25 Days of Gays: Unsolved Suburbia (2010)
Unsolved Suburbia is a crime drama that centers on Marty (played by Johnny Lockhart), a bi-sexual high school student who begins investigating the attempted murder of his classmate, Eddie (played by David Blanco), after his friend Thomas (played by Aleksandr Dissan) is named a suspect due to his secret relationship with Eddie. While trying to get to the truth, Marty also deals with the fallout of his girlfriend discovering he also has a boyfriend. The low budget film is full of nudity including several full frontal nude scenes from Johnny, Austin Moori, Jett Lowe, Christian Slate and Kevin Krivchuk. Stephen Christopher gets a rear nude scene. Kiyoshi Shishido, Brian Wagner, Anthony Lopez & Garret McCann all appear shirtless in the film as well.
Johnny Lockhart
Johnny Lockhart
Jett Lowe
Steven Christopher
Aleksandr Dissan
Kevin Krivchuk
Kiyoshi Shishido
Christian Slate
Austin Moori
Anthony Lopez & Garret McCann
David Blanco
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