25 Days of Gays: Marry My Dead Body (2023)
Marry My Dead Body is a crime comedy from Taiwan that centers on Wu Ming-Han (played by Greg Han Hsu), a disgraced police officer who comes across a red wedding envelope that leads to him being entered into a ghost marriage with Mao-Mao (played by Po-Hung Lin), a recently-deceased young man who gets Wu to help fulfill his dying wishes in hopes that it will release him for reincarnation. This soon puts them on the path to cracking the case behind his death. Greg showed rear nudity for a sequence where Mao-Mao punishes Wu for his initial homophobia, possessing his body and streaking through the streets. There was also rear nudity from Dean Tang, who played the gay son of a politician whom Wu goes undercover to catch at the gym early in the film. Aaron Yan appeared shirtless in photos for his role as Mao-Mao's boyfriend. He is shown to have moved on from their relationship and kissing a new partner (played by Chris Chih-Cheng Lee).
Greg Han Hsu
Dean Tang
Po-Hung Lin & Greg Han Hsu
Po-Hung Lin & Aaron Yan
Aaron Yan & Chris Chih-Cheng Lee
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