Ryan Jinn on Reginald the Vampire (2022)

After the previous episode of Reginald the Vampire ended with Reginald's maker Maurice (played by Mandela Van Peebles) in a position to be burned to death by his own maker Angela, Maurice was rescued by Reginald in Episode 3. Maurice was surprised again moments later when his lover Mike (played by Ryan Jinn) was revealed to still be alive, despite Angela's implication that she had ripped his heart out in the previous episode. The couple later got a bedroom scene, with a shirtless Mike expressing his shock that Reginald was able to save Maurice. Another reveal later in the episode showed that Mike has been working as Angela's spy to keep an eye on Maurice. Mike bargained his way out of that deal, and kept Maurice out of Angela's line of fire, by revealing to her that Reginald has the seemingly impossible ability to glamour other vampires which he had used to save Maurice. 

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