Chris Peters & Walt Klink in Krazy House (2024)
The horror comedy Krazy House follows a 1990s sitcom family, that finds their lives in danger when a trio of Russian handymen turns out to be a trio of wanted criminals. Patriarch Bernie must battle the villainous forces keeping his family hostage, while trying to keep the sanity he's been slowly losing in his sitcom world. Chris Peters showed rear nudity for his role as Dmitri, one of the criminals who strikes up a romance with Bernie's daughter Sarah, causing her to change her wholesome persona. Bernie walks into her bedroom to find the two having sex. Chris' butt was on display during the scene. The film also features partial rear nudity from Walt Klink in his role as Bernie's son Adam, an aspiring scientist who is also drastically changed by the criminals when the young Igor (played by Matti Stooker) takes an interest in him, getting him hooked on drugs.
Chris Peters
Walt Klink with Matti Stooker
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