Justice Smith, Uly Schlesinger, Hunter Knoche, Diego Josef, Sydney Mae Diaz, Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, Isai Torres & Connor Chavez on Genera+ion (2021)

Catching up with the HBO Max series Genera+ion, Episodes 4 through 8 all featured a varying amount of male skin. Episode 4 got leading man Justice Smith shirtless again, along with some shared photos of a topless Connor Chavez. Justice was back out of his shirt in Episode 5, where his character Chester got some topless photos sent to his phone from Isai Torres & Nathan Stewart-Jarrett. Nathan's torso photo was shown again in Episode 6. Episode 7 found the teen characters stranded in a motel, leading to shirtless scenes for Justice, guest star Diego Josef, and recurring actor Sydney Mae Diaz. Justice's co-star Uly Schlesinger also stripped down in that episode for an interrupted shower. Justice & Uly's characters also shared a kiss in that episode. The Episode 8 mid-season finale found Chester being supported by his classmates at school after suffering heartbreak. He returned from suspension, dressed very conservatively, leading one of his water polo teammates (played by Hunter Knoche) to declare it International Chester Day, encouraging his peers to take off their tops to celebrate Chester. He was joined by several shirtless extras, before Chester joined in, leading to more shirtless Justice. 

Episode 1x4 - Justice Smith with Uly Schlesinger

Episode 1x4 - Connor Chavez

Episode 1x5 - Justice Smith

Episode 1x5 - Isai Torres

Episode 1x5 - Nathan Stewart-Jarrett

Episode 1x6 - Nathan Stewart-Jarrett

Episode 1x7 - Diego Josef

Episode 1x7 - Justice Smith

Episode 1x7 - Uly Schlesinger

Episode 1x7 - Justice Smith & Uly Schlesinger

Episode 1x8 - Sydney Mae Diaz

Episode 1x8 - Justice Smith

Episode 1x8 - Hunter Knoche

Episode 1x8 - Shirtless Students

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