25 Days of Gays: Between Something and Nothing (2008)
Between Something and Nothing is a gay drama from writer/director Todd Verow. The film centers around art student, Joe (played by Tim Swain), who gets dragged into a seedy world of drugs and prostitution after getting involved with handsome hustler, Ramon (played by Gil Bar-Sela). In addition to rear nude scenes from both of those actors, the film also features Michael A. Guzman as a nude model in Joe's art class who shows both rear and frontal nudity. Jorge Suquet appears shirtless in his role as a hairdresser who has a tryst with Joe, leading to a dramatic haircut. Jonathan Lang appears alongside a nude uncredited extra in one scene as well.
Tim Swain
Gil Bar-Sela
Michael A Guzman
Jorge Suquet
Jonathan Lang and naked extra
Tim Swain
Gil Bar-Sela
Michael A Guzman
Jorge Suquet
Jonathan Lang and naked extra
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