George Mason & Thomas Weatherall on Exposure (2024)
The Australian drama Exposure follows Jacs, a young photographer who returns to her hometown after the death of her best friend. It's not long before she finds herself on a journey to find the truth behind the tragedy. Episode 3 of the series got recurring actor George Mason out of his shirt in multiple scenes. Jacs encounters his character Mick while she's taking photos near the beach. He's shirtless for their chat and later, after a wedding snafu, the she gives him a ride home, leading to her watching as he takes a jump into the ocean outside his home. He's shirtless for the lengthy sequence that follows, as Jacs confronts him about his history with her friend. Cast member Thomas Weatherall was also shirtless during the episode as his character Angus coaxed Jacs into joining him in the pool.
George Mason
Thomas Weatherall
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