25 Days of Gays: Shed My Skin (2015)

The German drama Shed My Skin follows Milan (played by Merlin Rose), a teen who experiences a sexual awakening, realizing his homosexuality. This leads him to feelings of liberation, given his history of rebellion and depression. But when he opens up to his best friend Christoph (played by Leonard Proxauf), and kisses him, leading to rejection, he is quickly on a new path of self-destruction, terrifying his parents. Merlin appeared shirtless in the film. Johan von Bülow showed partial rear nudity for his role as Milan's father Gustav, who looks to get his strained marriage back on track. Manuel Rubey also showed partial rear nudity in his role as Harro, an older man that Milan pours his affection into after losing his virginity. Milan's infatuation is fractured when he sees Harro kissing another guy. 

Merlin Rose

Manuel Rubey & Merlin Rose

Johan von Bülow

Merlin Rose & Leonard Proxauf


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