Ryan-James Hatanaka & Casey Deidrick on Eye Candy (2015)

The MTV crime drama Eye Candy centers on Lindy, a young hacker who uses her skills to help the police attempt to track down a serial killer. The seventh episode features guest star Ryan-James Hatanaka as Nick, a young man who wakes up to find his girlfriend dead. Ryan-James is shirtless for the scene early in the episode. Lindy steps in to help with the case and discovers that Nick's cheating conquests have been filmed. Casey Deidrick stars on the series as Detective Tommy Calligan. Lindy & Tommy pretend to be young lovers in an effort to draw out the killer, raising the sexual tension between the two, and leading to a shirtless scene for Casey as well.

Ryan-James Hatanaka

Casey Deidrick


  1. The caps here have expired - bradypub

  2. They're back now. Thanks for the note, bradypub!


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