25 Days of Gays: Who Are We? (2022)
Who Are We? is a drama from Austria that follows the aftermath of a threesome that forever alters the state of two relationships. David (played by Felix Maria Berger) and Felix (played by Patrick Isopp) are a seemingly happy couple who decide to invite a third into the bedroom. Despite David's reluctance, Felix initiates the event after matching with Lukas (played by Victor Ramos) online. Their threesome quickly excludes David, causing a rift within the couple. Meanwhile, Lukas' own relationship with his boyfriend Raphael (played by Alexander Diwiak) is at a breaking point thanks to Lukas' unemployment. As Lukas & Felix continue to grow closer, leading to professional opportunities, their relationships crumble. Unbeknownst to one another, David & Raphael have also been working together and find a new kinship with each other. All four actors appeared shirtless, with some rear nudity from Patrick and partial nudity from Victor.
Victor Ramos
Patrick Isopp
Victor Ramos & Patrick Isopp
Felix Maria Berger & Patrick Isopp
Patrick Isopp, Victor Ramos & Felix Maria Berger
Alexander Diwiak & Felix Maria Berger
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