25 Days of Gays: Tattoo (2013)

25 Days of Gays comes to an end with the award-winning Brazilian film Tattoo. It centers on a young soldier, Fininho (played by Jesuíta Barbosa), and the older Clécio (played by Irandhir Santos), the leader of a politically-charged cabaret group and the romance that blossoms between them, told upon the backdrop of a military coup in '70s Brazil. The film features ample nudity from the two stars. Ariclenes Barroso also gets rear and frontal nude scenes in the shower for his role as Fininho's military rival who harbors some sexual tension with him. Rodrigo Garcia also gets naked along with the other cabaret performers. Jesuíta Barbosa is no stranger to 25 Days of Gays, as he was previously featured for his nudity in the film Futuro Beach.

Irandhir Santos

Jesuíta Barbosa

Ariclenes Barroso

Rodrigo García

Cabaret Performers


  1. love your posts but today when we click on the small images to make them open bigger in another window, they stay tiny in the other window and we only get to see some anime cartoons in big instead. thanks

  2. That's odd. I'm not able to replicate the problem. Can you reload the page and try again? Let me know what happens.


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