25 Days of Gays: Crossway (2008)

The French drama Crossway follows Jonathan (played by Fabien De Marchi), a teen looking for any escape from his turbulent home life with his father and pregnant stepmother. He spends his free time with his best friend Steve (played by Alexandre Palmieri), to the annoyance of Steve's mother, who fears her son may be romantically interested in the trouble-making Jonathan. The two go looking for trouble in the form of drugs, leading them to a dealer named Antoine (played by Johan Libéreau). When he offers them sex with his female cohort to sweeten their drug deal, they agree. But the encounter is broken up by a violent altercation. Steve flees but Jonathan ends up abducted and bound by Antoine, who tells him that he needs him to secure his next drug dangerous drug deal. It's not long before Jonathan finds himself bonding with Antoine, without the need for restraints as he finds captivity with him more acceptable than his home life, especially when Antoine makes a vow to protect him. Fabien & Alexandre both showed rear nudity in the film, with Alexandre also showing a brief erect frontal for their attempted threesome scene. Johan appears shirtless as Antoine features in a sex dream that Jonathan has, also including Steve. Johan strips down to his underwear alongside Fabien in a later sequence as well. Writer/director Cyril Legann also directed the previous 25 Days of Gays entry The Auteuil Banquet.

Fabien De Marchi

Johan Libéreau

Alexandre Palmieri

Johan Libéreau & Fabien De Marchi

Alexandre Palmieri & Fabien De Marchi

Alexandre Palmieri, Fabien De Marchi & Johan Libéreau


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