Horror Hunks: Myko Olivier & Dave Snyder in Spoonful of Sugar (2022)
The psychological horror film Spoonful of Sugar follows Millicent, who takes a year off from her studies into children with severe allergies to take a golden opportunity to become a nanny to young Johnny, a sickly boy who suffers from a host of allergies. She comes to know his career-minded author mother and his unhappy father Jacob (played by Myko Olivier). It's not long before she begins experiencing strange occurrences inside the residence, while Jacob appears to take more of an obsessive interest in her. Myko showed rear nudity, in addition to multiple shirtless scenes. Dave Snyder also showed rear nudity for his role as a stranger whom Millicent encounters on the bus, leading her to hallucinate that he's a naked demon.
Myko Olivier
Dave Snyder
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