25 Days of Gays: The Tribe of Misfits (2013)

The Tribe of Misfits is a found-footage mystery centered around Casey (played by Scott Higgins), a teen who forms a family of friends, who become known as The Tribe. Casey appears to have telekinesis and his abilities, along with the odd behavior of his friends, leads to drama in the community and his mysterious disappearance. The film features a lot of skin, including rear and frontal nudity for Scott. There's some embarrassment frontal nudity from Wheeler Williams, who also shows some rear nudity. Their co-stars Josh Gilmore, Barret Lewis, Ryan Buchanan and Geoff Ingram all get shirtless scenes in their roles as members of Casey's tribe.

Scott Higgins

Josh Gilmore

Barret Lewis

Wheeler Williams

Ryan Buchanan

Geoff Ingram

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