25 Days of Gays: The First Day of Winter (2008)
The Italian film The First Day of Winter centers on Valerio (played by Mattia De Gasperis), a quiet lonely teen on the swim team who has trouble interacting with his peers. Instead, he observes them in secret, seeing himself in comparison to them. When he discovers that one of the swim team bullies Daniele (played by Alberto Gerundo) is having a secret romance with teammate Matteo (played by Andrea Semeghini), Valerio is unable to keep his distance, growing more confident and controlling over the duo, ultimately leading to tragedy. All three actors are shirtless, along with Lorenzo Pedrotti, who plays Lorenzo, another member of the team, who attempts to befriend Valerio.
Mattia De Gasperis
Andrea Semeghini (left) and Alberto Gerundo (right)
Lorenzo Pedrotti
Mattia De Gasperis
Andrea Semeghini (left) and Alberto Gerundo (right)
Lorenzo Pedrotti
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