Alex MacNicoll on Bad Monkey (2024)

The Apple TV+ crime comedy Bad Monkey tells the story of former detective Andrew Yancy who is drawn into the world of greed and corruption in Southern Florida after a severed arm is found by a tourist. The character of Bonnie finds herself under investigation on the series after escaping her abusive marriage. Episode 6 saw Bonnie beginning to reciprocate the feelings of younger man Cody (played by Alex MacNicoll). The two took refuge in a seaside cabin. Cody ditched his shirt to go swimming, which caught Bonnie's eye. She later planted a kiss on him after removing her towel, only for them to be interrupted. Near the end of the episode, Cody made a move of his own, walking into the bedroom naked, surprising her. She surprisingly left him behind, claiming to be getting some wine only to eventually take off without him. 


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