 1 ) Jérémie Renier ( 1 ) Jeremy Allen White ( 17 ) Jeremy Batiste ( 1 ) Jeremy Bilding ( 1 ) Jeremy Cohen ( 1 ) Jeremy Copeland ( 1 ) Jeremy Dalton ( 1 ) Jérémy Gillet ( 1 ) Jeremy Glazer ( 1 ) Jeremy Hudson ( 1 ) Jeremy Irvine ( 5 ) Jeremy Jackson ( 1 ) Jeremy Marr Williams ( 1 ) Jeremy Monn-Djasgnar ( 3 ) Jeremy Neal ( 1 ) Jeremy Pope ( 3 ) Jeremy Sisto ( 1 ) Jeremy Tardy ( 1 ) Jeremy Winter ( 1 ) Jerimiyah Dunbar ( 1 ) Jermaine Alverez Martin ( 1 ) Jermaine Fowler ( 1 ) Jermaine Montell ( 1 ) Jermelle Simon ( 1 ) Jerry Ferrara ( 1 ) Jerry O'Connell ( 6 ) Jess Allen ( 1 ) Jesse Archer ( 6 ) Jesse Badger ( 1 ) Jesse Bradford ( 1 ) Jesse Eisenberg ( 8 ) Jesse Ferraro ( 1 ) Jesse Garcia ( 2 ) Jesse Hutch ( 2 ) Jesse Hyde ( 1 ) Jesse Kove ( 1 ) Jesse Lee Soffer ( 3 ) Jesse LeNoir ( 1 ) Jesse Metcalfe ( 1 ) Jesse Metzger ( 1 ) Jesse Moss ( 1 ) Jesse Pimentel ( 1 ) Jesse Plemons ( 2 ) Jesse Seann Atkinson ( 1 ) Jesse Spencer ( 1 ) Jesse T. Usher ( 2 ) Jesse Tayeh ( 1 ) Jesse Tyler Ferguson ( 2 ) Jesse Williams ( 9 ) Jesse Williamson ( 3 ) Jesuíta Barbosa ( 2 ) Jesús Moya ( 1 ) Jesy McKinney ( 1 ) Jett Lowe ( 1 ) Jey Crisfar ( 1 ) Jeyeon Lee ( 1 ) Jian Jiang ( 1 ) Jim Parrack ( 1 ) Jim Parsons ( 2 ) Jim Sarbh ( 1 ) Jim Sced ( 4 ) Jim Schubin ( 1 ) Jim Sturgess ( 2 ) Jim Verraros ( 2 ) Jimmi Simpson ( 1 ) Jimmy Clabots ( 1 ) Jimmy Fowlie ( 5 ) Jimmy Heck ( 1 ) Jimmy Jean-Louis ( 3 ) Jimmy Nicholas ( 5 ) Jimmy Smits ( 1 ) Jimmy Tatro ( 9 ) Jimmy Wong ( 1 ) Jin Ha ( 1 ) Jin-mo Ju ( 1 ) Jing-Hua Tseng ( 1 ) Jirí Vojta ( 1 ) Jitendra Kumar ( 1 ) JM Martinez ( 1 ) Jo Weil ( 1 ) Joan Pedrola ( 5 ) João Caçador ( 1 ) João Felipe Saldanha ( 1 ) João Gabriel Vasconcellos ( 1 ) João Reis Moreira ( 1 ) João Villas-Boas ( 1 ) Jocko Sims ( 2 ) Joe Abraham ( 1 ) Joe Absolom ( 1 ) Joe Adler ( 1 ) Joe Almanza ( 1 ) Joe Anders ( 1 ) Joe Anderson ( 2 ) Joe Carroll ( 1 ) Joe Castle Baker ( 1 ) Joe Cole ( 5 ) Joe Conti ( 3 ) Joe Daru ( 1 ) Joe Diazzi ( 1 ) Joe Flanigan ( 2 ) Joe Franjieh ( 1 ) Joe Gaminara ( 1 ) Joe Gosling ( 1 ) Joe Keery ( 5 ) Joe Locicero ( 3 ) Joe Locke ( 1 ) Joe Manganiello ( 1 ) Joe Manjón ( 1 ) Joe Morton ( 2 ) Joe Royal ( 1 ) Joe Seo ( 1 ) Joe Serafini ( 3 ) Joe Szula ( 1 ) Joe Taslim ( 9 ) Joe Wakeman ( 1 ) Joe Williamson ( 1 ) Joel Courtney ( 5 ) Joel Edgerton ( 1 ) Joel Elferink ( 1 ) Joel Elliott ( 1 ) Joel Fry ( 1 ) Joel Harrison ( 1 ) Joel Jackson ( 1 ) Joel Kim Booster ( 4 ) Joel Kinnaman ( 2 ) Joel Labelle ( 1 ) Joel Lacoursiere ( 1 ) Joel McHale ( 5 ) Joel Palmer ( 1 ) Joel Rush ( 7 ) Joel Valois ( 1 ) Joey Bada$$ ( 2 ) Joey Bragg ( 2 ) Joey Kern ( 1 ) Joey McIntyre ( 1 ) Joey Mendicino ( 1 ) Joey Pollari ( 2 ) Joey Russo ( 1 ) Joey Scoma ( 1 ) Joey Zauzig ( 1 ) Jogi Kaiser ( 1 ) Johan Charles ( 1 ) Johan Ehn ( 1 ) Johan von Bülow ( 1 ) Johann Fitch ( 1 ) Jóhann Kristófer Stefánsson ( 1 ) Johann Urb ( 3 ) Johannes Kuhnke ( 1 ) Johannes Lassen ( 1 ) Johannes Scheutz ( 1 ) John Ales ( 1 ) John Behlmann ( 1 ) John Bell ( 1 ) John Benjamin Hickey ( 3 ) John Berchtold ( 1 ) John Bregar ( 2 ) John Bubniak ( 1 ) John Cena ( 4 ) John Cho ( 1 ) John Ciarlillo ( 1 ) John Clarence Stewart ( 4 ) John Clay III ( 1 ) John Corbett ( 2 ) John de los Santos ( 1 ) John DeLuca ( 3 ) John Dinan ( 1 ) John E. Peery ( 1 ) John Eric Parker ( 1 ) John Francis Daley ( 1 ) John Gabriel ( 4 ) John Gallagher Jr. ( 1 ) John Ganun ( 1 ) John Harlan Kim ( 3 ) John Hartman ( 2 ) John Hawkes ( 1 ) John Hennigan ( 1 ) John J. York ( 1 ) John Karna ( 5 ) John Krasinski ( 4 ) John Ma ( 1 ) John Macmillan ( 1 ) John Magaro ( 2 ) John McCrea ( 1 ) John Michael Hastie ( 1 ) John Owen Lowe ( 1 ) John Patrick Amedori ( 2 ) John Paul Harkins ( 1 ) John Phillips ( 1 ) John Ralston ( 1 ) John Redlinger ( 1 ) John Reynolds ( 1 ) John Schneider ( 1 ) John Stallings ( 1 ) John Stamos ( 3 ) John Suazo ( 1 ) John White ( 1 ) John-Michael Carlton ( 1 ) John-Paul Howard ( 1 ) John-Paul Lavoisier ( 6 ) Johna Myers ( 1 ) Johnathan Nieves ( 1 ) Johnathan Sousa ( 1 ) Johnathon Schaech ( 3 ) Johnny Ballance ( 1 ) Johnny Carr ( 1 ) Johnny Ferro ( 1 ) Johnny Flynn ( 1 ) Johnny James Fiore ( 1 ) Johnny Knoxville ( 1 ) Johnny Kostrey ( 1 ) Johnny Link ( 1 ) Johnny Lockhart ( 1 ) Johnny Messner ( 1 ) Johnny Rasse ( 1 ) Johnny Sibilly ( 5 ) Johnny Simmons ( 1 ) Johnny Wactor ( 13 ) Johnron Tañada ( 1 ) Joivan Wade ( 3 ) Jojo Macari ( 2 ) Jon Abrahams ( 1 ) Jon Ash ( 1 ) Jon Beavers ( 1 ) Jon Bernthal ( 1 ) Jon Brence ( 1 ) Jon Budinoff ( 1 ) Jon Cor ( 7 ) Jon Daly ( 1 ) Jon Devin ( 1 ) Jon Ecker ( 3 ) Jon Fleming ( 1 ) Jon Foster ( 2 ) Jon Gabrus ( 2 ) Jon Gries ( 3 ) Jon Hudson Odom ( 3 ) Jon Huertas ( 1 ) Jon John ( 1 ) Jon Johnson ( 1 ) Jon Kortajarena ( 1 ) Jon Lange ( 1 ) Jon McLaren ( 1 ) Jon Moody ( 2 ) Jon Paul Phillips ( 2 ) Jon Prasida ( 4 ) Jon Rudnitsky ( 3 ) Jon Seda ( 1 ) Jon Wierenga ( 1 ) Jonah Blechman ( 3 ) Jonah Hauer-King ( 2 ) Jonah Jessop ( 1 ) Jonah Wharton ( 1 ) Jonas Armstrong ( 1 ) Jonas Baeck ( 1 ) Jonás Beramí ( 1 ) Jonas Kyed ( 1 ) Jonas Smulders ( 1 ) Jonas Torland Salvesen ( 1 ) Jonathan Andersson ( 1 ) Jonathan Bailey ( 9 ) Jonathan Barnwell ( 2 ) Jonathan Bennett ( 8 ) Jonathan Blanc ( 1 ) Jonathan Bouvier ( 1 ) Jonathan Chase ( 2 ) Jonathan Cobb ( 1 ) Jonathan Daviss ( 2 ) Jonathan Ebeling ( 1 ) Jonathan Gordon ( 1 ) Jonathan Gregg ( 1 ) Jonathan Groff ( 4 ) Jonathan Harboe ( 1 ) Jonathan Howard ( 2 ) Jonathan Hyde ( 1 ) Jonathan Intriago ( 2 ) Jonathan James ( 1 ) Jonathan Keltz ( 1 ) Jonathan Lang ( 1 ) Jonathan Leslie ( 1 ) Jonathan Lipnicki ( 2 ) Jonathan Majors ( 6 ) Jonathan Maravilla Alonso ( 1 ) Jonathan Martin ( 1 ) Jonathan Maxwell Silver ( 1 ) Jonathan McDaniel ( 2 ) Jonathan Mielec ( 2 ) Jonathan Pointing ( 5 ) Jonathan Raviv ( 1 ) Jonathan Rhys Meyers ( 2 ) Jonathan Sadowski ( 10 ) Jonathan Stoddard ( 1 ) Jonathan Trent ( 1 ) Jonathan Tucker ( 30 ) Jonathan Van Ness ( 1 ) Jonathan Whitesell ( 4 ) Jonathon LeRose ( 1 ) Jonathon McClendon ( 2 ) Jonny Amies ( 1 ) Jonny Beauchamp ( 9 ) Jonny Cruz ( 1 ) Jonny Orsini ( 1 ) Jonny Weston ( 2 ) Jordan Bolger ( 2 ) Jordan Buhat ( 7 ) Jordan Burtchett ( 1 ) Jordan Calloway ( 5 ) Jordan Clyde ( 1 ) Jordan Elsass ( 1 ) Jordan Firstman ( 2 ) Jordan Gavaris ( 4 ) Jordan Gonzalez ( 2 ) Jordan Johnson-Hinds ( 3 ) Jordan Lawson ( 1 ) Jordan M. Cox ( 3 ) Jordan Oosterhof ( 1 ) Jordan Patrick Smith ( 3 ) Jordan Peters ( 1 ) Jordan Ray Fox ( 1 ) Jordan Renzo ( 2 ) Jordan Stephens ( 3 ) Jordan Theodore ( 1 ) Jordan Ver Hoeve ( 1 ) Jordan Wilson ( 1 ) Jordan Yale Levine ( 1 ) Jordi Cussi ( 1 ) Jordi Mollà ( 1 ) Jordi Vilasuso ( 21 ) Jordi Vilches ( 1 ) Jorge B. Luis ( 1 ) Jorge Clemente ( 1 ) Jorge Lendeborg Jr. ( 2 ) Jorge López ( 2 ) Jorge Molina ( 1 ) Jorge Motos ( 1 ) Jorge Rodolfo ( 1 ) Jorge Suquet ( 1 ) Josafat Vagni ( 1 ) Jose Colon ( 1 ) José D. Álvarez ( 1 ) Jose Dammert ( 1 ) Jose Moreno Brooks ( 5 ) José Mut ( 1 ) Jose Pablo Cantillo ( 1 ) José Pastor ( 1 ) José Pimantão ( 1 ) Jose Ramirez ( 2 ) Josef Mattes ( 1 ) Josef Trojan ( 1 ) Joseph Baird ( 1 ) Joseph Barrios ( 1 ) Joseph Gordon-Levitt ( 6 ) Joseph Haro ( 1 ) Joseph Julian Soria ( 3 ) Joseph Mawle ( 2 ) Joseph Morales ( 1 ) Joseph Morgan ( 2 ) Joseph Naufahu ( 2 ) Joseph Olivennes ( 1 ) Joseph Ollman ( 1 ) Joseph Piccuirro ( 1 ) Joseph Roslan ( 1 ) Joseph Sikora ( 21 ) Joseph Valenti ( 1 ) Joseph Zaso ( 1 ) Josh Berresford ( 1 ) Josh Bolt ( 1 ) Josh Bowman ( 5 ) Josh Brolin ( 2 ) Josh Burdett ( 1 ) Josh Burton ( 1 ) Josh Casaubon ( 1 ) Josh Charles ( 1 ) Josh Collins ( 1 ) Josh Cowdery ( 1 ) Josh DaSilva ( 1 ) Josh Diaz ( 2 ) Josh Dylan ( 1 ) Josh Ethier ( 1 ) Josh Fadem ( 1 ) Josh Gilmer ( 2 ) Josh Gilmore ( 1 ) Josh Green ( 1 ) Josh Hamilton ( 2 ) Josh Hammond ( 2 ) Josh Hartnett ( 5 ) Josh Henderson ( 4 ) Josh Hopkins ( 1 ) Josh Horvath ( 1 ) Josh Hutcherson ( 4 ) Josh Kelly ( 8 ) Josh Lavery ( 1 ) Josh Lawson ( 2 ) Josh Lucas ( 1 ) Josh McKenzie ( 3 ) Josh O'Connor ( 2 ) Josh Pafchek ( 1 ) Josh Payne ( 1 ) Josh Pence ( 11 ) Josh Plasse ( 1 ) Josh Pyman ( 1 ) Josh Radnor ( 3 ) Josh Ruben ( 1 ) Josh Salatin ( 1 ) Josh Segarra ( 9 ) Josh Sharp ( 1 ) Josh St. John ( 1 ) Josh Stamberg ( 2 ) Josh Stewart ( 2 ) Josh Swickard ( 37 ) Josh Taylor ( 1 ) Josh Thomas ( 7 ) Josh Ubaldi ( 1 ) Josh Watson ( 1 ) Josh Whitehouse ( 2 ) Josh Wiggins ( 2 ) Josh Zuckerman ( 1 ) Josha Stradowski ( 3 ) Joshua Bassett ( 8 ) Joshua Bitton ( 1 ) Joshua Boswell ( 1 ) Joshua Chang ( 1 ) Joshua Cody ( 1 ) Joshua Colley ( 1 ) Joshua Dave Tynchuh ( 1 ) Joshua Eady ( 3 ) Joshua Feldman ( 9 ) Joshua Guvi ( 1 ) Joshua Jackson ( 4 ) Joshua Longhurst ( 1 ) Joshua Morrow ( 49 ) Joshua Odjick ( 1 ) Joshua Ollman ( 1 ) Joshua Olumide ( 1 ) Joshua Orpin ( 5 ) Joshua Randle ( 1 ) Joshua Sasse ( 6 ) Joshua Shediak ( 1 ) Joshua Smallwood ( 1 ) Joshua Uduma ( 1 ) Josiah Duncan ( 1 ) Jovan Adepo ( 2 ) Jowha Van De Laak ( 1 ) JR Bourne ( 2 ) JR Lemon ( 1 ) JT Neal ( 3 ) Juahn Cabrera ( 1 ) Juan Alfonso ( 5 ) Juan Antonio ( 1 ) Juan Antonio Hidalgo ( 1 ) Juan Barberini ( 2 ) Juan Cano ( 1 ) Juan Carlos Cantu ( 1 ) Juan Carlos Lo Sasso ( 2 ) Juan Carlos Maldonado ( 1 ) Juan Carlos Ortuño ( 1 ) Juan Carlos Torres ( 1 ) Juan Castano ( 2 ) Juan David Restrepo ( 1 ) Juan Diego Botto ( 4 ) Juan Ignacio Ugüet ( 1 ) Juan Javier Cardenas ( 2 ) Juan Manuel Martino ( 1 ) Juan Pablo Castro ( 1 ) Juan Pablo Di Pace ( 4 ) Juan Sebastian Cruz ( 1 ) Juan Torres-Falcon ( 1 ) Juan Vera ( 1 ) Juanjo Hinojosa ( 1 ) Judah Lewis ( 1 ) Judd Krok ( 2 ) Jude Law ( 5 ) Jude Morgan-Collie ( 1 ) Jude Wilson ( 1 ) Judson Mills ( 1 ) Jules Knight ( 1 ) Julian Elijah Martinez ( 1 ) Julian Gant ( 1 ) Julian Haig ( 2 ) Julian Kostov ( 1 ) Julian Martinez ( 1 ) Julián Mercado ( 1 ) Julian Morris ( 3 ) Julian Ovenden ( 2 ) Julian Walker ( 1 ) Julian Williams ( 1 ) Julian Works ( 3 ) Julien De Saint Jean ( 1 ) Julien Granel ( 1 ) Julien Lickert ( 2 ) Julien Marlon Samani ( 1 ) Julio Machado ( 1 ) Julio Macias ( 1 ) Julio Oliveira ( 1 ) Julio Perillán ( 1 ) Julio Sanjuán ( 1 ) Jun Hu ( 1 ) Jung Jen Pao ( 1 ) Junrui Wang ( 1 ) Juraj Loj ( 1 ) Jussie Smollett ( 7 ) Justice Smith ( 11 ) Justin Arnold ( 1 ) Justin Baldoni ( 11 ) Justin Bartha ( 2 ) Justin Bruening ( 3 ) Justin Chatwin ( 2 ) Justin Chu Cary ( 1 ) Justin Deeley ( 5 ) Justin Edwards ( 1 ) Justin Gaston ( 2 ) Justin Gerhard ( 1 ) Justin Hartley ( 37 ) Justin Herwick ( 1 ) Justin Johnson Cortez ( 5 ) Justin Liles ( 1 ) Justin Long ( 3 ) Justin Marcel McManus ( 2 ) Justin Mortelliti ( 1 ) Justin Prentice ( 3 ) Justin Schwan ( 1 ) Justin Stiver ( 1 ) Justin Theroux ( 10 ) Justin Timberlake ( 4 ) Justin Xavier Smith ( 1 ) Juston Street ( 1 ) K.C. Kastaros ( 1 ) K.C. Morgan ( 2 ) K.J. Apa ( 71 ) Kaaris ( 1 ) Kacey Mottet Klein ( 1 ) Kaden Dayton ( 2 ) Kai Braden ( 1 ) Kai Caster ( 1 ) Kai Ko ( 2 ) Kai Luke Brummer ( 2 ) Kai Michael Müller ( 1 ) Kalama Epstein ( 1 ) Kaleb Horn ( 1 ) Kamel Labroudi ( 1 ) Kamil Adamowicz ( 1 ) Kamil Piotrowski ( 1 ) Kandido Uranga ( 1 ) Kane Lieu ( 1 ) Kane Schirmer ( 1 ) Kane Surry ( 1 ) Kang-sheng Lee ( 1 ) Kaolin Bass ( 1 ) Karan Gill ( 2 ) Karan Oberoi ( 1 ) Karan Soni ( 1 ) Karim Ait M'Hand ( 1 ) Karim Diané ( 3 ) Karl Bekele Steinland ( 1 ) Karl Davies ( 1 ) Karl Glusman ( 1 ) Karl Sallnäs ( 1 ) Karl Urban ( 4 ) Karl Walcott ( 5 ) Karn Kalra ( 1 ) Karson Kern ( 1 ) Kasey Mahaffy ( 1 ) Kato Alexander ( 1 ) Kavan Reece ( 2 ) Kavandeep Hayre ( 1 ) Kayvon Esmaili ( 2 ) Kazunori Tani ( 1 ) Kedar Williams-Stirling ( 2 ) Keean Johnson ( 1 ) Keedar Whittle ( 1 ) Keegan Allen ( 10 ) Keegan Joyce ( 1 ) Keegan MacIntosh ( 1 ) Keegan Moyer ( 1 ) Kees Devos ( 1 ) Keir Gilchrist ( 2 ) Keith Carlos ( 4 ) Keith Jordan ( 1 ) Keith McDonald ( 1 ) Keith Milkie ( 1 ) Keith Powers ( 5 ) Keith Roenke ( 1 ) Keiynan Lonsdale ( 6 ) Kekoa Kekumano ( 3 ) Kellan Lutz ( 3 ) Keller Wortham ( 1 ) Kelly Blatz ( 1 ) Kelly Sanchez ( 1 ) Kelner Macêdo ( 1 ) Kelsey Grammer ( 1 ) Kelvin Harrison Jr. ( 1 ) Kelvin Peña ( 1 ) Kelz Dyke ( 7 ) Ken Duken ( 1 ) Ken Kirby ( 2 ) Ken Leung ( 1 ) Ken Marino ( 4 ) Kendall Drury ( 1 ) Kendall Ryan Sanders ( 1 ) Kendrick Sampson ( 8 ) Kenjie Garcia ( 1 ) Kenneth Choi ( 5 ) Kenneth Favell ( 1 ) Kenneth Miller ( 1 ) Kenneth Welsh ( 1 ) Kent S. Leung ( 1 ) Kentucker Audley ( 1 ) Kerem Abdelhamed ( 1 ) Kerr Smith ( 1 ) Kerry James ( 1 ) Kerry Rhodes ( 1 ) Kevin A. Walton ( 6 ) Kevin Allesee ( 1 ) Kevin Alves ( 4 ) Kevin Bacon ( 1 ) Kevin Bigley ( 1 ) Kevin Bishop ( 2 ) Kevin Bury ( 1 ) Kevin Caliber ( 2 ) Kevin Christy ( 1 ) Kevin Claydon ( 1 ) Kevin Csolak ( 3 ) Kevin Curtis ( 1 ) Kevin Daniels ( 5 ) Kevin Durand ( 1 ) Kevin Fonteyne ( 3 ) Kevin Gonska ( 1 ) Kevin Hare ( 1 ) Kevin Hart ( 1 ) Kevin Held ( 4 ) Kevin Janssens ( 3 ) Kevin Kiernan-Molloy ( 1 ) Kevin Kiley Jr. ( 1 ) Kevin Kreider ( 1 ) Kevin Krivchuk ( 1 ) Kevin McHale ( 1 ) Kevin McKidd ( 5 ) Kevin McNamara ( 1 ) Kevin Miranda ( 1 ) Kevin Mouren-Laurens ( 1 ) Kevin Pasdon ( 1 ) Kevin Quinn ( 1 ) Kevin Reid ( 1 ) Kevin Roach ( 1 ) Kevin Savage ( 1 ) Kevin Spirtas ( 1 ) Kevin William Reed ( 1 ) Kevin Zegers ( 6 ) Khalil Gharbia ( 1 ) Khasan Brailsford ( 1 ) Kheon Clarke ( 6 ) Khobe Clarke ( 3 ) Khotan Fernandez ( 2 ) Khylin Rhambo ( 3 ) Kian Talan ( 1 ) Kie McDaniel Remington ( 1 ) Kieran Bew ( 1 ) Kieran Hodgson ( 1 ) Kieran Morris ( 1 ) Kieron Moore ( 3 ) Kiha Kwon ( 1 ) Kim Allen ( 1 ) King Chiu ( 1 ) King Orba ( 1 ) Kingsley Ben-Adir ( 2 ) Kinyumba Mutakabbir ( 1 ) Kip Pardue ( 3 ) Kirill Emelyanov ( 1 ) Kirill Lordski ( 1 ) Kirin Callinan ( 2 ) Kirk Acevedo ( 1 ) Kisthachapon Tananara ( 2 ) Kit Connor ( 1 ) Kit Harington ( 6 ) Kit Williamson ( 1 ) Kit Young ( 1 ) Kiyoshi Shishido ( 1 ) Knut Berger ( 1 ) Ko Zandvliet ( 1 ) Kodi Smit-McPhee ( 1 ) Kohei Majima ( 1 ) Koji Niiya ( 1 ) Konrad Zygadlo ( 1 ) Konstantin Beloshapka ( 1 ) Korey Warzala ( 5 ) Kori Sampson ( 2 ) Korn Khunatipapisiri ( 1 ) Kossisko ( 1 ) Kostas Nikouli ( 1 ) Kregg Janke ( 1 ) Kris Black ( 1 ) Kris D. Lofton ( 1 ) Kris Eivers ( 1 ) Kris Holden-Ried ( 2 ) Kris Marshall ( 1 ) Kris McDowall ( 1 ) Kristen Griffith ( 1 ) Kristian Boulter ( 1 ) Kristian Flores ( 1 ) Kristian Kordula ( 8 ) Kristoff St. John ( 1 ) Kristos Andrews ( 1 ) Kritsana Maroukasonti ( 1 ) Krittanai Asanprakit ( 1 ) Krittanun Aunchananun ( 2 ) Krzysztof Makarewicz ( 1 ) Krzysztof Oleksyn ( 1 ) Kurt Fuller ( 1 ) Kurt Quinn ( 1 ) Kurt Sutter ( 1 ) Kurt Szarka ( 1 ) Kurt Zaehnsdorf ( 1 ) Kurtis De'Jon ( 1 ) Kwaku Adu-Poku ( 1 ) Kyal Scott ( 1 ) Kyan Loredo ( 1 ) Kyle Allen ( 3 ) Kyle Bailey ( 1 ) Kyle Blitch ( 1 ) Kyle Bornheimer ( 3 ) Kyle Brookes ( 1 ) Kyle Cassie ( 2 ) Kyle Christie ( 1 ) Kyle Clare ( 1 ) Kyle Clarke ( 4 ) Kyle Clements ( 3 ) Kyle Derosiers ( 1 ) Kyle Dondlinger ( 2 ) Kyle Gallner ( 6 ) Kyle Harris ( 1 ) Kyle Kaminsky ( 1 ) Kyle Krieger ( 1 ) Kyle Lowder ( 9 ) Kyle Mac ( 1 ) Kyle Naylor ( 1 ) Kyle Newacheck ( 1 ) Kyle Prue ( 1 ) Kyle Rezzarday ( 1 ) Kyle Schmid ( 2 ) Kyle Stratton ( 1 ) Kyle Wallen ( 1 ) Kyle Wigent ( 1 ) Kyler Pettis ( 7 ) Lachlan Buchanan ( 24 ) Lachlan Quarmby ( 1 ) Lalo Santos ( 1 ) Lamar Johnson ( 1 ) Lamon Archey ( 36 ) LaMonica Garrett ( 1 ) Lance Cartwright ( 1 ) Lance Daniels ( 1 ) Lance Gross ( 4 ) Lancelot Ncube ( 1 ) Landon Ashworth ( 1 ) Landon G. Woodson ( 1 ) Landon Liboiron ( 3 ) Landy Cannon ( 1 ) Langston Kerman ( 2 ) Langston Uibel ( 1 ) Laquarn Lewis ( 1 ) Larenz Tate ( 3 ) Larry Owens ( 1 ) Larry Saperstein ( 1 ) Lars Rieck ( 2 ) Lars Slind ( 1 ) Laurence Fishburne ( 1 ) Laurent Beaudin ( 1 ) Laurie Davidson ( 3 ) Lautaro Machaca ( 1 ) Lautaro Rodríguez ( 2 ) Lawrence Carroll ( 5 ) Lawrence Gilliard Jr. ( 1 ) Lawrence Michael Levine ( 1 ) Lawrence Pressman ( 1 ) Lawrence St. Victor ( 27 ) Layke Anderson ( 1 ) Layne Herrin ( 1 ) Leandro Faria Lelo ( 1 ) Lee Charles ( 1 ) Lee Cormie ( 2 ) Lee Jarvis ( 1 ) Lee Jones ( 1 ) Lee Kholafai ( 1 ) Lee Knight ( 1 ) Lee Majdoub ( 1 ) Lee Pace ( 2 ) Lee Partridge ( 1 ) Lee Roy Kunz ( 1 ) Lee Rumohr ( 1 ) Lee Tergesen ( 1 ) Lee Williams ( 2 ) Leemore Marrett Jr. ( 1 ) Leïti Sène ( 1 ) Lenny Platt ( 3 ) Leo Howard ( 13 ) Leo Malamud ( 1 ) Leo Minaya ( 1 ) Léo Pochat ( 1 ) Leo Sheng ( 3 ) Leo Woodall ( 5 ) Leon David Salazar ( 1 ) Leon Thomas ( 1 ) Leonard Buckley ( 1 ) Leonard Proxauf ( 1 ) Leonardo Cecchi ( 1 ) Leonardo Salerni ( 1 ) Leonardo Sbaraglia ( 2 ) Leonardo Zanchin ( 1 ) Leonidas Gulaptis ( 1 ) Leonik Sahiti ( 1 ) Leroy McClain ( 1 ) Leroy Siyafa ( 2 ) Leslie Odom Jr. ( 1 ) Levan Gelbakhiani ( 1 ) Levi Fiehler ( 1 ) Levi Miller ( 1 ) Lewis Pullman ( 5 ) Lewis Reeves ( 1 ) Lewis Tan ( 2 ) Lewis Wallis ( 1 ) Lex Shrapnel ( 1 ) Lhong ( 1 ) Liam Aiken ( 1 ) Liam C. Johnson ( 2 ) Liam Cochrane ( 4 ) Liam Doyle ( 1 ) Liam Hall ( 1 ) Liam Hemsworth ( 6 ) Liam Howe ( 1 ) Liam James ( 2 ) Liam McIntyre ( 2 ) Lifetime Originals ( 102 ) Lil Rel Howery ( 1 ) Lincoln Lewis ( 1 ) Lincoln Vickery ( 2 ) Lincoln Younes ( 9 ) Linh Son ( 1 ) Linn da Quebrada ( 1 ) Lino Facioli ( 1 ) Lior Ashkenazi ( 1 ) Lipy Adler ( 1 ) Liran Nathan ( 2 ) Liu Xiao Chen ( 1 ) Llorenҫ González ( 1 ) Lochlyn Munro ( 1 ) Lockhardt Brownlie ( 1 ) Lodric D. Collins ( 7 ) Logan Carr ( 1 ) Logan Lerman ( 2 ) Logan Marshall-Green ( 2 ) Logan Miller ( 5 ) Logan Paul ( 1 ) Logan Siu ( 1 ) London Brown ( 1 ) Lorenzo Adorni ( 1 ) Lorenzo Balducci ( 1 ) Lorenzo Brunetti ( 1 ) Lorenzo Callender ( 1 ) Lorenzo Ferro ( 1 ) Lorenzo Lefèbvre ( 1 ) Lorenzo Pedrotti ( 1 ) Lorenzo Richelmy ( 1 ) Lorenzo Tamburrino ( 1 ) Lorenzo Zurzolo ( 1 ) Lou Ferrigno Jr. ( 2 ) Lou Taylor Pucci ( 4 ) Louis Boyer ( 1 ) Louis Cancelmi ( 1 ) Louis Garrel ( 2 ) Louis Herthum ( 1 ) Louis Hofmann ( 2 ) Louis Hunter ( 1 ) Louis Hynes ( 1 ) Louis James ( 1 ) Lovell Adams-Gray ( 13 ) Lowell Dean ( 1 ) Luc Roderique ( 1 ) Luca Borromeo ( 1 ) Luca Malinowski ( 1 ) Luca Marinelli ( 1 ) Luca Tanganelli ( 1 ) Lucas Adams ( 29 ) Lucas Adriaco ( 1 ) Lucas Andrade ( 1 ) Lucas Balmaceda ( 1 ) Lucas Black ( 2 ) Lucas Bryant ( 1 ) Lucas De Marinis ( 1 ) Lucas Grabeel ( 1 ) Lucas Hazlett ( 6 ) Lucas Kerr ( 3 ) Lucas Linehan ( 1 ) Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen ( 3 ) Lucas Near-Verbrugghe ( 1 ) Lucas Neff ( 5 ) Lucas Oranmian ( 1 ) Lucas Pagac ( 1 ) Lucas Papa ( 1 ) Lucas Papaelias ( 1 ) Lucas Pittaway ( 1 ) Lucas Rennebach ( 1 ) Lucas Till ( 8 ) Lucien Laviscount ( 7 ) Ludi Lin ( 1 ) Ludvig Bonin ( 1 ) Luis Alberti ( 1 ) Luis Guzmán ( 1 ) Luis Padilla ( 1 ) Luis Quiroz ( 1 ) Luis Selgas ( 1 ) Luis Silva ( 1 ) Luis Vegas ( 1 ) Luis Zorro ( 1 ) Luka Dimic ( 1 ) Lukas De Wolf ( 1 ) Lukas Gage ( 11 ) Lukas Haas ( 1 ) Lukas Løkken ( 1 ) Lukas Steltner ( 1 ) Lukas Turtur ( 1 ) Lukas Whiting ( 1 ) Luke Bailey ( 1 ) Luke Baines ( 3 ) Luke Bayer ( 1 ) Luke Benward ( 1 ) Luke Bilyk ( 3 ) Luke Bracey ( 5 ) Luke Brandon Field ( 1 ) Luke Camilleri ( 2 ) Luke Cook ( 8 ) Luke Cousins ( 1 ) Luke Edwards ( 1 ) Luke Evans ( 9 ) Luke Fetherston ( 1 ) Luke Grimes ( 2 ) Luke Gulbranson ( 1 ) Luke Guldan ( 4 ) Luke Hawx ( 3 ) Luke Hemsworth ( 2 ) Luke Hornsby ( 1 ) Luke Humphrey ( 1 ) Luke James ( 5 ) Luke Kirby ( 5 ) Luke Macfarlane ( 4 ) Luke Meissner ( 1 ) Luke Mitchell ( 3 ) Luke Newberry ( 1 ) Luke Persiani ( 1 ) Luke Roberts ( 1 ) Luke Rollason ( 1 ) Luke Stewart ( 1 ) Luke Stratte-McClure ( 1 ) Luke Treadaway ( 3 ) Luke Valen ( 1 ) Luke Vanlauwe ( 1 ) Luke Wilkins ( 1 ) Luke Youngblood ( 1 ) Ly Binh ( 1 ) Lyle Lettau ( 1 ) Lyriq Bent ( 1 ) Mac Brandt ( 5 ) Macaulay Cooper ( 1 ) Macaulay Culkin ( 2 ) Mace Coronel ( 1 ) Machine Gun Kelly ( 2 ) Mackenro Alexander ( 1 ) Mackenzie Murdoch ( 1 ) MacLeod Andrews ( 1 ) Mads Pettersen ( 1 ) Mads Rømer ( 1 ) Maestro Harrell ( 1 ) Majd Mardo ( 1 ) Makar Zaporozhskiy ( 1 ) Malachi Kirby ( 1 ) Malakani Severson ( 1 ) Malcolm Goodwin ( 1 ) Malcolm M. Mays ( 4 ) Malcolm-Jamal Warner ( 2 ) Malek Alkoni ( 1 ) Malik Issolah ( 1 ) Malte Gårdinger ( 2 ) Malte Kalweit ( 1 ) Mandela Van Peebles ( 5 ) Manh Hai Luong ( 1 ) Manish Dayal ( 5 ) Manny Jacinto ( 6 ) Manny Montana ( 1 ) Mano Agapion ( 1 ) Manolo Cardona ( 2 ) Manolo Herrera ( 1 ) Manoussos Gakilazos ( 1 ) Manpreet Bachu ( 1 ) Manu Bennett ( 3 ) Manu Fullola ( 1 ) Manu Ríos ( 3 ) Manuel Chapa ( 1 ) Manuel Garcia-Rulfo ( 1 ) Manuel Martinez Sobrado ( 1 ) Manuel Rubey ( 1 ) Manuel Skye ( 1 ) Manuel Vignau ( 1 ) Marc Anthony Samuel ( 7 ) Marc Bacher ( 1 ) Marc Bendavid ( 2 ) Marc Benjamin ( 1 ) Marc Blucas ( 2 ) Marc Bluhm ( 1 ) Marc Bonnin ( 1 ) Marc Donato ( 1 ) Marc Ferrer ( 1 ) Marc Garcia Coté ( 1 ) Marc Herrmann ( 5 ) Marc Johnson ( 3 ) Marc Laurent ( 1 ) Marc Maron ( 2 ) Marc Sinoway ( 1 ) Marc Warren ( 1 ) Marcel Schlutt ( 2 ) Marcello Airoldi ( 1 ) Marcelo D'Avilla ( 1 ) Marcelo Gutiérrez ( 1 ) Marco Antonio Caponi ( 1 ) Marco D'Amore ( 1 ) Marco Dapper ( 4 ) Marco DelVecchio ( 2 ) Marco Frías ( 1 ) Marco Ilsø ( 1 ) Marco James ( 1 ) Marco Morales ( 1 ) Marco Tzunux ( 1 ) Marcos Oli ( 1 ) Marcos Palacios ( 1 ) Marcus Anderson ( 1 ) Marcus Aurelio ( 1 ) Marcus Brown ( 1 ) Marcus Coloma ( 7 ) Marcus Jean Pirae ( 1 ) Marcus Mannex Kingi ( 2 ) Marcus Mitchell ( 6 ) Marcus Patrick ( 2 ) Marcus Rosner ( 4 ) Marcus Scribner ( 7 ) Marcus Tarnoy ( 1 ) Marcus Vanco ( 3 ) Marilyn Manson ( 1 ) Marin Lafitte ( 1 ) Mario Fanfani ( 1 ) Mario Lopez ( 1 ) Mario Verón ( 1 ) Mark Alfenito ( 1 ) Mark Andrew Garner ( 1 ) Mark Berger ( 1 ) Mark Cirillo ( 7 ) Mark Consuelos ( 6 ) Mark Deklin ( 1 ) Mark Duplass ( 4 ) Mark Feuerstein ( 1 ) Mark Gardner ( 1 ) Mark Ghanimé ( 1 ) Mark Grossman ( 8 ) Mark Hapka ( 2 ) Mark Justice ( 2 ) Mark L. Young ( 2 ) Mark Lawson ( 2 ) Mark Lorenz ( 1 ) Mark Mandia ( 1 ) Mark Mullaney Jr. ( 1 ) Mark Pellegrino ( 1 ) Mark Portus ( 1 ) Mark Ruffalo ( 5 ) Mark Strano ( 2 ) Mark Thomas Young ( 1 ) Mark Wahlberg ( 3 ) Mark Webber ( 1 ) Mark-Paul Gosselaar ( 4 ) Markelle Smith ( 1 ) Markian Tarasiuk ( 1 ) Marko Čupić ( 1 ) Marko Mandic ( 1 ) Marko Zaror ( 1 ) Markus Freistätter ( 1 ) Marlon Aquino ( 2 ) Marlon Boess ( 1 ) Marlon Wayans ( 1 ) Marninphun Pinyopiyawith ( 1 ) Marouane Zotti ( 1 ) Marshall Allman ( 1 ) Marshall Cook ( 1 ) Martin Astifo ( 1 ) Martin Bobb-Semple ( 2 ) Martin Bruchmann ( 1 ) Martin Challinor ( 1 ) Martin Cummins ( 3 ) Martin Hutson ( 1 ) Martín Karich ( 1 ) Martin McCann ( 1 ) Martin Metz ( 1 ) Martín Saracho ( 1 ) Martin Spanjers ( 1 ) Martin Stark ( 1 ) Martin Walde ( 1 ) Martin Wallström ( 1 ) Martins Imhangbe ( 1 ) Marut Saensuk ( 1 ) Marval A. Rex ( 1 ) Marvin Laviolette ( 1 ) Marwan Kenzari ( 1 ) Marwan Salama ( 3 ) Mason Gooding ( 4 ) Mason Versaw ( 2 ) Massimo Cannistraro ( 1 ) Massimo De Lorenzo ( 1 ) Massimo Poggio ( 1 ) Massimo Quagliano ( 1 ) Matej Zemljic ( 1 ) Mateo Arias ( 1 ) Mateo Chiarino ( 1 ) Matéo Demurtas ( 1 ) Mateus Almada ( 1 ) Mateusz Banasiuk ( 1 ) Mateusz Kosciukiewicz ( 1 ) Mateusz Wieclawek ( 1 ) Matheus Paiva ( 1 ) Mathew Odette ( 1 ) Mathew Waters ( 1 ) Mathias Jamain Houngnikpo ( 1 ) Mathieau Grimard ( 1 ) Mathieu Chevé ( 1 ) Matías López ( 1 ) Matias Ochoa ( 1 ) Matila Malliarakis ( 1 ) Mats Jäderlund ( 1 ) Matt Austin ( 1 ) Matt Barr ( 12 ) Matt Bomer ( 27 ) Matt Catanzaro ( 1 ) Matt Cedeño ( 1 ) Matt Cipro ( 1 ) Matt Cohen ( 29 ) Matt Cornett ( 3 ) Matt Czuchry ( 18 ) Matt Dallas ( 1 ) Matt Doyle ( 1 ) Matt Gould ( 1 ) Matt Lanter ( 4 ) Matt Lauria ( 31 ) Matt Levett ( 2 ) Matt Levin ( 1 ) Matt Lewis ( 1 ) Matt Lloyd ( 1 ) Matt Long ( 2 ) Matt Lowe ( 1 ) Matt Magnussen ( 1 ) Matt McGorry ( 7 ) Matt Mercurio ( 4 ) Matt Minto ( 1 ) Matt Morrison ( 1 ) Matt Nable ( 1 ) Matt O'Leary ( 1 ) Matt Pascua ( 4 ) Matt Passmore ( 2 ) Matt Peters ( 5 ) Matt Phillips ( 1 ) Matt Pittenger ( 1 ) Matt Ranaudo ( 2 ) Matt Rife ( 3 ) Matt Rogers ( 2 ) Matt Ryan ( 8 ) Matt Sizemore ( 1 ) Matt Smith ( 3 ) Matt Visser ( 1 ) Matt Walsh ( 1 ) Matt Ward ( 1 ) Matt Willis ( 1 ) Matt Wilson ( 1 ) Matteo Oscar Giuggioli ( 2 ) Matthew Albrecht ( 1 ) Matthew Atkinson ( 23 ) Matthew Bailey ( 4 ) Matthew Burnett ( 1 ) Matthew Camp ( 1 ) Matthew Campbell ( 1 ) Matthew Carey ( 1 ) Matthew Carter ( 1 ) Matthew Crawley ( 1 ) Matthew Daddario ( 29 ) Matthew Davis ( 1 ) Matthew Del Negro ( 1 ) Matthew Erick White ( 1 ) Matthew Fifer ( 1 ) Matthew Finlan ( 1 ) Matthew Fox ( 1 ) Matthew Frias ( 1 ) Matthew Gold ( 1 ) Matthew Goode ( 1 ) Matthew Gray Gubler ( 1 ) Matthew Jaeger ( 1 ) Matthew James Morrison ( 1 ) Matthew Josten ( 1 ) Matthew Kennedy ( 2 ) Matthew Law ( 4 ) Matthew Lawrence ( 3 ) Matthew Lewis ( 1 ) Matthew Lotter ( 1 ) Matthew Ludwinski ( 3 ) Matthew Lynn ( 1 ) Matthew Mays ( 1 ) Matthew McConaughey ( 1 ) Matthew McKelligon ( 1 ) Matthew Menendez ( 1 ) Matthew Montelongo ( 1 ) Matthew Montgomery ( 3 ) Matthew Morrison ( 3 ) Matthew Noszka ( 3 ) Matthew Pohlkamp ( 1 ) Matthew Postlethwaite ( 1 ) Matthew Rhys ( 1 ) Matthew Risch ( 7 ) Matthew Rush ( 2 ) Matthew Sato ( 4 ) Matthew Scott ( 1 ) Matthew Scott Montgomery ( 1 ) Matthew Settle ( 3 ) Matthew Sharpe ( 1 ) Matthew Shively ( 2 ) Matthew Stephen Herrick ( 2 ) Matthew Stephen Smith ( 6 ) Matthew Temple ( 1 ) Matthew Valena ( 1 ) Matthew Vey ( 1 ) Matthew Wilkas ( 4 ) Matthew William Bishop ( 1 ) Matthias Moret ( 1 ) Matthias Schweighöfer ( 1 ) Mattia De Gasperis ( 1 ) Mattias Inwood ( 3 ) Matty Glitterati ( 1 ) Matty Johnson ( 1 ) Maungplaen Suta ( 1 ) Maurice Compte ( 1 ) Maurício Barcellos ( 1 ) Maurício Evanns ( 1 ) Mauricio Ochmann ( 3 ) Mauricio Rico ( 1 ) Maurizio Lombardi ( 1 ) Mauro Conte ( 1 ) Mauro Costa ( 1 ) Mauro Lamanna ( 1 ) Mauro Vaca ( 1 ) Mauro Van De Kerkhof ( 2 ) Max Bennett ( 1 ) Max Brown ( 2 ) Max Carver ( 2 ) Max Craddock ( 4 ) Max Ehrich ( 3 ) Max Emerson ( 6 ) Max Greenfield ( 3 ) Max Hubacher ( 1 ) Max Irons ( 5 ) Max Jenkins ( 3 ) Max Kallschmidt ( 3 ) Max Kuess ( 1 ) Max Lloyd-Jones ( 2 ) Max Marshall ( 1 ) Max Milner ( 2 ) Max Minghella ( 1 ) Max O'Dwyer ( 2 ) Max Pemberton ( 1 ) Max Riemelt ( 2 ) Max Shippee ( 2 ) Max Silvestri ( 1 ) Max Thieriot ( 2 ) Max Torrez ( 1 ) Max Williams ( 1 ) Maxence Danet-Fauvel ( 1 ) Maxim Albert ( 1 ) Maxim Baldry ( 3 ) Maxim Divizorul ( 1 ) Maxim Mehmet ( 1 ) Maxim Samchyky ( 1 ) Maxime Desmons ( 1 ) Maxime Poirot ( 1 ) Maximilian Befort ( 1 ) Maximilian Brückner ( 1 ) Maximilian Osinski ( 1 ) Maximilian Schafroth ( 1 ) Maximilian von Pufendorf ( 1 ) Maximiliano Torandell ( 1 ) Maximo Salas ( 1 ) Maximo Salvo ( 1 ) Maximo Xtravaganza ( 1 ) Maxwell McCabe-Lokos ( 1 ) Mazin Akar ( 1 ) McCaul Lombardi ( 1 ) McKinley Belcher III ( 1 ) McKinley Freeman ( 18 ) MCU ( 13 ) Medina Islam ( 1 ) Meen Sirita ( 1 ) Mehcad Brooks ( 2 ) Mehdi Ajroudi ( 1 ) Mehdi Dehbi ( 2 ) Meir Golan ( 1 ) Mekai Curtis ( 3 ) Mekhi Phifer ( 1 ) Mel England ( 1 ) Melvin Estes ( 1 ) Melvin Gregg ( 7 ) Merlin Rose ( 1 ) Micael Borges ( 1 ) Micah Alberti ( 1 ) Micah Loubon ( 1 ) Micah Plath ( 16 ) Micah Sherman ( 1 ) Micah Stock ( 5 ) Michael A. Guzman ( 2 ) Michaël Abiteboul ( 2 ) Michael Abubaker ( 1 ) Michael Adam Hamilton ( 2 ) Michael Afemake ( 1 ) Michael Aloni ( 1 ) Michael Angarano ( 10 ) Michael Aronov ( 4 ) Michael B. Jordan ( 3 ) Michael B. Silver ( 1 ) Michael Bisping ( 1 ) Michael Blake Kruse ( 2 ) Michael Bonini ( 1 ) Michael Campayno ( 1 ) Michael Carbonaro ( 1 ) Michael Cassidy ( 1 ) Michael Cera ( 1 ) Michael Cimino ( 5 ) Michael Clifford ( 1 ) Michael Copon ( 2 ) Michael Cudlitz ( 4 ) Michael Dalmon ( 1 ) Michael De Mello ( 1 ) Michael Doshier ( 1 ) Michael Drake Krueger ( 1 ) Michael Drayer ( 1 ) Michael E. Pitts ( 1 ) Michael E.R. Walker ( 1 ) Michael Ealy ( 3 ) Michael Easton ( 1 ) Michael Emery ( 1 ) Michael Evans Behling ( 14 ) Michael Fassbender ( 1 ) Michael Franklin ( 1 ) Michael Galante ( 6 ) Michael Gladis ( 4 ) Michael Glantschnig ( 1 ) Michael Graceffa ( 2 ) Michael Grant ( 1 ) Michael Gravois ( 1 ) Michael Graziadei ( 2 ) Michael Haboush ( 1 ) Michael Hudson ( 1 ) Michael Ian Black ( 1 ) Michael Imperioli ( 2 ) Michael J. Willett ( 9 ) Michael James Shaw ( 1 ) Michael Johnston ( 3 ) Michael Joseph Nelson ( 1 ) Michael K. Williams ( 3 ) Michael King ( 2 ) Michael Kinnan ( 1 ) Michael Laudone ( 1 ) Michael Lee Kimel ( 1 ) Michael Lindall ( 1 ) Michael Locicero ( 1 ) Michael Lovan ( 1 ) Michael Malarkey ( 1 ) Michael Mazza ( 1 ) Michael McColl ( 1 ) Michael McFadden ( 1 ) Michael Mealor ( 42 ) Michael Medico ( 1 ) Michael Molina ( 1 ) Michael Moreland ( 1 ) Michael Murray ( 1 ) Michael N. Kuehl ( 2 ) Michael Nicklin ( 1 ) Michael Palladino ( 1 ) Michael Patrick Lane ( 1 ) Michael Perez ( 1 ) Michael Potter ( 1 ) Michael Provost ( 6 ) Michael Rady ( 3 ) Michael Rainey Jr. ( 5 ) Michael Raymond-James ( 1 ) Michael Redford ( 1 ) Michael Roark ( 9 ) Michael Rodriguez ( 1 ) Michael Rogers ( 1 ) Michael Rosen ( 4 ) Michael Rosenbaum ( 2 ) Michael Rousselet ( 1 ) Michael Rowland ( 2 ) Michael Rozman ( 1 ) Michael Scialabba ( 1 ) Michael Shannon ( 2 ) Michael Sheen ( 2 ) Michael Sirow ( 1 ) Michael Soldier ( 1 ) Michael Solomon ( 1 ) Michael Southworth ( 1 ) Michael Stahl-David ( 8 ) Michael Tow ( 1 ) Michael Trevino ( 4 ) Michael Trotter ( 2 ) Michael Urie ( 7 ) Michael Vaccaro ( 1 ) Michael Vara ( 1 ) Michael Varde ( 1 ) Michael Vartan ( 1 ) Michael Vlamis ( 14 ) Michael von Burg ( 1 ) Michael Weaver ( 1 ) Michael Welch ( 8 ) Michael Xavier ( 2 ) Michael Yi ( 2 ) Michael-Leon Woodley ( 1 ) Michal Grabowski ( 1 ) Michal Sikorski ( 1 ) Michel Issa Rubio ( 1 ) Michel Joelsas ( 1 ) Michiel Huisman ( 5 ) Mick Fanning ( 1 ) Mickaël Grente ( 1 ) Mickaël Pelissier ( 1 ) Mickey Gooch ( 1 ) Mickey O'Sullivan ( 1 ) Micki Stoltt ( 1 ) Micky Shiloah ( 1 ) Mido Hamada ( 1 ) Migeal James ( 1 ) Miguel Almendras ( 1 ) Miguel Bernardeau ( 7 ) Miguel Diosdado ( 1 ) Miguel Gomez ( 1 ) Miguel Herrán ( 1 ) Miguel Michel ( 1 ) Mihael Gerginov ( 1 ) Mikael Persbrandt ( 3 ) Mike Beckingham ( 1 ) Mike C. Manning ( 7 ) Mike Doyle ( 2 ) Mike Dreyden ( 2 ) Mike Edward ( 1 ) Mike Erwin ( 1 ) Mike Faiola ( 1 ) Mike Foy ( 2 ) Mike Gray ( 1 ) Mike Horton ( 1 ) Mike Mains ( 1 ) Mike Markoff ( 1 ) Mike Mizanin ( 4 ) Mike Naccari ( 1 ) Mike Peele ( 1 ) Mike Pericoloso ( 2 ) Mike Russnak ( 1 ) Mike Taylor ( 1 ) Mike Vogel ( 20 ) Mike Zubi ( 1 ) Mikey Day ( 1 ) Mikey Friedman ( 1 ) Miki Esparbé ( 1 ) Mikkel Boe Følsgaard ( 1 ) Mikko Kauppila ( 1 ) Miles Barrow ( 1 ) Miles Carney ( 1 ) Miles Fowler ( 1 ) Miles Gaston Villanueva ( 11 ) Miles Heizer ( 3 ) Miles Higson ( 3 ) Miles McKenna ( 1 ) Miles Robbins ( 2 ) Miles Szanto ( 1 ) Miles Teller ( 6 ) Milo Cawthorne ( 1 ) Milo Manheim ( 4 ) Milo Ventimiglia ( 13 ) Milos Cvetkovic ( 1 ) Milton García ( 1 ) Mingyu Chu ( 1 ) Mirko Batoni ( 1 ) Miroslaw Baka ( 1 ) Misha Collins ( 1 ) Misha Crosby ( 1 ) Mishka Thébaud ( 1 ) Mitch Hewer ( 1 ) Mitch Morris ( 1 ) Mitchell Edwards ( 2 ) Mitchell Hoog ( 3 ) Mitchell Hope ( 2 ) Mitchell Winter ( 1 ) Mo McRae ( 3 ) Mojean Aria ( 1 ) Monroe Mann ( 1 ) Monte Bezell ( 1 ) Monty Shane ( 1 ) Morgan David Jones ( 1 ) Morgan Krantz ( 2 ) Morgan LeBlanc ( 1 ) Morgan Lever ( 1 ) Morgan Spector ( 2 ) Moronai Kanekoa ( 1 ) Morris Chestnut ( 3 ) Morten Holst ( 1 ) Moses Storm ( 3 ) Mpho Sibeko ( 1 ) Murf Meyer ( 1 ) Murray Bartlett ( 8 ) Murray Swanby ( 4 ) Musa Lutfi ( 1 ) Mustafa Shakir ( 3 ) Mykee Steen ( 1 ) Myko Olivier ( 1 ) Myles Clohessy ( 1 ) Myles Thatcher ( 1 ) Nabhaan Rizwan ( 1 ) Nadim Kobeissi ( 1 ) Nahuel Pérez Biscayart ( 1 ) Nana Amoo-Gottfried ( 1 ) Nanthawat Phaiboonphattana ( 1 ) Narapat Sakunsong ( 1 ) Nash Grier ( 3 ) Nat Faxon ( 2 ) Nat Wolff ( 3 ) Natchakal Reungrong ( 1 ) Nate Crnkovich ( 2 ) Nate Moore ( 1 ) Nate Parker ( 1 ) Nate Peterson ( 1 ) Nate Timmerman ( 1 ) Nathan Bexton ( 1 ) Nathan Butera ( 1 ) Nathan Castle ( 1 ) Nathan Clough ( 1 ) Nathan Feitos ( 2 ) Nathan Fielder ( 2 ) Nathan Keyes ( 2 ) Nathan Kohnen ( 1 ) Nathan Mitchell ( 1 ) Nathan Owens ( 10 ) Nathan Parsons ( 16 ) Nathan Phillips ( 1 ) Nathan Quinn-O'Rawe ( 1 ) Nathan Stewart-Jarrett ( 5 ) Nathan Witte ( 1 ) Nathaniel Bacon ( 1 ) Nathaniel Buzolic ( 6 ) Nathaniel David Becker ( 1 ) Nathaniel Hall ( 1 ) Nathaniel Holdsworth ( 1 ) Nathaniel J. Potvin ( 1 ) Nathaniel Stroud ( 1 ) Nav Sidhu ( 1 ) Navaris Darson ( 1 ) Ncuti Gatwa ( 4 ) Ne-Yo ( 1 ) Ned Porteous ( 2 ) Neelay Mehendale ( 1 ) Nehuén Zapata ( 1 ) Neil Ashton ( 1 ) Neil Bhoopalam ( 1 ) Neil Edmond ( 1 ) Neil Jackson ( 1 ) Neil Maskall ( 1 ) Neil Morrison ( 1 ) Neil Patrick Harris ( 2 ) Neil Redfield ( 1 ) Nelsan Ellis ( 1 ) Nguyěn Hậu ( 1 ) Nic Cory ( 1 ) Nic Luken ( 1 ) Nic Rasenti ( 2 ) Nicco Annan ( 5 ) Nichakoon Krajornborirak ( 2 ) Nicholas Alexander Chavez ( 10 ) Nicholas Ashley O'Connor ( 1 ) Nicholas Barasch ( 5 ) Nicholas Bishop ( 2 ) Nicholas Braun ( 4 ) Nicholas Brendan ( 1 ) Nicholas Brown ( 1 ) Nicholas Cirillo ( 1 ) Nicholas Cunningham ( 1 ) Nicholas D'Agosto ( 3 ) Nicholas Downs ( 1 ) Nicholas Galitzine ( 3 ) Nicholas Gonzalez ( 2 ) Nicholas Gunn ( 1 ) Nicholas Hamilton ( 1 ) Nicholas Hoult ( 6 ) Nicholas Jacob ( 1 ) Nicholas Logan ( 1 ) Nicholás Martinez ( 1 ) Nicholas Massouh ( 1 ) Nicholas McDonald ( 1 ) Nicholas Muscarella ( 1 ) Nicholas Pinnock ( 1 ) Nicholas Popov ( 1 ) Nicholas Rose ( 1 ) Nicholas Waters ( 1 ) Nick Adams ( 2 ) Nick Airus ( 1 ) Nick Bailey ( 1 ) Nick Barrotta ( 1 ) Nick Bateman ( 3 ) Nick Byer ( 1 ) Nick Carr ( 1 ) Nick Cassidy ( 1 ) Nick Chinlund ( 1 ) Nick Clifford ( 2 ) Nick Coleman ( 1 ) Nick Cornish ( 1 ) Nick Ferrucci ( 2 ) Nick Fink ( 3 ) Nick Flaig ( 1 ) Nick Frangione ( 1 ) Nick Hagelin ( 1 ) Nick Heyman ( 1 ) Nick Hounslow ( 1 ) Nick Jonas ( 17 ) Nick Krause ( 1 ) Nick Kroll ( 1 ) Nick Mennell ( 1 ) Nick Molari ( 1 ) Nick Moreno ( 1 ) Nick Nordella ( 1 ) Nick Offerman ( 1 ) Nick Pugliese ( 2 ) Nick Rizo ( 1 ) Nick Robinson ( 11 ) Nick Sagar ( 3 ) Nick Sage Palmieri ( 1 ) Nick Sasso ( 1 ) Nick Slater ( 1 ) Nick Spano ( 1 ) Nick Stabile ( 2 ) Nick Stahl ( 1 ) Nick Thune ( 2 ) Nick Walker ( 1 ) Nick Wechsler ( 2 ) Nick Westrate ( 1 ) Nick Zano ( 5 ) Nico Bellamy ( 1 ) Nico Evers-Swindell ( 1 ) Nico Greetham ( 8 ) Nico Hiraga ( 1 ) Nico Jones ( 1 ) Nico Mirallegro ( 3 ) Nico Monty ( 1 ) Nico Tortorella ( 13 ) Nicolás Armengol ( 1 ) Nicolas Burgos ( 1 ) Nicolas Cage ( 1 ) Nicolas Chalumeau ( 1 ) Nicolas Dibla ( 1 ) Nicolás Durán ( 1 ) Nicolas Fernandez ( 1 ) Nicolas Fontaine ( 1 ) Nicolas Gob ( 2 ) Nicolas Maury ( 3 ) Nicolas Maxim Endlicher ( 1 ) Nicolas Palladino ( 1 ) Nicolás Romeo ( 1 ) Nicolás Zárate ( 1 ) Nigel DeFriez ( 1 ) Nik Xhelilaj ( 1 ) Nikesh Patel ( 2 ) Niklas Peters ( 1 ) Niko Guardado ( 2 ) Niko Nicotera ( 1 ) Niko Pepaj ( 1 ) Niko Terho ( 9 ) Nikolaas von Schrader ( 1 ) Nikolai Leon ( 1 ) Nikolai Maksimov Genchev ( 1 ) Nikolaj Coster-Waldau ( 2 ) Nikolas Antunes ( 1 ) Nikolaus Benda ( 1 ) Nikolay Zotev ( 1 ) Nikos Gelia ( 1 ) Nile Bullock ( 1 ) Nile DiMarco ( 3 ) Nima Taleghani ( 1 ) Niv Nissim ( 1 ) Noah Alexander Gerry ( 3 ) Noah Bean ( 1 ) Noah Beck ( 1 ) Noah Centineo ( 3 ) Noah Fearnley ( 3 ) Noah Galvin ( 1 ) Noah Gray-Cabey ( 1 ) Noah Huntley ( 1 ) Noah J. Ricketts ( 5 ) Noah LaLonde ( 1 ) Noah Le Gros ( 1 ) Noah Matthews ( 1 ) Noah Mills ( 2 ) Noah Reid ( 6 ) Noah Schuffman ( 1 ) Noah Segan ( 2 ) Noah Silver ( 5 ) Noah Toth ( 1 ) Noah Williams ( 1 ) Noam Ash ( 1 ) Noam Jenkins ( 1 ) Noel Clarke ( 3 ) Noel Fisher ( 17 ) Nolan Bateman ( 1 ) Nolan Gerard Funk ( 9 ) Nolan Gould ( 1 ) Nontapat Intarasuan ( 1 ) Norman Johnson Jr. ( 1 ) Norman Wakefield ( 1 ) Nude Scene ( 2159 ) Nuno Pardal ( 1 ) Nyamandi Adrian ( 1 ) Nyasha Hatendi ( 3 ) O'Shea Jackson Jr. ( 1 ) Oabnithi Wiwattanawarang ( 1 ) Oded Leopold ( 2 ) Odiseas Georgiadis ( 1 ) Ofek Aharoni ( 1 ) Ofek Nicki-Cohen ( 1 ) Ofer Regirer ( 1 ) Ohad Knoller ( 1 ) Okieriete Onaodowan ( 8 ) Olaf Eide ( 1 ) Olavi Uusivirta ( 1 ) Oleg Gotsulyak ( 1 ) Oleg Ivenko ( 1 ) Oleg Zagorodnii ( 1 ) Olen Holm ( 1 ) Oliver Anthony ( 1 ) Oliver Brooks ( 1 ) Oliver Canovas ( 1 ) Oliver Cooper ( 1 ) Oliver Dimsdale ( 3 ) Oliver Due ( 1 ) Oliver Hoare ( 1 ) Oliver Hudson ( 3 ) Oliver Jackson-Cohen ( 2 ) Oliver Park ( 1 ) Oliver Stark ( 9 ) Oliver Watson ( 1 ) Olivier Paris ( 1 ) Olivier Rabourdin ( 1 ) Omar Ayuso ( 6 ) Omar Ben Sellem ( 1 ) Omar El-Saeidi ( 1 ) Omar Epps ( 1 ) Omar Maskati ( 3 ) Omar Rudberg ( 2 ) Omari Hardwick ( 19 ) Omer Perelman Striks ( 1 ) Omid Abtahi ( 2 ) Or Schraiber ( 1 ) Orel de la Mota ( 1 ) Oriol Pla ( 1 ) Oscar Hsu ( 1 ) Óscar Iniesta ( 1 ) Oscar Kennedy ( 1 ) Oscar Manski ( 1 ) Oscar Montoya ( 1 ) Oscar Morgan ( 1 ) Oscar Pessans ( 1 ) Oshri Sahar ( 1 ) Oskar Rybaczek ( 1 ) Osman Hung ( 1 ) Osric Chau ( 1 ) Othello Rensoli ( 1 ) Otis Dhanji ( 1 ) Otis Hope Carey ( 1 ) Otto Farrant ( 1 ) Owen Alabado ( 1 ) Owen Campbell ( 1 ) Owen Harn ( 1 ) Owen Peter Read ( 1 ) Owen Teague ( 6 ) Owen Wu ( 2 ) Oz Zehavi ( 1 ) P. Ekkapop Tata ( 3 ) P.J. Gallagher ( 1 ) Paapa Essiedu ( 3 ) Pablo Hernandez ( 2 ) Pablo Kaestli ( 1 ) Pablo Lapa ( 1 ) Pablo Mezz ( 1 ) Pablo Pauly ( 1 ) Pablo Schreiber ( 5 ) Packy Lee ( 1 ) Paco Gorriz ( 1 ) Paco Manzanedo ( 1 ) Padrick Shadeck ( 1 ) Pan Jirachot Chotticomporn ( 4 ) Pano Tsaklas ( 1 ) Panos Vlahos ( 1 ) Panuwat Wisessiri ( 1 ) Paolo Gumabao ( 1 ) Paris Dylan ( 1 ) Parker Croft ( 1 ) Parker Mack ( 1 ) Parker Sawyers ( 7 ) Parker Young ( 16 ) Parry Shen ( 27 ) Parvesh Cheena ( 1 ) Pascacio López ( 1 ) Pascal Cervo ( 1 ) Pasha D. Lychnikoff ( 1 ) Paskal Vaklev ( 1 ) Pasquale Marotta ( 1 ) Passionflix ( 9 ) Patcharapon Santiporn ( 2 ) Patricio Arellano ( 1 ) Patricio Ramos ( 1 ) Patrick Andrews ( 1 ) Patrick Bauchau ( 1 ) Patrick Davis ( 1 ) Patrick Fabian ( 1 ) Patrick Fischler ( 1 ) Patrick Flueger ( 1 ) Patrick Fugit ( 1 ) Patrick Gibson ( 1 ) Patrick Gilmore ( 1 ) Patrick Heusinger ( 1 ) Patrick Isopp ( 1 ) Patrick Johnson ( 1 ) Patrick Murray ( 1 ) Patrick Ortiz ( 1 ) Patrick Reilly ( 1 ) Patrick Schwarzenegger ( 3 ) Patrick Stogner ( 1 ) Patrick Tatten ( 1 ) Patrick Taylor ( 1 ) Patrick Walker ( 1 ) Patrick Ward ( 1 ) Patrick Wilson ( 2 ) Patrick Zeller ( 2 ) Pau Masó ( 2 ) Paul Adelstein ( 2 ) Paul Anderson ( 1 ) Paul Arvenne ( 1 ) Paul Auls ( 1 ) Paul Ballin ( 1 ) Paul Bettany ( 1 ) Paul Blackthorne ( 1 ) Paul Brannigan ( 1 ) Paul Bright ( 1 ) Paul Dano ( 2 ) Paul Delbreil ( 1 ) Paul Fitzgerald ( 1 ) Paul Forman ( 3 ) Paul Greene ( 2 ) Paul Hamy ( 1 ) Paul James ( 1 ) Paul James Jordan ( 1 ) Paul Karmiryan ( 1 ) Paul Kircher ( 1 ) Paul Lacovara ( 1 ) Paul Lawrence Kitson ( 1 ) Paul Lee ( 1 ) Paul Luebke ( 1 ) Paul Mann ( 2 ) Paul Mescal ( 5 ) Paul Michael Thomson ( 1 ) Paul Nicholls ( 1 ) Paul Prado ( 1 ) Paul Preiss ( 1 ) Paul Reid ( 1 ) Paul Rhys ( 1 ) Paul Rudd ( 2 ) Paul Scheer ( 1 ) Paul Skye Lehrman ( 1 ) Paul Sparks ( 1 ) Paul Telfer ( 62 ) Paul Victor ( 1 ) Paul W. Downs ( 2 ) Paul Walker ( 1 ) Paul Walter Hauser ( 1 ) Paul Wesley ( 4 ) Paul Woolfolk ( 1 ) Paul Zinno ( 2 ) Paulo Sousa ( 1 ) Pavel Akindag ( 1 ) Pavle Jerinic ( 1 ) Pawel Tomaszewski ( 1 ) Pedro Fasanaro ( 1 ) Pedro Garza ( 1 ) Pedro Minas ( 1 ) Pedro Morillo Jr. ( 1 ) Pedro Pacifici ( 1 ) Pekka Strang ( 1 ) Penn Badgley ( 10 ) Pepe Ocio ( 1 ) Pete Davidson ( 3 ) Pete Finland ( 1 ) Pete Gardner ( 3 ) Pete Kasper ( 1 ) Pete Ploszek ( 4 ) Peter Anderson ( 1 ) Peter Bundic ( 1 ) Peter Caulfield ( 1 ) Peter Claffey ( 1 ) Peter Dager ( 1 ) Peter Daniel Adams ( 1 ) Peter Dinklage ( 2 ) Peter Facinelli ( 3 ) Peter Ferdinando ( 1 ) Peter Gadiot ( 1 ) Peter Gilroy ( 2 ) Peter Hermann ( 2 ) Peter Knegt ( 1 ) Peter Krause ( 4 ) Peter Lofsgard ( 1 ) Peter Macdissi ( 1 ) Peter MacNeill ( 1 ) Peter Madrigal ( 1 ) Peter Mensah ( 4 ) Peter Pittaros ( 1 ) Peter Porte ( 3 ) Peter Rini ( 1 ) Peter Rothwell ( 1 ) Peter Sarsgaard ( 2 ) Peter Strauss ( 1 ) Peter Szeliga ( 1 ) Peter Vack ( 3 ) Peter Viitanen ( 1 ) Petey McGee ( 1 ) Petrice Jones ( 2 ) Peyton Alex Smith ( 3 ) Peyton Meyer ( 1 ) Pha'rez Lass ( 3 ) Phaldut Sharma ( 1 ) Phénix Brossard ( 2 ) Phil Armijo ( 1 ) Phil Brooks ( 2 ) Phil Dunster ( 1 ) Phil Rodriguez ( 1 ) Phil-John Perry ( 1 ) Philemon Chambers ( 1 ) Philip Cumbus ( 1 ) Philip Ettinger ( 2 ) Philip Labes ( 1 ) Philip Rossi ( 1 ) Philip Winchester ( 6 ) Philipp Hochmair ( 1 ) Philipp Karner ( 2 ) Philippe Klaus ( 1 ) Philippe Ohrel ( 1 ) Phillip Andre Botello ( 1 ) Phillip DeVona ( 1 ) Phillip Lewitski ( 1 ) Phillip Rhys ( 2 ) Phillip Winter ( 1 ) Pico Alexander ( 3 ) Pier-Gabriel Lajoie ( 1 ) Pierce Miller ( 1 ) Pierre Deladonchamps ( 2 ) Pierre Dupont ( 1 ) Pierre Emö ( 1 ) Pierre Perrier ( 1 ) Pierre Prieur ( 1 ) Pierre-Matthieu Vital ( 1 ) Pierson Fodé ( 26 ) Pinij NaLampoon ( 1 ) Piotr Pacek ( 1 ) Pip Brignall ( 1 ) PJ McCabe ( 1 ) Plai Chattrin Chotticomporn ( 4 ) Po-Hung Lin ( 1 ) Pocholito Tamayo ( 1 ) Pol Granch ( 2 ) Pol Monen ( 1 ) Pongsatorn Sripinta ( 1 ) Pooch Hall ( 2 ) Prama Imanotai ( 1 ) Praneet Akilla ( 4 ) Prateik Babbar ( 1 ) Pressly Coker ( 1 ) Preston Jones ( 1 ) Priyom Haider ( 2 ) Pulkit Samrat ( 1 ) Puri Hiranyapluek ( 1 ) Qiji Chen ( 1 ) Quentin Plair ( 1 ) Quentin Thébault ( 1 ) Quenton Craddock ( 2 ) Quim Ribaudi ( 1 ) Quincy Brown ( 5 ) Quincy Fouse ( 3 ) Quinn Jaxon ( 1 ) Quinn Lazenby ( 1 ) Quinn Ryan ( 3 ) R.J. Brown ( 3 ) Rabah Zahi ( 2 ) Radouan Leflahi ( 1 ) Rafael Cardoso ( 1 ) Rafael Cebrián ( 1 ) Rafael de Bona ( 1 ) Rafael de la Fuente ( 27 ) Rafael Ferro ( 1 ) Rafael Gomes ( 1 ) Rafael I. Molina ( 2 ) Rafael Lozano ( 1 ) Rafael Medrado ( 1 ) Rafael Morais ( 1 ) Rafael Petardi ( 1 ) Rafael Rojas ( 1 ) Rafael Sardina ( 1 ) Rafael Silva ( 14 ) Rafael Theophilo ( 1 ) Rafe Bird ( 1 ) Raffi Barsoumian ( 2 ) Rafi Gavron ( 2 ) Rafiel Soto ( 1 ) Rahart Adams ( 2 ) Rahul Khanna ( 1 ) Raihan Baqui ( 1 ) Raiko Gohara ( 1 ) Rainer Dawn ( 4 ) Raj Labade ( 1 ) Rami Malek ( 4 ) Rami Narin ( 1 ) Ramon O. Torres ( 1 ) Ramon Pujol ( 2 ) Ramón Rodríguez ( 1 ) Ramon Suzara ( 1 ) Ran Danker ( 1 ) Randy Irwin ( 1 ) Randy Wayne ( 4 ) Rap Robes ( 1 ) Raphael Acloque ( 4 ) Raphael Barker ( 2 ) Rarmian Newton ( 3 ) Ratchanon Kanphiang ( 1 ) Raúl Castillo ( 2 ) Raúl López ( 1 ) Ray An Dulay ( 1 ) Ray Donovan ( 7 ) Ray Nicholson ( 1 ) Ray Romano ( 1 ) Ray Santiago ( 1 ) Ray Strasser King ( 1 ) Rayford Sewell ( 1 ) Raymond Ablack ( 3 ) Raymond Cham Jr. ( 8 ) Raymond Lee ( 10 ) Raza Jaffrey ( 1 ) Réal Andrews ( 1 ) Reality TV ( 150 ) Reece Ritchie ( 1 ) Reed Luplau ( 1 ) Reef Ireland ( 1 ) Rega Lupo ( 1 ) Regé-Jean Page ( 1 ) Reggie Austin ( 1 ) Reggie Conquest ( 2 ) Reggie Revels ( 1 ) Rehman Bhatti ( 2 ) Reid Ewing ( 1 ) Reid Miller ( 1 ) Reid Price ( 1 ) Reid Scott ( 4 ) Reinier Díaz ( 1 ) Remy Hii ( 2 ) Remy Mars ( 1 ) Renato Schuch ( 1 ) René Escobar Jr. ( 1 ) René Mena ( 1 ) Reuben Milner ( 1 ) Reyn Halford ( 1 ) Reynaldo Gallegos ( 1 ) Rhenzy Feliz ( 1 ) Rhydian Vaughan ( 1 ) Rhys Howells ( 2 ) Rhys Wakefield ( 2 ) Rib Hillis ( 2 ) Ricardo Barbosa ( 1 ) Ricardo Enríquez ( 1 ) Ricardo Gómez ( 1 ) Ricardo Hoyos ( 3 ) Ricardo Hurtado ( 2 ) Ricardo Meneses ( 1 ) Ricardo Pereira ( 1 ) Riccardo Francia ( 1 ) Rich Sommer ( 1 ) Richard Brake ( 1 ) Richard Brancatisano ( 1 ) Richard Burgi ( 1 ) Richard Coyle ( 2 ) Richard Crouchley ( 5 ) Richard Dreyfuss ( 1 ) Richard Fleeshman ( 8 ) Richard Flood ( 5 ) Richard Harmon ( 7 ) Richard Kohnke ( 2 ) Richard Lintern ( 1 ) Richard Madden ( 5 ) Richard Marshall ( 1 ) Richard Portnow ( 1 ) Richard Rankin ( 7 ) Richard Schieffer ( 1 ) Richard Short ( 1 ) Richard Thorne ( 1 ) Richard White ( 1 ) Rick Cosnett ( 2 ) Rick Donald ( 1 ) Rick Gonzalez ( 2 ) Ricky Goldman ( 1 ) Ricky Irizarry ( 2 ) Ricky Jaime ( 1 ) Ricky Martin ( 2 ) Ricky Russert ( 1 ) Ricky Whittle ( 11 ) Rider Strong ( 1 ) Rify Royalty ( 2 ) Rigo Sanchez ( 1 ) Riker Hill ( 1 ) Riley Barnes ( 1 ) Riley Smith ( 1 ) Riley Westling ( 1 ) Rio Mangini ( 2 ) Ritchie Coster ( 1 ) Riunosuke Goto ( 1 ) RJ Cyler ( 2 ) RJ Mitte ( 3 ) Ro Boddie ( 1 ) Rob Anderson ( 1 ) Rob Benedict ( 1 ) Rob D'Angelo ( 1 ) Rob da Silva ( 1 ) Rob Delaney ( 1 ) Rob Franco ( 1 ) Rob Gronkowski ( 1 ) Rob H. Roy ( 1 ) Rob Heaps ( 5 ) Rob Hoflund ( 1 ) Rob Lowe ( 9 ) Rob Mayes ( 5 ) Rob McElhenney ( 4 ) Rob Morean ( 1 ) Rob Moretti ( 1 ) Rob Morgan ( 1 ) Rob Ordonoez ( 1 ) Rob Raco ( 3 ) Rob Stats ( 1 ) Rob Westin ( 1 ) Rob Yang ( 1 ) Robb Sherman ( 1 ) Robbie Amell ( 10 ) Robbie E. Strauss ( 1 ) Robbie Gottlieb ( 1 ) Robbie Graham-Kuntz ( 1 ) Robbie Jones ( 1 ) Robbie Kay ( 1 ) Robbie Magasiva ( 2 ) Robby Echo ( 1 ) Robby Stahl ( 1 ) Robert Adamson ( 6 ) Robert Aramayo ( 1 ) Robert Bazzocchi ( 2 ) Robert Borzych ( 1 ) Robert Buckley ( 4 ) Robert Christopher Riley ( 21 ) Robert De Niro ( 1 ) Robert Floyd ( 1 ) Robert Gant ( 1 ) Robert Hoffman ( 2 ) Robert Hook ( 1 ) Robert Kazinsky ( 1 ) Robert LaCroix ( 1 ) Robert Mammana ( 1 ) Robert Palmer Watkins ( 13 ) Robert Pralgo ( 2 ) Robert Ri'chard ( 1 ) Robert Scott Wilson ( 63 ) Robert Sheehan ( 4 ) Robert Stone ( 1 ) Robert Valletta ( 1 ) Robert Werner ( 1 ) Roberto Alderete ( 1 ) Roberto Enríquez ( 1 ) Roberto Larancuent ( 1 ) Robin Laing ( 1 ) Robin Mognetti ( 1 ) Roby Schinasi ( 1 ) Rocco Diamanti ( 1 ) Rockmond Dunbar ( 1 ) Rocky Vallarta ( 1 ) Rodman Randolph ( 1 ) Rodrigo Andreolli ( 1 ) Rodrigo Bittes ( 1 ) Rodrigo García ( 1 ) Rodrigo Massa ( 1 ) Rodrigo Santoro ( 4 ) Roger Duplease ( 1 ) Roger Edwards ( 1 ) Roger Howarth ( 1 ) Roger Wayne ( 1 ) Roland Menou ( 2 ) Rolando Chusan ( 1 ) Rollo Skinner ( 1 ) Romain Eck ( 1 ) Romain Lancry ( 2 ) Romaine James ( 1 ) Roman Girelli ( 1 ) Romanni Villacaña ( 1 ) Romany Malco ( 2 ) Rome Flynn ( 29 ) Romeo Miller ( 1 ) Romulo Arantes Neto ( 1 ) Ron Melendez ( 1 ) Ronald Lopez ( 1 ) Ronaldo Serruya ( 1 ) Ronan Raftery ( 1 ) Ronen Rubinstein ( 20 ) Ronnie Kerr ( 2 ) Ronnie Kroell ( 3 ) Ronnie Victor ( 1 ) Ronny Borrelli ( 1 ) Ronny Chieng ( 1 ) Roque Ruíz ( 1 ) Rory Culkin ( 3 ) Rory Fleck Byrne ( 4 ) Rory Gibson ( 1 ) Rory Hohenstein ( 1 ) Rory Kinnear ( 2 ) Rory O'Malley ( 5 ) Rory Phelan ( 1 ) Roshon Fegan ( 1 ) Ross Beschler ( 1 ) Ross Butler ( 6 ) Ross Edgely ( 2 ) Ross Jirgl ( 1 ) Ross Kimball ( 1 ) Ross Lynch ( 9 ) Ross Thomas ( 1 ) Rossif Sutherland ( 1 ) Rotimi Akinosho ( 3 ) Rotimi Paul ( 1 ) Roy Miller ( 1 ) Roy Reshef ( 1 ) Ruairi O'Connor ( 1 ) Ruaridh Mollica ( 1 ) Rubén Martínez ( 1 ) Ruben Rivera ( 1 ) Rudy Pankow ( 2 ) Rufus Hound ( 1 ) Ruman Kazi ( 1 ) Rune Temte ( 1 ) RuPaul Charles ( 1 ) Rupert Charmak ( 1 ) Rushi Kota ( 1 ) Russell Hicks ( 1 ) Russell Pitts ( 1 ) Russell Tovey ( 16 ) Rusty Joiner ( 1 ) Ryan Adames ( 2 ) Ryan Adams ( 2 ) Ryan Ali ( 6 ) Ryan Ashton ( 1 ) Ryan Blakely ( 1 ) Ryan Bruce ( 2 ) Ryan Buchanan ( 1 ) Ryan Burke ( 1 ) Ryan Caltagirone ( 1 ) Ryan Cargill ( 1 ) Ryan Carnes ( 31 ) Ryan Connelly-Carr ( 1 ) Ryan Cooper ( 2 ) Ryan Corr ( 3 ) Ryan Czerwonko ( 1 ) Ryan Daly ( 1 ) Ryan de Villiers ( 1 ) Ryan DeLong ( 1 ) Ryan Dinning ( 3 ) Ryan Donowho ( 1 ) Ryan Dorsey ( 1 ) Ryan Dungo ( 1 ) Ryan Eggold ( 1 ) Ryan Farrell ( 1 ) Ryan Faucett ( 6 ) Ryan Fisher ( 1 ) Ryan Fleming ( 2 ) Ryan Fletcher ( 3 ) Ryan Gosling ( 3 ) Ryan Guzman ( 20 ) Ryan Haake ( 1 ) Ryan Hansen ( 4 ) Ryan Hill ( 1 ) Ryan Jamaal Swain ( 1 ) Ryan Jinn ( 4 ) Ryan Kelley ( 10 ) Ryan Kelly ( 1 ) Ryan Kwanten ( 8 ) Ryan Larson ( 1 ) Ryan Lonergan ( 1 ) Ryan Malaty ( 1 ) Ryan Massey ( 1 ) Ryan McCartan ( 2 ) Ryan McLaughlin ( 1 ) Ryan McPartlin ( 6 ) Ryan O'Connell ( 1 ) Ryan O'Kane ( 1 ) Ryan Paevey ( 37 ) Ryan Phillippe ( 11 ) Ryan Piers Williams ( 1 ) Ryan Poole ( 1 ) Ryan Potter ( 6 ) Ryan Reynolds ( 3 ) Ryan Robbins ( 2 ) Ryan Salazar ( 1 ) Ryan Sampson ( 2 ) Ryan Sevy ( 1 ) Ryan Simantel ( 1 ) Ryan Steele ( 1 ) Ryan Vigilant ( 1 ) Ryan Ward ( 1 ) Ryan Weldon ( 1 ) Ryan White ( 1 ) Ryan-James Hatanaka ( 1 ) Ryle De Morny ( 1 ) Ryohei Suzuki ( 1 ) Ryosuke Ugajin ( 1 ) Ryota Kaneko ( 1 ) Saamer Usmani ( 2 ) Sacha Dhawan ( 1 ) Sachin Bhatt ( 1 ) Sachin Sahel ( 1 ) Saga Becker ( 1 ) Sajoão ( 1 ) Saket Sharma ( 1 ) Sal Vance ( 1 ) Salim Kechiouche ( 1 ) Sallieu Sesay ( 1 ) Salvatore Antonio ( 1 ) Salvio Simeoli ( 1 ) Sam Adegoke ( 5 ) Sam Anderson ( 1 ) Sam Asghari ( 3 ) Sam Ashby ( 1 ) Sam Bourne ( 1 ) Sam Brooks ( 1 ) Sam Claflin ( 8 ) Sam Corlett ( 2 ) Sam Evans ( 3 ) Sam Garfield ( 1 ) Sam Gittins ( 1 ) Sam Heughan ( 33 ) Sam Hoare ( 1 ) Sam Jaeger ( 2 ) Sam Keeley ( 4 ) Sam Law ( 1 ) Sam Lerner ( 1 ) Sam Marks ( 1 ) Sam Meakin ( 1 ) Sam Otto ( 2 ) Sam Page ( 1 ) Sam Palladio ( 2 ) Sam Reid ( 9 ) Sam Retford ( 4 ) Sam Strike ( 1 ) Sam Trammell ( 1 ) Sam Underwood ( 7 ) Sam Vartholomeos ( 7 ) Sam Windell ( 1 ) Sam Worthington ( 1 ) Samer Salem ( 2 ) Sami Outalbali ( 2 ) Sami Taha ( 1 ) Samir Harrag ( 1 ) Samrat Chakrabati ( 1 ) Samson Ajewole ( 1 ) Samson Selim ( 1 ) Samson Varghese ( 1 ) Samuel Barrie ( 1 ) Samuel Braun ( 1 ) Samuel Caleb Walker ( 1 ) Samuel Davis ( 1 ) Samuel Edward-Cook ( 1 ) Samuel Fasse ( 1 ) Samuel González ( 1 ) Samuel H. Levine ( 1 ) Samuel Hunt ( 2 ) Samuel Larson ( 1 ) Samuel Small ( 1 ) Samuel White ( 1 ) Samuel Whitten ( 1 ) Samuele Picchi ( 1 ) Samuele Segreto ( 1 ) Sanda Shandu ( 1 ) Sandro Squillace ( 1 ) Sandy Jobin-Bevans ( 1 ) Sang Heon Lee ( 1 ) Santiago Cabrera ( 4 ) Santiago Rodríguez-Costabal ( 1 ) Santiago Segura ( 3 ) Sanuye Shoteka ( 1 ) Sarunas Jackson ( 12 ) Sascha Ghafoor ( 1 ) Sascha Weingarten ( 1 ) Saul Nanni ( 1 ) Savvas Seferis ( 1 ) Sawyer Spielberg ( 1 ) Scott 'Kid Cudi' Mescudi ( 2 ) Scott Adkins ( 2 ) Scott Alin ( 1 ) Scott Bailey ( 2 ) Scott Baker ( 1 ) Scott Caan ( 5 ) Scott Clifton ( 33 ) Scott Cox ( 1 ) Scott Eastwood ( 6 ) Scott Elrod ( 5 ) Scott Evans ( 2 ) Scott Fletcher ( 1 ) Scott Gabelein ( 1 ) Scott Graham ( 1 ) Scott Higgins ( 2 ) Scott Hoying ( 1 ) Scott Lunsford ( 1 ) Scott MacArthur ( 3 ) Scott Marcus ( 1 ) Scott Marlowe ( 1 ) Scott Michael Foster ( 9 ) Scott Neal ( 1 ) Scott Porter ( 2 ) Scott Romstadt ( 1 ) Scott Sell ( 2 ) Scott Speedman ( 1 ) Scott Speiser ( 1 ) Scott Spragg ( 1 ) Scott Timlin ( 1 ) Scott Vickers ( 1 ) Scott Wild ( 1 ) Scott Wolf ( 1 ) Scottie Epstein ( 1 ) Seamus Patterson ( 1 ) Sean Bean ( 2 ) Sean Benedict ( 1 ) Sean Bourke ( 1 ) Sean Brown ( 1 ) Sean Carrigan ( 10 ) Sean De Guzman ( 1 ) Sean Depner ( 2 ) Sean Dominic ( 7 ) Sean Faris ( 2 ) Sean Fosse ( 1 ) Sean Giambrone ( 1 ) Sean Gilder ( 1 ) Sean Grandillo ( 2 ) Sean Hoagland ( 1 ) Sean Hudock ( 1 ) Sean Li ( 1 ) Sean MacGabhann ( 1 ) Sean Maguire ( 1 ) Sean Maher ( 1 ) Sean Marquette ( 2 ) Sean Michael Weber ( 2 ) Sean O'Donnell ( 1 ) Sean Ormond ( 1 ) Sean Patrick Thomas ( 1 ) Sean Paul Lockhart ( 8 ) Sean Philip Glasgow ( 1 ) Sean Poolman ( 1 ) Sean Riggs ( 2 ) Sean Rogerson ( 2 ) Sean Samuels ( 2 ) Sean Scully ( 2 ) Sean Skene ( 1 ) Sean Teale ( 2 ) Sean Thibodeau ( 1 ) Sean Williams ( 1 ) Sean-Marco Vorster ( 1 ) Seann William Scott ( 2 ) Sebastián Ayala ( 2 ) Sebastian Buitrago ( 1 ) Sebastian Chacon ( 1 ) Sebastian Croft ( 1 ) Sebastian De Souza ( 2 ) Sebastian Dela ( 1 ) Sebastian La Cause ( 1 ) Sebastian Roberts ( 1 ) Sebastian Schlecht ( 1 ) Sebastián Silva ( 1 ) Sebastian Spence ( 4 ) Sebastian Stan ( 7 ) Sebastian Urzendowsky ( 1 ) Sebastiano Pigazzi ( 3 ) Sébastien Ricard ( 1 ) Sebastien Sprysak ( 1 ) Sedale Threatt Jr. ( 2 ) Ser'Darius Blain ( 3 ) Serge Renko ( 1 ) Sergei Polunin ( 1 ) Sergi Corominas ( 1 ) Sergio Alamazán ( 1 ) Sergio Benvindo ( 1 ) Sérgio Malheiros ( 1 ) Sergio Momo ( 6 ) Sergio Peris-Mencheta ( 2 ) Sergio Solís ( 1 ) Sert Fetti ( 1 ) Seth Allyn Austin ( 1 ) Seth Borden ( 1 ) Seth Coltan ( 1 ) Seth McSwain ( 1 ) Seth Numrich ( 1 ) Seth Rogen ( 2 ) Seumas F. Sargent ( 1 ) Seya Andy Hug ( 1 ) Shadi Sankary ( 1 ) Shakir Rodrigues ( 1 ) Shalim Ortiz ( 4 ) Shalva Kinjawadekar ( 1 ) Shane Casey ( 1 ) Shane Harper ( 8 ) Shane Johnson ( 5 ) Shane Keough ( 1 ) Shane Murray Corcoran ( 1 ) Shane Nagle ( 1 ) Shane West ( 2 ) Shane Young ( 1 ) Shang-Ho Huang ( 1 ) Shaquille Ali-Yebuah ( 1 ) Sharay Hayes ( 1 ) Sharron Townsend ( 7 ) Shaughnessy Redden ( 1 ) Shaun Benson ( 2 ) Shaun Brown ( 1 ) Shaun Chad Smit ( 1 ) Shaun Evans ( 1 ) Shaun Mazzocca ( 1 ) Shaun Sipos ( 3 ) Shawn Alexander ( 2 ) Shawn Ashmore ( 7 ) Shawn Christian ( 1 ) Shawn Hatosy ( 11 ) Shawn Mattox ( 1 ) Shawn Mendes ( 1 ) Shawn Roberts ( 3 ) Shayne Topp ( 1 ) Shea Buckner ( 1 ) Shea Lokahi Timothy Fabiana ( 2 ) Shedrack Anderson III ( 1 ) Sheldon Best ( 5 ) Sheldon D. Brown ( 1 ) Shia LaBeouf ( 5 ) Shico Menegat ( 1 ) Shiloh Fernandez ( 2 ) Shira Jirakunchan ( 1 ) Shlomi Bertonov ( 1 ) Short Film ( 4 ) Show Kasamatsu ( 4 ) Siddhartha Rajan ( 1 ) Sigurður Þór Óskarsson ( 1 ) Simon Alopé ( 1 ) Simon Burzynski ( 1 ) Simon C. Hussey ( 1 ) Simon Croker ( 1 ) Simón Duarte ( 1 ) Simon Escoffier ( 1 ) Simon Frühwirth ( 1 ) Simon Ginty ( 1 ) Simon Gordon ( 1 ) Simon Harkness ( 1 ) Simon Kling ( 1 ) Simon Mead ( 2 ) Simon Quarterman ( 2 ) Simon Rex ( 2 ) Simon Royer ( 1 ) Simon Van Buyten ( 1 ) Simone Montedoro ( 1 ) Simu Liu ( 2 ) Sinan Hancili ( 1 ) Sinqua Walls ( 5 ) Skeet Ulrich ( 1 ) Skyh Black ( 2 ) Skylar Astin ( 9 ) Skyler Gisondo ( 5 ) Skyler Maxon ( 5 ) Skyler Seymour ( 1 ) Soji Arai ( 1 ) Solo Touré ( 1 ) Sonny Poon Tip ( 1 ) Sopé Dirísù ( 1 ) Spence Moore II ( 3 ) Spencer Boldman ( 4 ) Spencer Borgeson ( 1 ) Spencer Collins ( 1 ) Spencer Daniels ( 2 ) Spencer House ( 7 ) Spencer Korcz ( 1 ) Spencer List ( 3 ) Spencer Lofranco ( 1 ) Spencer Lord ( 1 ) Spencer Macpherson ( 1 ) Spencer Neville ( 11 ) Spencer Treat Clark ( 13 ) Spike Leighton ( 1 ) Ssang-hwa-jeom ( 1 ) Stanton Plummer-Cambridge ( 1 ) Staz Nair ( 2 ) Stefan Vermaak ( 1 ) Stefano Gianino ( 1 ) Stefano Reali ( 1 ) Stellan Skarsgård ( 1 ) Stephan Gill ( 1 ) Stéphane Rideau ( 2 ) Stephen Amell ( 8 ) Stephen Bishop ( 5 ) Stephen Bogaert ( 1 ) Stephen Colletti ( 2 ) Stephen Conte ( 1 ) Stephen Dorff ( 2 ) Stephen Friedrich ( 3 ) Stephen Grush ( 1 ) Stephen Guarino ( 2 ) Stephen Hoo ( 1 ) Stephen Huszar ( 4 ) Stephen James Anthony ( 1 ) Stephen Joffe ( 1 ) Stephen Kalyn ( 1 ) Stephen Matzke ( 1 ) Stephen Merchant ( 1 ) Stephen Moyer ( 1 ) Stephen Murphy ( 2 ) Stephen Oyoung ( 1 ) Stephen Schneider ( 2 ) Stephen Tracey ( 3 ) Stephen Twardokus ( 2 ) Stephen Tyrone Williams ( 1 ) Stephen Walker ( 1 ) Stephen Weigand ( 1 ) Sterling Jones ( 1 ) Sterling K. Brown ( 3 ) Sterling Sulieman ( 2 ) Steve Beacock ( 1 ) Steve Burton ( 7 ) Steve Byers ( 4 ) Steve Callahan ( 1 ) Steve Casillas ( 1 ) Steve Harris ( 1 ) Steve Howey ( 14 ) Steve Jones ( 1 ) Steve Lund ( 9 ) Steve Masters ( 3 ) Steve Salt ( 1 ) Steve Sandvoss ( 3 ) Steve Snyder ( 1 ) Steve Terada ( 1 ) Steve Vanderzee ( 1 ) Steve West ( 1 ) Steve Zahn ( 6 ) Stevel Marc ( 2 ) Steven Brandon ( 1 ) Steven Christopher ( 1 ) Steven Cree ( 2 ) Steven Daigle ( 1 ) Steven Eleazer ( 1 ) Steven Fuhrer ( 1 ) Steven Goldsmith ( 1 ) Steven Good ( 2 ) Steven Krueger ( 2 ) Steven Legate ( 1 ) Steven Ogg ( 2 ) Steven R. McQueen ( 5 ) Steven Robertson ( 1 ) Steven Silver ( 2 ) Steven Strait ( 5 ) Steven Turpin ( 1 ) Steven Weber ( 1 ) Steven Yeun ( 2 ) Stewart Carrico ( 1 ) Stuart Bunce ( 1 ) Stuart Campbell ( 2 ) Stuart Tomlinson ( 1 ) Sukollawat Kanarot ( 1 ) Sullivan Jones ( 3 ) Sullivan Stapleton ( 1 ) Sunny Dhillon ( 2 ) Suraj Sharma ( 4 ) Sydney Mae Diaz ( 1 ) Sylvester Byder ( 1 ) Sylvester Powell ( 2 ) T. Oliver Reid ( 1 ) T. Thomason ( 1 ) T.J. Hoban ( 2 ) T.J. Linnard ( 8 ) T.R. Knight ( 3 ) Tad Coughenour ( 1 ) Tad Hilgenbrinck ( 2 ) Tae Song ( 1 ) Tae-hee Won ( 1 ) Tahj Mowry ( 2 ) Taj Cross ( 1 ) Taj-Naranja Jenkines ( 1 ) Tajh Bellow ( 4 ) Takaki Uda ( 1 ) Takaya Honda ( 1 ) Tamar Novas ( 1 ) Tamer Abedrabbo ( 1 ) Tamir Ginsburg ( 2 ) Tanachai Kungcharonetanachot ( 1 ) Tanc Sade ( 3 ) Tanner Acord ( 1 ) Tanner Buchanan ( 3 ) Tanner Cohen ( 2 ) Tanner Kalina ( 1 ) Tanner Munson ( 1 ) Tanner Novlan ( 18 ) Tanner Rittenhouse ( 1 ) Tanner Zagarino ( 1 ) Taran Killam ( 1 ) Taron Egerton ( 6 ) Tate Donovan ( 1 ) Tate Ellington ( 5 ) Tavita Karika ( 3 ) Taye Diggs ( 1 ) Taylor Bloom ( 1 ) Taylor Byron Barr ( 1 ) Taylor Dean ( 1 ) Taylor Frey ( 2 ) Taylor Gray ( 2 ) Taylor Handley ( 3 ) Taylor Hart ( 1 ) Taylor John Smith ( 6 ) Taylor Kinney ( 13 ) Taylor Kitsch ( 4 ) Taylor Lautner ( 1 ) Taylor Napier ( 1 ) Taylor St. Pierre ( 1 ) Taylor Zakhar Perez ( 5 ) Te Kohe Tuhaka ( 1 ) Ted Kennedy ( 1 ) Ted Levine ( 1 ) Ted Maritz ( 1 ) Ted Sutherland ( 2 ) Teddy Bergman ( 1 ) Teddy Dunn ( 1 ) Teddy Moynihan ( 1 ) Teddy Sears ( 7 ) Telly Leung ( 2 ) Temple Baker ( 2 ) Teodor Vinčić ( 1 ) Teone Kahu ( 1 ) Tequan Richmond ( 2 ) Terayle Hill ( 3 ) Terence O'Brien ( 2 ) Terrance Murphy ( 1 ) Terrell Carter ( 1 ) Terrence Green ( 5 ) Terrence Howard ( 1 ) Terrence Jenkins ( 2 ) Terrence Terrell ( 1 ) Terry Chen ( 2 ) Terry Notary ( 1 ) Terry Simpson ( 1 ) Thabang Molaba ( 1 ) Thabo Malema ( 1 ) Thad Luckinbill ( 7 ) Thales Corrêa ( 1 ) Thanakorn Kuljarassombat ( 1 ) Thanapon Prasongsup ( 1 ) Thanasarn Mengbua ( 1 ) Thanatsaran Samthonglai ( 1 ) Thanwa Heffels ( 1 ) Tharapong Buasai ( 1 ) The Miz ( 3 ) Théo Augier ( 1 ) Theo Barklem-Biggs ( 4 ) Théo Christine ( 1 ) Théo Costa-Marini ( 1 ) Théo Frilet ( 1 ) Theo Graham ( 2 ) Theo James ( 18 ) Theo McDermott ( 1 ) Theo Montgomery ( 1 ) Theo Rossi ( 7 ) Theo Stockman ( 1 ) Théodore Pellerin ( 3 ) Thiago Cazado ( 3 ) Thibault Servière ( 1 ) Thibaut Destouches ( 1 ) Thira Chutikul ( 1 ) Thom Green ( 2 ) Thom Nyhuus ( 1 ) Thom Rivera ( 1 ) Thomas Antony Olajide ( 1 ) Thomás Aquino ( 2 ) Thomas Beaudoin ( 1 ) Thomas Blake Jr. ( 1 ) Thomas Brodie-Sangster ( 1 ) Thomas Camorani ( 1 ) Thomas Cauchon ( 1 ) Thomas Copeland Jr. ( 1 ) Thomas Doherty ( 15 ) Thomas Dominique ( 5 ) Thomas Duplessie ( 1 ) Thomas Elms ( 8 ) Thomas Gibson ( 1 ) Thomas Gipson ( 1 ) Thomas Gonzalez ( 1 ) Thomas Hatchman ( 1 ) Thomas Jane ( 4 ) Thomas Jay Ryan ( 1 ) Thomas Law ( 1 ) Thomas Lennon ( 1 ) Thomas M. Wright ( 1 ) Thomas Mackey ( 1 ) Thomas Mann ( 3 ) Thomas Middleditch ( 1 ) Thomas Newman ( 1 ) Thomas Niles ( 1 ) Thomas Philip O'Neill ( 1 ) Thomas Prenn ( 1 ) Thomas Price ( 1 ) Thomas Q. Jones ( 1 ) Thomas Sarbacher ( 1 ) Thomas Stroppel ( 1 ) Thomas Weatherall ( 1 ) Thomas Webb ( 1 ) Thomas Wilkinson Fullerton ( 1 ) Thomas Winchester ( 1 ) Thor Knai ( 1 ) Thunder Wongsathon Suknarumitr ( 1 ) Thure Lindhardt ( 2 ) Thure Riefenstein ( 1 ) Thyago Alves ( 1 ) Tian Richards ( 6 ) Tibo Drouet ( 1 ) Tilky Jones ( 2 ) Tilman Borck ( 1 ) Tim Bagley ( 1 ) Tim Draxl ( 2 ) Tim Drier ( 1 ) Tim Hooper ( 1 ) Tim Kalkhof ( 1 ) Tim Loden ( 1 ) Tim Minchin ( 1 ) Tim Ogletree ( 1 ) Tim Pocock ( 2 ) Tim Post ( 1 ) Tim Pritchett ( 1 ) Tim Robbins ( 1 ) Tim Rock ( 1 ) Tim Rogan ( 1 ) Tim Swain ( 1 ) Timmy H. Barron ( 1 ) Timmy Hung ( 1 ) Timmy Willy ( 1 ) Timo Descamps ( 2 ) Timon Sturbej ( 1 ) Timothée Chalamet ( 4 ) Timothy Granaderos ( 8 ) Timothy Hornor ( 1 ) Timothy Isaac Brundidge ( 1 ) Timothy Olyphant ( 1 ) Timothy Richardson ( 1 ) Ting Yu Sheng ( 1 ) Tip Scarry ( 1 ) Tobias Menzies ( 5 ) Tobias Segal ( 1 ) Tobie Donovan ( 1 ) Toby Levins ( 1 ) Toby Sandeman ( 7 ) Toby Stephens ( 1 ) Todd Almond ( 2 ) Todd Farmer ( 1 ) Todd Lasance ( 1 ) Todd Maurer ( 1 ) Todd Mitchell ( 1 ) Todd Robert Anderson ( 1 ) Todd Susman ( 1 ) Todd Verow ( 2 ) Todd Williams ( 1 ) Tokio Sasaki ( 1 ) Toliver Harris ( 1 ) Tom Ainsley ( 3 ) Tom Archdeacon ( 1 ) Tom Atkinson ( 2 ) Tom Austen ( 8 ) Tom Beedim ( 1 ) Tom Blyth ( 2 ) Tom Bott ( 1 ) Tom Brittney ( 6 ) Tom Burke ( 1 ) Tom Christian ( 1 ) Tom Cruise ( 2 ) Tom Cullen ( 1 ) Tom Daley ( 2 ) Tom Ellis ( 6 ) Tom Feeney ( 1 ) Tom Felton ( 1 ) Tom Glynn-Carney ( 1 ) Tom Goss ( 1 ) Tom Hiddleston ( 3 ) Tom Holland ( 7 ) Tom Hollander ( 1 ) Tom Hopper ( 4 ) Tom Lewis ( 1 ) Tom Lipinski ( 1 ) Tom Maden ( 3 ) Tom Mercier ( 2 ) Tom Mison ( 2 ) Tom Palmer ( 1 ) Tom Payne ( 2 ) Tom Pecinka ( 1 ) Tom Pelphrey ( 3 ) Tom Prior ( 1 ) Tom Rosenthal ( 1 ) Tom Sandoval ( 6 ) Tom Saporito ( 1 ) Tom Savini ( 1 ) Tom Schwartz ( 4 ) Tom Stevens ( 13 ) Tom Vaughan-Lawlor ( 1 ) Tom Welling ( 2 ) Tom Weston-Jones ( 1 ) Tom Williamson ( 2 ) Tom Wisdom ( 3 ) Tom Wlaschiha ( 1 ) Tomás Agüero ( 1 ) Tomás Aguilera ( 3 ) Tomas Arana ( 1 ) Tomás Matos ( 1 ) Tomasz Schuchardt ( 2 ) Tomasz Wlosok ( 1 ) Tomasz Zietek ( 1 ) Tomer Capone ( 4 ) Tommy Bastow ( 1 ) Tommy Dewey ( 15 ) Tommy Do ( 1 ) Tommy Dorfman ( 1 ) Tommy Heleringer ( 1 ) Tommy Knight ( 2 ) Tommy Martinez ( 22 ) Tommy McDonnell ( 1 ) Tommy Wättring ( 1 ) Tonatiuh ( 1 ) Tone Bell ( 3 ) Tongayi Chirisa ( 2 ) Toni Cantó ( 1 ) Toni Kadrija ( 1 ) Toni Vallès ( 1 ) Tony Cavalero ( 2 ) Tony Giroux ( 1 ) Tony Goldwyn ( 1 ) Tony Labrusca ( 1 ) Tony Nappo ( 1 ) Topher Grace ( 7 ) Torrance Coombs ( 2 ) Torrey Laamar ( 1 ) Tosh Newman ( 1 ) Tosin Morohunfola ( 3 ) Trae Robin ( 1 ) Trai Byers ( 4 ) Tran Ngoc Vang ( 1 ) Travis Burns ( 2 ) Travis Cure ( 8 ) Travis Knight ( 1 ) Travis Maider ( 1 ) Travis Ocasio ( 1 ) Travis Quentin Young ( 2 ) Travis Schuldt ( 1 ) Travis Tope ( 1 ) Travis Van Winkle ( 13 ) Tremaine Neverson ( 2 ) Trent Ford ( 1 ) Trent Garrett ( 5 ) Trevante Rhodes ( 2 ) Trevor Donovan ( 5 ) Trevor Eason ( 2 ) Trevor Einhorn ( 1 ) Trevor Hayes ( 1 ) Trevor Holmes ( 3 ) Trevor Jackson ( 8 ) Trevor Kaneswaran ( 2 ) Trevor Knight ( 1 ) Trevor Peterson ( 1 ) Trevor Stines ( 1 ) Trevor Wright ( 2 ) Trey Eason ( 2 ) Trey McCurley ( 2 ) Trey Mendlik ( 1 ) Trey Quick ( 1 ) Trey Tucker ( 4 ) Trinh Xuan Nhan ( 1 ) Trinity Whiteside ( 5 ) Tristan Barr ( 1 ) Tristan Lake Leabu ( 3 ) Tristan Schotte ( 1 ) Troy Ford ( 1 ) Troy Garity ( 1 ) Troy Iwata ( 1 ) Troye Sivan ( 5 ) Tuangphop Tunjarern ( 1 ) Tuc Watkins ( 7 ) Tuca Andrada ( 1 ) Tunji Kasim ( 5 ) Turlough Convery ( 1 ) Tweed Michael Manning ( 1 ) Txomin Vergez ( 1 ) Ty Burrell ( 3 ) Ty Chen ( 1 ) Ty Forhan ( 1 ) Ty Simpkins ( 2 ) Ty Wood ( 7 ) Tye Olson ( 1 ) Tye Sheridan ( 3 ) Tyler Alvarez ( 2 ) Tyler Barnhardt ( 2 ) Tyler Blackburn ( 11 ) Tyler Booth ( 1 ) Tyler Brockington ( 1 ) Tyler Buckingham ( 1 ) Tyler Chase ( 1 ) Tyler Christopher ( 8 ) Tyler Cotton ( 1 ) Tyler DiChiara ( 1 ) Tyler Farrell ( 1 ) Tyler French ( 1 ) Tyler Harlow ( 1 ) Tyler Hoechlin ( 11 ) Tyler Hynes ( 2 ) Tyler Jacob Moore ( 1 ) Tyler James White ( 1 ) Tyler Johnson ( 11 ) Tyler Labine ( 2 ) Tyler Lain ( 1 ) Tyler Lawrence Gray ( 6 ) Tyler Lepley ( 4 ) Tyler Perez ( 1 ) Tyler Phillips ( 1 ) Tyler Poelle ( 1 ) Tyler Posey ( 13 ) Tyler Richmeier ( 1 ) Tyler Ross ( 1 ) Tyler Young ( 4 ) Tyriq Withers ( 1 ) Tyrone Marshall Brown ( 2 ) Tyson Beckford ( 2 ) Tyson Kidd ( 1 ) Tyson Ritter ( 1 ) Udi Persi ( 1 ) Udo Lutz ( 1 ) Uğur Canpolat ( 1 ) Uki Pavlovic ( 1 ) Uly Schlesinger ( 4 ) Umin Boya ( 1 ) Uriah Jablonowsky ( 1 ) Urs Stämpfli ( 1 ) Val Lauren ( 1 ) Valentin Ducommun ( 1 ) Valentin Gruber ( 1 ) Valentin Malguy ( 1 ) Valentin Merz ( 1 ) Valentin Plessy ( 1 ) Valtteri Lehtinen ( 1 ) Van Brown ( 1 ) Van Emmich ( 1 ) Van Hansis ( 1 ) Vasilis Magouliotis ( 1 ) Vassilis Doganis ( 1 ) Vaugahn Blakley ( 1 ) Vaughn Hebron ( 5 ) Victor Carril ( 1 ) Victor Chambon ( 1 ) Victor Hugo ( 1 ) Victor Köhler ( 1 ) Victor Maia ( 1 ) Victor Muñoz ( 1 ) Victor Quinaz ( 1 ) Victor Ramos ( 1 ) Victor Rasuk ( 2 ) Víctor Sánchez Cruz ( 1 ) Victor Zinck Jr. ( 1 ) Viet Dang ( 1 ) Vikrant Massey ( 1 ) Viktor Flarkell ( 1 ) Vince Hill-Bedford ( 1 ) Vince Rillon ( 1 ) Vince Rodriguez ( 1 ) Vince Vaughn ( 2 ) Vincent Andriano ( 1 ) Vincent Cusimano ( 1 ) Vincent Kartheiser ( 1 ) Vincent Lacoste ( 1 ) Vincent Piazza ( 1 ) Vincent Rodriguez III ( 8 ) Vincenzo Antonucci ( 1 ) Vinh Khoa Ho ( 1 ) Vinicio Marchioni ( 1 ) Vinicius Machado ( 1 ) Vinny Markus ( 1 ) Vittorio Magazzù Tamburello ( 1 ) Viveik Kalra ( 1 ) Vladimir Tintor ( 1 ) Wachirawit Ruangwiwat ( 1 ) Wade Allain-Marcus ( 1 ) Wade Briggs ( 2 ) Wagner Moura ( 1 ) Wai Eddy Goh ( 1 ) Walker Barnes ( 1 ) Walter Borden ( 1 ) Walter Delmar ( 2 ) Walter Fauntleroy ( 1 ) Warren Christie ( 7 ) Warren Egypt Franklin ( 1 ) Warren Kole ( 2 ) Waseem Abbas ( 1 ) Wayne Bumb ( 1 ) Wayne Mackins ( 1 ) Wayne Pyle ( 1 ) Wayne Virgo ( 4 ) Wayon Campbell ( 1 ) Wei Kai Huang ( 1 ) Wern Lee ( 1 ) Wes Aderhold ( 1 ) Wes Bentley ( 7 ) Wes Chatham ( 3 ) Wes Ramsey ( 7 ) Wes Taylor ( 1 ) Wesam Keesh ( 2 ) Wesley Armstrong ( 1 ) Wesley Truman Daniel ( 1 ) Weston Richey ( 2 ) Wez Jackson ( 1 ) Wheeler Williams ( 1 ) Whitmer Thomas ( 2 ) Wil Traval ( 3 ) Wilder Bunke ( 2 ) Wilker Rodrigues ( 1 ) Will Branske ( 1 ) Will Brittain ( 1 ) Will Chase ( 4 ) Will Estes ( 3 ) Will Forte ( 1 ) Will Hawkins ( 1 ) Will Hearle ( 1 ) Will Hochman ( 1 ) Will Kemp ( 3 ) Will Lancaster ( 1 ) Will Mellor ( 1 ) Will Merrick ( 1 ) Will Peltz ( 8 ) Will Poulter ( 2 ) Will Price ( 1 ) Will Ropp ( 4 ) Will Rothhaar ( 1 ) Will Sharpe ( 3 ) Will Sippel ( 1 ) Will Stevens ( 1 ) Will Tudor ( 2 ) Will Westwater ( 1 ) Will Wikle ( 1 ) Will Yun Lee ( 1 ) Willam Belli ( 2 ) William Brown ( 1 ) William DeMerritt ( 5 ) William deVry ( 6 ) William Diamond ( 1 ) William Gao ( 1 ) William H. Macy ( 3 ) William Houston ( 1 ) William Jackson Harper ( 3 ) William Lee Scott ( 1 ) William Levy ( 6 ) William Lipton ( 2 ) William Lo ( 2 ) William Martinez ( 1 ) William Moseley ( 11 ) William Popp ( 1 ) William Shepard ( 1 ) William Sterling ( 2 ) William-Patrik Molvén ( 1 ) Wilmer Valderrama ( 2 ) Wilson Bethel ( 6 ) Wilson Cruz ( 4 ) Windham Beacham ( 1 ) Wojciech Lozowski ( 1 ) Wojciech Zietek ( 1 ) Wolé Parks ( 1 ) Wolfgang Novogratz ( 1 ) Wonmok Kim ( 1 ) Wood Harris ( 1 ) Woody Jeffreys ( 2 ) Woody McClain ( 4 ) Wu Chien-Ho ( 1 ) Wyatt Nash ( 1 ) Wyatt Oleff ( 2 ) Wyatt Russell ( 4 ) Xavier Avila ( 1 ) Xavier Clyde ( 3 ) Xavier Dolan ( 2 ) Xavier Lin ( 1 ) Xavier Samuel ( 5 ) Xelo Cagiao ( 1 ) Y'lan Noel ( 5 ) Yahya Abdul-Mateen II ( 5 ) Yamen Sanders ( 2 ) Yan-Hsi Hou ( 1 ) Yancey Arias ( 1 ) Yani Gellman ( 3 ) Yann Bean ( 1 ) Yann de Monterno ( 2 ) Yannick Morzelle ( 1 ) Yannick Renier ( 2 ) Yariv Mozer ( 1 ) Yaron Biton ( 1 ) Yasen Atour ( 1 ) Yassine Fadel ( 1 ) Yavor Baharov ( 1 ) Yazeed Daher ( 2 ) Ye Liu ( 1 ) Yehuda Nahari ( 1 ) Yi-Kyeong Lee ( 1 ) Yi-tai Chiu ( 1 ) Yiftach Klein ( 1 ) Yiftach Mizrahi ( 1 ) Yoav Reuveni ( 1 ) Yorgos Pirpassopoulos ( 1 ) Yosef Podolski ( 1 ) Yoshikazu Kotani ( 1 ) Yôsuke Kubozuka ( 1 ) Young Woo Chu ( 1 ) Young-hoon Lee ( 1 ) Yu Bo ( 1 ) Yu Hong Lau ( 1 ) Yufan Bai ( 1 ) Yulai Lu ( 1 ) Yury Paulau ( 1 ) Yuuki Kawakubo ( 1 ) Yuval Boim ( 1 ) Yuval Raz ( 1 ) Yves Bright ( 1 ) Zac Efron ( 21 ) Zac Mirabelli ( 2 ) Zac Nelson ( 1 ) Zach Braff ( 3 ) Zach Cramblit ( 1 ) Zach Creggar ( 1 ) Zach Cuddeback ( 1 ) Zach Gilford ( 5 ) Zach Gillette ( 1 ) Zach McGowan ( 2 ) Zach Roerig ( 3 ) Zach Smadu ( 3 ) Zach Tinker ( 3 ) Zach Villa ( 2 ) Zach Weintraub ( 1 ) Zach Woods ( 1 ) Zach Zagoria ( 2 ) Zachariah West ( 1 ) Zachary Abel ( 1 ) Zachary Aiden ( 1 ) Zachary Beck ( 1 ) Zachary Booth ( 2 ) Zachary Gordon ( 2 ) Zachary Knighton ( 2 ) Zachary Quinto ( 5 ) Zachary Roozen ( 2 ) Zachary Thaler ( 1 ) Zack Morris ( 1 ) Zack Nelson ( 4 ) Zack Peladeau ( 1 ) Zack Ryan ( 1 ) Zack Schor ( 1 ) Zack Ward ( 1 ) Zackary Momoh ( 2 ) Zahn McClarnon ( 1 ) Zak Enayat ( 1 ) Zak Ford-Williams ( 1 ) Zak Kilberg ( 1 ) Zak Steiner ( 2 ) Zander Hodgson ( 2 ) Zane Clifford ( 1 ) Zane Holtz ( 11 ) Zane Pais ( 1 ) Zane Phillips ( 10 ) Zavien Garrett ( 1 ) Zayne Emory ( 3 ) Zeferino Guerrero ( 1 ) Ziggy Heath ( 2 ) Zion Forrest Lee ( 1 ) Ziqiang Li ( 1 ) Zohar Strauss ( 1 ) Zoy Frangos ( 1 )

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